As a reader of The Paleo Solution, this blog, or as a listener to The Paleo Solution podcast, you’re obviously ahead of the curve when it comes to health and nutrition.
But proper nutrition becomes a whole new ball game when you’re “eating for two” or trying to get pregnant in the first place. And while a Paleo diet provides the foundation for a healthy fertility and pregnancy diet, there are some specifics you need to be aware of, such as
- The most important nutrients for fertility and pregnancy
- The nutrients that are hard to obtain, even on a Paleo diet, and where to find them in foods
- Which supplements you need – and which you should avoid
- How to make sense of all the conflicting advice out there
- How long to breastfeed your baby and when to introduce solid foods
- How to manage stress while trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy
Chris Kresser’s new Healthy Baby Code program solves these problems. You’ve heard Chris give his expertise on The Paleo Solution podcast, and now you can take advantage of his extensive knowledge about fertility, pregnancy, and baby health.
Chris Kresser’s Healthy Baby Code compiles the most important information available on fertility, gestation and breast feeding. He has studied the wisdom of our ancestral past, as well as the molecular underpinnings of effective nutrition and lifestyle to help you not only conceive, but set the stage for the healthiest baby possible.
Whether you’re thinking ahead to get your body ready for pregnancy (good for you!), trying to get pregnant, currently pregnant or breastfeeding – this program is for you.