Woooho! Great times in thin air! I swear I was winded just walking up and down stairs this weekend. A huge thank you for all the folks who came out. We had folks from all over the states including, Texas, California, Nevada, and N. Carolina. We even had an attendee from Calgary, Alberta, Ca. Good times, Ehh?! You folks had GREAT questions and it was super fun for me.
Thank you to Mike & Lisa Ray and the whole crew at CF Flagstaff. Y’all have a great facility and awesome community. If only there had been a little more air in the room when you put us through the 21,15, 9 DL/OHS WOD we did (after Olifting). That was a spicy little meat-ball!
Wow, that was an incredible 8 hours of learning! You and Nicki are an amazing informative team. I cant thank you enough for all the question answering and knowledge. This is something that every crossfitter should do, probably even before the level 1 cert. I wish i knew this information 2 years ago when i started. Simply incredible, thanks again to both You and Nicki.
Questions (sorry):
1) We didn’t get to go too much into the blood work possibilities for clients, maybe an article on that? Or a link?
2) you said frontal lower gut body fat is a result of cortisol, but the side “love handle fat” that nobody loves is? i think you said result or cause of dairy, and to cut it if having a problem losing it? Ive got 6 full pages of notes to reread, and then read some more.
Thanks so much robb and nicki!!!
p.s. i think im gonna make shirts that say “Robb Wolf Saved My Life”—let me know if you think they will sell.
1-working on a blood work FAQ link.
2-belly button is linked with cortisol, love handles insulin.
-Careful on the T-shirt…I think Greg Everett owns rights to that.
Thanks for the great seminar, I learned a lot. I think I copied down the amounts of the different stuff you recommended to beat the cortisal. I wrote down 30 grams of glutamine and large amounts of arginine. Did I write that correctly and what is a large amount equivalent in grams?
Thanks again, it was fun.
Yes on the glutamine for restoring gut health….I don’t remember talking aobut arginine!
Ya, Calgary’s great, eh? I mean, ‘dude’. So, like, dude, what is Falgstaff, dude?
Ha! Shitty spelling on my part!
Hey Robb, It’s the gal who froze her ass off at the San Fran cert. You met Kevin, my husband, up in Flagstaff this weekend (the one who eats ice cream every night and still manages to look pretty hot). Anyways, just wanted to let you know that the nutrition cert in San Fran was a huge part of my “aha” moment into my life with CrossFit. The moment that all components of CrossFit…the wod’s, the nutrition, the endurance, the community, MADE SENSE, AND NOTHING ELSE IN TERMS OF FITNESS MADE SENSE ANYMORE. I was such a CrossFit rookie at that CrossFit Nutrition cert. I had no idea who Freddy Camacho was and he was sitting like 5 people away from me. Hello…photo moment! Thank GOD I got an amazing photo with you. I at least had the good sense to realize Nikki was quite amazing for taking 11th at the CrossFit Games and that Kelly Starlet’s place is a diamond in the rough. Anyways, thanks so much for contributing to this path in my life. We are opening our box Tucson next month! Check out our site at http://www.crossfitnwt.com. We definitely will be linking our people to your site.
Your Hubby had a WAY easier time than you did! San Francisco was fracking COLD! Thanks for the kind words and I’m honored I could play a part in your CF journey. Good luck on the new box!
The Flagstaff nutrition cert. was awesome! The way you laid out the information will make for easier implementation. I still had a couple questions that I wasn’t able to get answered because of time constraints and I didn’t catch your email address. What is the best way to get those questions to you?
Just throw them on here OR ping the contacts page.
Hey Robb and Nikki, great meeting you, the cert was the best. I will recommend it to everybody. Hopefully Alisha and I can make it up to Chico soon. Thanks again.
Scott Pauly
Right on Scott! Come up and Visit anytime
I just finished reading The Paleo Diet, and now I’m very curious to find out why Dr. Loren Cordain suggests limiting egg intake to no more than six a week?
I’m a college student on a strict food budget and eggs provide me with what I thought was a great protein source. Meanwhile, I’m eating about six eggs a day and so I would like to know if this is actually detrimental to my health like Dr. Cordain suggests. Thank you.
Prof. Cordain is just offering the best interpretation he can of the reconstructed paleo diet…that said, eating eggs consistently will not be a problem with cholesterol levels. Get the Omega 3 enriched eggs…even better!
“God made machines to keep wankers off the barbells”
Just giving you a heads up that I’m stealing that quote! Great stuff!
We stole it from Greg Everett…so the theivery runs wild!!
just wanted to say that those little video snippets of your seminars on the crossfit site/journal kick ass. Wish I could attend a seminar. I certainly hope you’ll be posting somewhere around this site if you generously decide to visit the Toronto/Montreal area. Until then, keep the posts coming (of course, you may freeze your ass off on the way up here)
Oh Man! We will get up your way. I think we obligated ourselves to Kim in Edmonton first, then Calgary (trying to move in with OPT and his family…he has no idea of this plan…YET), and then you guys. I spent 2 weeks in Toronto a few years ago and that city just kicks ass! Such good vibe and fun to navigate around that scene.