Robb Wolf
Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution and Wired to Eat, is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. Wolf has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast and wildly popular seminar series.
Yeah, but you spent $81 at Whole Foods! That’s why people say that eating Paleo is expensive, and I agree: it does cost more to buy better food. AND IT’S SO WORTH IT. I’m a single mom working for a church; I don’t get paid very much. I shop at Earth Fare for meats, and at Harris Teeter or Publix to buy organic fresh fruits and veggies. When I can’t afford EF, I buy the less-processed, no-hormone beef at the grocery store. I have started paying close attention to what’s on sale. What most people don’t get is that a bag of Oreos costs $4; for $1 more you can buy a pound of excellent ground chuck and make four burgers instead. That’s how I balance it out in my mind; I’m not buying Doritos, soda, cookies, Pop Tarts, or any other junk unless my 15 year old begs for it – and then I point out that he’s begging for junk food and we laugh!!
Elaine, that was $81 for about 25lbs of meat!
Seriously, how long would it take you to get through that much meat?