Download a transcript of this episode here
- [5:55] Dual Purpose Lifting Shoes
- [15:03] DNA Dictating Best Workouts
- [20:22] N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid vs. Thyroid Function
- [23:08] Gut Healing Protocol
- [29:08] Motion Sickness and Diet
- [34:03] Water Retention With Carbs vs. Inflammation
- [37:52] Celiac DNA Testing
- [43:55] G6PD Deficiency
- [47:27] Joining The Circus
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1. Lifting shoes
Jeremy says:
Are the new Reebok/Crossfit lifting shoes, which are supposed to good for some things other than lifting, any good? Or, is this type of “dual-purpose” lifting shoe just snake oil?
Many thanks to you, Yoda of lifting heavy things.
2. DNA dictates our best workout?
Julie says:
Aloha Robb & Greg~
Love the ‘cast and would love to hear your thoughts on DNA dictating our personal best workout (especially before any of us blindly plunk down $500 for the phenotype, cheek-swab test…ouch!)
Please see below report and mahalo nui for any insight you can offer!
3. N-Acetyl L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid vs. Thyroid Function
Ken says:
Based partly on the recommendation in your book, I recently started taking N-Acetyl L-Carnitine. I took it 3 times, in the morning, and each time it knocked me on my ass. Zero energy. I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed and had great difficulty maintaining focus on the simplest tasks. I did some research and found information indicating that NAC prevents T4 and T3 being taken up by the cells in the body and is for that reason used to help counteract hyperthyroidism!
Looking a bit further, I found information that Alpha Lipoic Acid can also affect the levels of thyroid hormones in a percentage of people–specifically inhibiting the conversion of T4 to T3.
This info kind of knocked me for a loop. Needless to say, I won’t be taking any more NAC and will likely quit the ALA. What’s your take on this?
4. Gut Healing Protocol
Evan says:
Robb and Greg,
Great show, you guys save me from speeding with rage during my morning and afternoon commute (used to be an unfortunate hour long drive, now it’s actually not that bad because of your show) so thank you very much for your time and effort. My question is about gut healing protocol. I have heard you mention it several times in response to a multitude of questions usually involving someone’s intolerance to a paleoesque food. Every time you have mentioned it however, I have not heard you go into depth about what the protocol involves. I have read some things from Poliquin’s site and other random sites, but still don’t have a good idea of procedures. FODMAPS seem to come up often and I know of your probiotic and super enzyme recommendation, but what other protocols do you recommend if someone is feeling digestive discomfort even with paleo foods.
Also I have seen you say in the comments of your blog posts that you may be doing a podcast on this soon- so in case soon has happened before this question is read by you. here is another quick one that I would love to here your opinion on- what do you think of Paul Jaminent’s article The Trouble with Pork? Legimate?
here is a link to the article
5. It makes me sick when I shoot people
Nick says:
Greetings & salutations,
First of all, I love your podcast. In neverland, you guys would be my happy thought. Second, been strict-paleo for 2 years & feeling great; so thanks. I’m a combat search & rescue aerial gunner in the Air Force. I fly 3-4 time per week doing hi-yak-a maneuvers, shooting guns & Hackin the mish. My problem is that I become motion sick almost every flight. I hate puking everyday like a bulimic model, but I love my job. I had accepted the fact, that I would be sick till I retire. When one day, I overslept, didn’t get a chance to eat or bring food and rushed into work. I was figuratively starving and our flight got delayed. The rest of the crews ordered pizza to tide them over and so I cheated like Ashton Kutcher. The result: A zero nausea flight. It was Fan-fuckin-tastic shooting the .50 cal with no bubble guts. So what was the deal? I’m assuming the heavy bread load…ha…soaked up all those stomach acids. What paleo-friendly food or supplement might duplicate this effect. I appreciate any insight.
P.s. I apologize Greg, for the grammar. I’m at the end of a 7 week bullwhip school and my give-a-fuck is really low. Thanks for all you do for the universe.
6. Difference between normal water retention and an inflammatory response
Elaine says:
Hi Robb & Greg!
Quickie question for you guys.
Both times I’ve gone strict paleo (usually after a bad food bender), I’ve lost about 4 pounds of water weight over the course of the first 24-48 hours. The next morning, the waist of my pants fits better and my rings don’t get stuck on my fingers. And, of course, the majority of my GI issues magically resolve.
Is this simply a reaction to going low-carb, or could it be related to reducing inflammation by eliminating inflammatory foods?
I suppose that I’m concerned that my dietary indiscretions are affecting me worse than I think, and what I pass off as “a little bloating” is more like an inflammatory World War II decimating my innards.
Elaine from Reno
(welcome to the Biggest Little City, Robb!)
7. Celiac DNA testing
Robert says:
Mr. Wolf,
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and for all you have done in the paleo-world. I’ve enjoyed listening to your podcasts, read your book, and have been a fan ever since I first heard you speak during one of the first “crossfit radio” interviews a few years ago (before the crossfit cult became the “Peoples Temple Part Deux”).
My question concerns my wife. She is 26 years old and has had GI issues since birth. She had a colonoscopy at 16 and both an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 years ago w/ negative biopsy results for celiac disease. She was found to have mild gastritis and treated for reflux w/ Nexium. She continued to have GI distress presenting as alternating bouts of diarrhea/constipation, gas, and pain, along with anxiety/depression episodes.
Of course, the gluten-hater I am suggested she change her diet when we met 3 years ago, but it wasn’t until recently she got off gluten, with dramatic improvement in all symptoms. When she had her recent upper/lower GI procedures, her lab tests were only a CBC and LFTs. No test for serum antibodies, such as Anti-tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies, Anti-Gliadin Antibodies, or Deamidated Gliadin Peptide Antibodies were done (Typical GI doc relying on biopsy results only…I’m sure you’ve heard this before).
Her Primary doc has agreed to to a celiac panel (serum), but I’m concerned that she may not show positive antibodies since she has been gluten free for a few months. We are considering DNA testing for HLA-DQ serotyping to try to confirm what we suspect is a gluten intolerance or full blown celiac w/o visible vilous atrophy.
Are you familiar with the DQ2 and DQ8 alleles as markers for potential development for celiac disease and do you recommend this type of testing? I realize that if one has the genetic potential for development that is not the same a diagnosis, and even with a positive DQ2 or DQ8 she may not have celiac disease, but her remarkable improvement lead me to believe that she is gluten intolerant. Our concern is for our children and their potential for development of gluten intolerance / celiac.
I understand you are a very busy person and please don’t feel any obligation for a response. Also, congrats on becoming a father recently; there really is nothing like having children to make one understand unconditional love.
Thanks for everything,
8. G6PD Deficiency
Adam says:
Also known as Favism… I have G6PD deficiency to some degree, at least enough for the US military to detect it while I was in boot camp. Is this a mutation? How would you modify the Paleo diet, if at all? I read somewhere that it interferes with the catabolism of carbs. Is this true? Could you shed some light on this subject? Thanks! Just finished Week One of your diet plan.
9. Circus School Auditions
Max says:
Hey Robb and Greg,
I’m auditioning for circus school in February and I’m trying to figure out how I want to train to prepare for it. The stuff that I do involves some intermediate level tumbling and a lot of partner acrobatics. I’m a base in partner acro, so I’ve got to be strong and stable in order to effectively support and manipulate the person I’m holding up. My training has mostly been from Coach Sommer’s book, but I just bought Greg’s book because I want to add in some O-lifting to get that ridiculous amount of power and speed I see these guys having.
Now to my question: the circus schools to which I’m applying look at strength in two ways. 1. max chins, max push-ups (no more than 35), max leg lifts (toes to the bar). And 2. physique. I would like to get my chins and leg lifts up into the 20s by February (my push-ups are fine), and I’d like to drop a couple body fat percentage points by then.
How would you suggest that I train leading up to this? I’m 5’10”, 20 years old, 165lbs, 10% bf, been paleo for 1.5 years. I do cheerleading at the collegiate level in addition to the gymnasticsbodies stuff. I don’t want to sacrifice too much strength to get this endurance, and I don’t want to sacrifice too much performance to get lean. I went ketogenic for 3 weeks a few months ago and looked pretty ripped, but my performance wasn’t as good. I know I’m trying to have my cake and eat it too, but any thoughts you guys have would be awesome.
You guys are the most knowledgeable goofs on any podcast I’ve listened to, so thanks for all of the info.
What kind of dose protocol would you recommend for the anabolic high BCAA supplementation?
Henry Duran
Can you point me towards information on the “calcium jags in the Eustachian tube”? Thanks.
New jerk tables and blocks, congratulations, Greg!
Greg & Robb,
I’ve had a pair of the Reebok lifting shoes for about a month. Never would have considered them, but I landed a free pair, so why not… I knew nothing about them prior to trying them, except that, to me, they looked butt ugly, and weird with that cut out thing exposed on the sides of the sole.
Turns out, they feel every bit as stable and solid as my Do-Wins. But, I’ve had two pairs of Do-Wins and both have had the sole separate at the toe. Yes, I probably caused it by using them in a workout that had both an oly movement and something like burpees where the toe got scuffed in a way it was not intended. The Reeboks will probably not do this because they have a protected toe more like any other athletic shoe.
So, there you go. Yes, I am occasionally bastardizing oly movements by combining in a metcon- I won’t even mention where I got the idea to do this. I just wanted to give some feedback based upon actual experience. I am not sure where the notion came from that the Reeboks were a compromise, but maybe I missed their marketing pitch. They feel great to me as a dedicated oly shoe, and I think will solve the issue I have had with the toe separation. But they are still ugly.
Hey guys! Thanks for the podcast; makes my daily commute enjoyable!
Quick qu., can I use the BCAAs during a gut healing protocol??
I second Ty´s question on BCAA´s and gut healing protocols.
Thanks for mentioning 23andme and the muscle fiber genotype. I’ve had an account for years but hadn’t looked at it in a while.
Quick check shows that I’m just like the gal you mentioned:
“No working copies of alpha-actinin-3 in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Few world-class sprinters have this genotype, but many world-class endurance athletes do.”
For anyone interested, here is an overview of that gene:
I’ve always said, “I’m built for endurance” and this confirms it. But I refuse to do it as I’m too skinny as it is and find it very boring.
Been doing pure strength work (1-5 reps) for a while and though I get stronger I still look like an endurance runner.
By coincidence, I recently through in high rep work and my body responded big time. I’m keeping the power work (low reps) but will now stop being ashamed of doing higher rep bodybuilder style stuff. Now time for some widowmakers and Poundstone curls.