Hey! We are featured in the current print edition of Fitness Rx for Men magazine. I was interviewed for an article on CrossFit. The proof I read was pretty good so we shall see how the real deal goes! I’ll pick up a copy on the way to the gym and see how it looks.
Anthony Springman says
I did not the see the fitness rx article, but you do have a quote in the new issue of Mens Health. Congrats, it is a good article.
Thanks Anthony! I was not sure if the Mens Health piece was out yet. I THINK we are featured as one of the “top 30 Gyms in America”. I’ll track that down also. Do you have a subscription to MH or did you pick it up at a news stand? The Fitness RX article is in the March issue I believe.
Anthony Springman says
I have a subscription. The article is entitled “Top 30 secrets of America’s best gyms” or close to that. Your tip is about improving dip performance. Matthew McConaughey on cover (March). I will go out and pick up the Fitness RX and check it out. Congrats on getting into a couple of mainstream mags.
Thanks Tony!
Sarena says
Congrats Robb! Now to get CF mentioned in one of the ladies magazines. Better than all that shit they publish now! Wow if I even read the stuff I would eat different and change my exercise every day of my life!
Kyle S. says
I over to my local book seller and checked out the article. Not bad, but not really to different from other articles on CF that are published in fitness magazines. Pretty much summed up the programs main points (With a lot of help from previously written works), but still managed to dumb it down a little. My favorite parts had to be the picture of the fellow doing OHS with bent elbows or the walking lunge with dumbbell bicep curls. I guess I hold CF in such high regard that a simple 3 page article will never explain how I feel about it or what it is. Oh yeah, way to go on becoming a fitness celebrity mr. Wolf. I look forward to seeing your own infomercial someday. KS.
Yea…If we could have pulled the lung/curl movement out of that line-up it would have improved the street cred a bit. Pretty good overall but I’m bummed the CrossFit Journal did not make it into the works cited section. Oh well.
Infomercials! Hmm…I think I need calf implants to do that!
Murph says
Nice job Robb!!!
Keep up the good work!
Gio says
Way to go Rob. Now, when should we expect a booth for you at the closest Barnes and Nobles/ Borders for the signing?
Nicki has a gun held to my head to finish my book (literally!) so hopefully for me I get that thing done soon!
Gio says
Well, that goes to show you the extent of her commitment to you. Love has no limits and she’s just trying to help motivating you with a little steel in your nutrition, and iron does help.
Richard DeFrese says
Just happened that my wife sent me to the hippie store to by some groceries… and i grabbed the rx mag as i had been looking to get in shape.. I’m 41.
Read it over a few times and contacted Crossfit Phoenix 😉 Thanks for the right words at the right time.
Richard DeFrese
Glad that article helped goose you along!! We just got back from the Prescott/Phoenix area…I absolutely love that part of the world!
T says
Who is the bodybuilder on the May 2010 cover of fitnessrx for men?
anybody know?