What’s the saying among self help gurus? Tell people your plans so you are accountable and it makes things “real”. Well…I’m pushing like crazy to have a first draft of my book by Sept 23, 08. Nicki pinned my ears back and threatened my life if I don’t get it done…so here it is.
In the same vain i shall proclaim today is day 1 for me on the zone! Any chance you have the dust jacket synopsis written yet? Just looking for a little more info about the book you’re writing.
I’ll get an outline up soon
Wow, good for you Robb. I really enjoyed the nutrition cert in SF, I learned so much you are a wealth of knowledge. Can’t wait to read your book!!
Wow a book. I’ll look forward to this one.
I hope it is not like DeVany’s book…..which has been promised for years………..
Me too! Hence the deadline…
Makes it real hard to do that penny in the jar thing…when you are cut off. Its going to be a long cold, grey two months, but you will get used to it (just kidding). Can’t wait to see the book.
I call those (inspiration breaks).
Book? I must have missed the memo. I’m assuming it’s related to nutrition. 😉
Can’t wait to read it man.
Since I’ll be seeing you the following day, do I get the first shot at you if you fail?
You bet! My head will be spinning before I get to the biosignature thing…imagine what it will be at the end!
Woohoo!!! I’m going to be in line for this one! You print it, I’ll buy it!
I will hold you down for Nicki.
Congrats Robb!!
BTW wanted to say thanks again for the cert. I am actually teaching my lady friend how to zone/paleo (she isn’t a crossfitter yet) because she went on a diet challenge at work. Its funny because she is having all of the same issues that you mentioned people having when they first get on the zone. She is pretty good about staying strict though, so I am sure that once we get it all figured out she will be fine.
Thanks Nick! Once she hits a CF class it’ll all come together…the full cult fun will drag her in!
Now that you have committed to a date, you should read this:
Start at the section just below the first video, starting with “Well over 30 years ago …”
That is thick stuff! I’ll hack away at it as I can
Maybe you could bring it with you to Fairfax…hint…hint…I’m an excellent proofreader….
Well done Robb, putting it out there is a good way to keep the pressure on, I look forward to buying a copy as soon as it is out there.
On a side note, Leif and I have been eating paleo/zone since the cert and we feel great.
Right on Danielle! We will be in your neck-o-the-woods sometime soon. See you then hopefully!
Well mark me down for a copy!
Robb, this is awesome news! I had no idea you had a book planned. Can you give out any more info on what the content will be, like the Table of Contents?
Will do!
Hey Robb,
Congratulations on having the completion date of your book in your crosshairs. We are all very much looking forward to reading it. Let us know when we can purchase a copy.
All the best.
Where do we pay for advance copies?
Scratch that, I’ll just bring it by the house…
Exactly! When yu rolling into town?
Hey Robb, can we get some details on the book! I’m out of the loop!
How does someone as big as you get out of a loop? I’m not buying it!
If it helps, I’ll come up and kick your ass on the 24th if you don’t have it done.
‘Cause I care like that.
Feel the love?
Its about damn time! Make sure it gets an edition printed in one of those handy pocket sized paperbacks so we can always have your brains at the ready! Good luck man!
Ps, not giving you all the credit, but CF coupled with yours and other community members enthusiasm has finally pushed me to go back to school and get my degree in kinesiology. Thanks for all you do.
SAY IT AINT SO!!! We drove you to SCHOOL….I’m ashamed at what i’ve become…
Congrats amigo…there is a great program in Chico…decent gym too.
Thanks Nikki.
I am wondering if we can get Nikki on DeVany’s case to get him to finish his book.
The two books will serve as bookends in my new primal library.
Well…she IS very intimidating…we can give it a shot!
Can’t wait, what’s the exact topic? Will it cover nutrition only, or all aspects of health/fitness?
I look forward to buying a copy…whenever it is available.
By the way, about five weeks ago I upped my food intake on your advice. Went from 17 blocks to 21 and 5X. I have gained about 7 pounds so far. Some fat, but not too much. I have cut back on legumes and phasing them out. Diary will be harder though…not sure about that one for now. 🙂 I am waiting a little longer to test some lifting totals. Just thought I’d say thanks for your advise and willingness to be a resource…and give an status update.
That rocks! If the weight gain is a priority I’d keep the diary in. Peel it out when you want to lean out. Keep me posted and congrats on the progress!
There will be several of us at crossfitfortmyers waiting for that one! Robb, you helped me a few weeks ago with my question concerning hunger btw. my 4B meals- I have dialed it back to 4-3-7 per your advice and it’s working for me nicely. Been zoning for 30d. now, pretty dang strict, and am so pumped to learn today that I’ve dropped 10lbs since last weighing! (prior to zone, more than 30d ago) I am confident I am leaning up, thanks to the zone (& cf, of course!) but also getting off several Hammer fuels loaded with malto! WOW! My only disappointment has been scoring 251 on fight gone bad last saturday…(my first go at it) but have regrouped and shooting for 275 next time (9/27/08), rather than breaking 300 as I had hoped for…trying to keep my expectations realistic. Thanks for the helpful words- you’ve really made a difference for me. And, we would LOVE to have you come to FLORIDA! Crossfit Ft. Myers hears what you’re saying, bro!
That kicks ass sista! Both the weight loss and the FGB. 250 is NOTHING to sneaze at for the first time through. You will add 20pts to that next time based on pacing and familiarity alone.
Good luck, can’t wait to read it!
CAN’T WAIT! The depths of your knowledge should be written for the masses!
I’m not sure about that but thanks for the confidence!
Hi – I just posted a meme (just for fun) – pass it on or leave a comment on the post if you have ever got sick of how to answer the question “You’re on that funny diet, right?”
Have a good weekend!
Pay Now Live Later
I love it!
Good luck with the book Robb-I always think of the Douglas Adams quote ” I like deadlines, and the whoosing noise they make as they go past!” Look forward to reading it.
that made my day. I miss Doug Adams.
Congrats Rob,
When it gets published I will be your first international buyer. Good luck.
The Pie, Crossfit Vancouver.
Good job Robb! Can’t wait to read it. All the other ‘how to pick up chicks’ books haven’t worked so…fingers crossed. j/k
Seriously though, I’ve cleared an honored spot in my library already.
All the best,
Greg and I have the HTPUC (how to pick up chics) book in the works. We are focusing on a 3rd world edition. Western women are a little too sharp for me these days. My wife WILL kill me if she finds this…
Hi Robb,
REAL quick: can I fax you a client’s blood work and get your feedback on it? She is a vegetarian; but I am not sure how to read her numbers. They look pretty good…
ps. sorry for all the questions during the certification. I am so passionate about this stuff! I will hold back and be more courteous to others next time….
Totally, just black out all ID info if you would please. 530-898-1918