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1. [16:13] Resources
2. [20:31] Potatoes
3. [31:38] CF Football without CF
4. [41:33] Saturated Fat & Carbs
1. [16:13] Resources
Hello John, I am a aspiring strength coach and future masters track cycling bad ass. I heard you on Robb Wolf’s podcast addressing all things S&C oriented and I would say that i am very impressed by your knowledge base. I also admire what you said about delving into one’s craft and being around the people that do this for living. With that being said can you recommend several books or resources for anyone starting out in the strength and conditioning path anything would be greatly appreciated.
2. [20:31] Potatoes
Jen Says: What’s with potatoes? I consider them a starch and avoid them but if we aren’t meant to eat them what were they made for? A lot of people question potatoes when asking me about the paleo diet.
3. [31:38] CF Football without CF
What would CrossFit Football look like if you DIDN’T have to satisfy the “metcon craving” of many CrossFitters? If you were given free reign to design a workout protocol that only emphasized strength and power to the exclusion of all else, would it look different? How so?
4. [41:33] Saturated Fat & Carbs
Sebastian Says: Hi Robb and Greg,
I’m a 28y old male, 5’6″, 140lbs. I’m trying to gain some weight and put on muscle but I’m having trouble getting enough calories.
At the AHS Cordain said something to the effect that saturated fat is only okay when carbs are low, and Robb said something similar on Jimmy Moore’s podcast once, at least about one specific kind of saturated fat. I’m eating high amounts of sat. fat in the form of cream, coconut oil and animal products, but I’m having a decent amount of carbs in the form of tubers, fruit and occasional not 100% gluten or sugar free baked goods.
Question: What is the danger, if any, of combining saturated fat with carbs?
Wow, guys.. EPISODE 100!!! Congrats! Liz and I just recorded our 6th episide and it’s a lot of work. I have tons of respect for how much time and effort you’ve put into getting information and education out there for us all over the past couple of years. Thanks.
Thanks girlie! It’s a lot of work! Boyd Eaton next week!
YES!!! Can’t wait to listen. We’re gonna have to snag some of your time soon to come talk to us on our little show 😉
Happy Century!
Holy cats! Episode 100. Congrats guys.
woohoo! episode 100! congrats! still the best podcast on the webernets
100 episodes..All I can say is WOW!
And to think I
Rob and Greg and formally Andy,
Listen to all the podcast and I have used and loved all the free information that you provide I hope you continue and get another 100 episode. Also Rob I want to say great job on ICaveman and great shot bringing down the elk and I could tell very emotional but kudos for channeling your inner caveman to provide for your people.
I watched the iCaveman episodes as well. It looked like a grueling 10 days. I’d love to hear a podcast about your experience.
Coming up!
To whomever records this podcast PLEASE get LEVELATOR My ears will thank you…
Congrats on show number 100! Your podcast definitely improves the quality of my life. Keep up the good work
Rob / Greg / Andy – Congrats on 100!
Made me stop and think about the times we live in – when a handful of people just start putting info out on the Internet that lets me take the reins and change my life for the better, and I mean significantly better. Is thanks to you guys, De Vany, Sisson, Berkhan, Brian MacKenzie and others that I’m 41 and am stronger, faster, healthier than I ever was back in college… and that’s a pretty legit gift to give!
BTW I don’t watch TV but downloaded iCaveman. Impressed Rob scored an elk with a pointed stick. Also really drives home what a normal state intermittent fasting is.
Congratulations on your 100th!
I have had that thermal response as well after eating carbs, very nice feeling. Some sleepyness and rosy cheeks. No wonder mid-winter costums involve hot chocolate and cakes. I am experimenting to find the right balance between the steady calm fat-burning energy (very beneficial for my ADHD), and the warm blankety feeling of some carbs.
I reckon it’s a good way for your body to dump calories.
Another great podcast, hope to hear another 100! I’ve learned a lot from your podcast and others that I’ve heard about through this podcast (e.g. Chris Kresser, Chris Masterjohn, Kurt Harris and several others) that it has changed my life completely. Thanks for being so accessible.
On that note, any idea when the transcripts for the last few podcasts will be up?
Also, going forward, any chance you can put links to some of the info you provide in the answers inline with the questions on the website (where it makes sense)? You’ll often mention an article or paper in your answers and it can be a b**ch trying to track them down sometimes.
Oh, and more Mat Lalonde 😀 Thinking a marathon podcast of him dissecting Tim Ferriss’ book might be entertaining.
Fred Hatfield, while being very impressive, was not the first to officially squat 1000 pounds. Dave Waddington did it first in a meet. Second to do it was Lee Moran ( Fred Hatfield, at age 45 performed a competitive squat with 1014 pound at a body weight of 255 pounds (more weight than anyone in history had ever lifted in competition.
Thanks man!
I can’t believe no one laughed when Greg said Steve burps up whole hamburgers. I’m still laughing at that 24 hours later. You guys say some funny stuff.
I did laugh! Greg (and John) are damn funny. And smart. Lucky to have those guys as friends.
Awesome show!! This was one of the best shows, it sounded like 3 guys sitting around and talking training and shooting the s**t. I Caveman was great too. That one girl (Amy?) who wigged out, what was up with that? Any way I’ll be showing that to my 12th grade health class. good stuff.
Always enjoy the training podcasts. Is your wife’s business podcast still in the works?
Fantastic Podcast! Love it when Johnny comes on with you guys! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you guys hang out in public! Must be quite a site! I really liked the info on the books! It’s good to know where you got some of your background knowledge on strength training!
Hey Robb, I’ve yet to listen to the 100th episode, but am really looking forward to it. I do have a recommendation for another podcast guest though–he’s already been mentioned on the show about a dozen times in past episodes. I don’t know how reasonable this is, or if you or he would even be interested, but is there any chance of getting Martin Berkhan from Leangains to do an interview centered around Intermittent Fasting and “Lean Gains” ? Either way, awesome job as always, keep it going.
This would be a great guest and I wonder if he is open to fasting fewer days or adding black tea earl grey, vitamin c, or green veggies to fast to lower cortisol. I’m thinking about blending the veggies.
Hi Robb,
Back to the infamous potato. So, to support what you touched on, metabolic and autoimmunity cases, from what Dr. Cordain also stated in his Paleo diet cookbook, “Potatoes contain two specific saponins called glycoalkaloids (alpha solanine and alpha chaconine), which increase intestinal permeability. Eliminating potatoes from your diet not only prevents blood glucose and insulin surges, but also helps to prevent a leaky gut and autoimmune diseases.” Correct? I have often heard the white potato being compared to a lump of sugar, just like bread breaks down in the system, correct? I am asking because I am trying to convince my husband to stop growing white potatoes in our garden. I think they are doing more harm than good (especially with his glucose levels rising). I believe these were originally planted for emergency preparedness food! What are your thoughts? Thanks Robb!
As a nutritionist I look at the goals of each client when addressing potatoes. The Kitavans actually eat a high amount of potatoes in their diets and have an extremely low amount of cardiovascular disease and autoimmunity. With that being said they do not eat processed foods and foods containing gluten. I think it was John who referenced staying away from those two things in the podcast. Ideally it is best to stay away from potatoes and make other choices of healthy veggies, especially with your husband’s rising glucose levels. If your goal is to improve athletically and you workout at high intensities then potatoes may be necessary to replenish carbohydrate stores and keep you from feeling lethargic and unable to recover. It comes down to goals maximize performance or optimize health? You can’t always do both. Do you agree with this assessment Robb?
Kevin, that is spot-on! What’s right for one is not right for all – an athlete’s needs are going to be very different from someone who needs to lose weight or has a complex health condition. It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Thanks Kevin for your response. No, unfortunately my situation is not about high intensity workouts and needing the potato to replenish carb stores. I understand that everyone’s needs are different, that is why I purposely mentioned metabolic and autoimmunity issues only. Our situation is about autoimmunity (vitiligo, psoriasis/arthritis, and other related health concerns) plus the rising glucose levels. That is why I thought we should be avoiding white potatoes per Dr. Cordain. (The leaky gut connection) We do eat plenty of other vegetables to include the sweet potato. At this point in our lives, it is about optimizing our health. That is the exact thought I had when you said, “Ideally it is best to stay away from potatoes and make other choices of healthy veggies, especially with your husband’s rising glucose levels.” I do, but he keeps growing them! I’ll keep educating him, that’s all I can do. Thank you Kevin!
You are his wife that means you hold the power of the relationship!!! hahah. Good luck!
Better to eat some homegrown spuds covered in butter than to be a dick and tomorrows leftover roast just to refill the tank.
Excuse me?
Grats on episode 100, high five!
On behalf of the other 5 listeners and myself, thanks for the many hours of entertainment and education 🙂
Good show, I always like when John comes on. The three of you guys together are always entertaining and pop out some good info to boot.
The River Cottage Meat Book! Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a fantastic chef and this book is the ultimate reference, you won’t need anything else.
Thank you for sharing this with us. The book looks amazing.
I’m glad he mentioned that book too. There are so many amazing paleo recipes out there, but it’s important to know the basics of cooking ALL cuts of meat well.
Oh man Im glad it was John to be honest lol. Im more into the training/programming now. I pretty much have the nutrition stuff so detailed that it’s probably beyond help…. Yea stressed beyond belief.
So Im just eating whatever is anti inflammatory like John said. John had a really good programming details. I just started rolling Judo so my ENTIRE program has changed.I now need the speed. Im REALLY strong at moving things really slowly… so my Judo is horrible. No suggestions, nothing but love guys. THANKS!
Congrats Robb on 100 amazing shows! Keep it up buddy!!!
thanks Jimmy! Just trying to keep up with you!
John W.
What is the title of the explosive jumping book you mentioned? I’d love to check it out.