Ok, with the Help of Craig “Wild Scottsman” Zielinski the FAQ is finally up! Actually, Craig did nelp help me so much as do the whole fracking thing, so big thanks to Craig. Chet, thanks for the ideas regarding the forum…I’ll keep that in mind but thank you for taking the time to email me about this.
We are working on a contact form that will scan the email content for FAQ content…this “should” help reduce the volume of email that folks can easily answer on their own. Legit, new materil to follow soon!
Wow, that FAQ is really good!
Thanks for the awesome FAQ! The link to the Crossfit Warehouse spreadsheet for zone calculation links to the wrong sheet, however. Should be: http://www.crossfitwarehouse.com/newsite/blog/tools/Zone%20Block%20Calculator.xls
Thanks again for a great resourse!
thank you! I think I fixed it.
I am new to the Paleo movement and attended the convention in Austin this month. I am setting up a Resource Room in an office building in Fort Worth and am meeting with some local people this weekend about the set up. I think you have helped one of the guys coming (Coach Jerry @County Line Fitness). I will have your books there for sale and would also like to buy a poster if you have one available. We will also be serving meals to our tenants once a week. It is a new concept but I think our tenants will like it – the room will actually be cave-like. We are also going to try and introduce exercising in some fashion. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Hey Linda-
We don’t really have a poster…let mee know how else I might help.
I have been on my Paleo meal plan for about two weeks now. I’m really noticing a lot of new definition in my abs and shoulders, but my strength has really seemed to decrease. I can’t bench as much weight AND my muscles fatigue much earlier in my sets. Any wisdom?
– Joseph
Hello Team Wolf! I feel about this page looking for the FAQ mentioned here http://robbwolf.com/2012/02/06/paleo-diet-am-i-losing-enough-weight/
But it seems the page with the FAQ is gone. The link to the FAQ on the top of this page is a broken link. Do you know where else I could find it?
Thank you!