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Episode 90 features guests the Modern Gypsies.
by Greg Everett | 13 comments
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Episode 90 features guests the Modern Gypsies.
Greg Everett is co-host of The Paleo Solution podcast. He is the owner of Catalyst Athletics and co-founder of The Performance Menu. He was a competitive weightlifter under renowned coach Mike Burgener, and is the author of "the best book available on Olympic weightlifting": Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches and Olympic Weightlifting for Sports
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and 2X New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. Along with Diana Rodgers, he co-authored the book, Sacred Cow, which explains why well-raised meat is good for us and good for the planet. Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top-ranked iTunes podcast, books, and seminars. He also co-founded the 1st and 4th CrossFit affiliate gyms in the world, The Healthy Rebellion community platform, and is the co-founder of DrinkLMNT Electrolytes.
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It was a pleasure to be on the show guys! Thanks for having us!
Anybody wanting to know more visit our website
We appreciate the support!
Too much time in the south. The “y’alls” aren’t cutting it…
Hi Robb, I would please like to know if going Paleo has some potential to help my son who’s hair is going grey at only 18. He does drink a bit too much coffee but is otherwise health and active. It just seems like he is too young for this to be occurring. Any other recommendations would really be appreciated.
Possibly, I’ve seen folks respond to b-vit sup for this. For some folks its genetic and tough to fight.
Not even sure what this show was. Please stick to the format. What you do every week is so inspirational and helpful.
there are 89 other podcasts to listen to, as well as healthy skeptic podcasts and who knows what else.
Dear Luke
Your comment seemed a little hard maybe, cut some slack here; I think, 90 episodes is a huge amount of un-paid time and effort. It seems often answering the same questions over and over, the show has to evolve and this could be one direction.
To my mind the episode was interesting, different and refreshing.
But just my feeelings
This show is awesome! Wasn’t too sure at first about the guys with the stache’s but now I’m rooting for them all the way. They are very inspiring with their compassionate adventures!
Hearing these guys was great! Sometimes I feel mired down in my little life, but after hearing this I finished the renewal process on my passport and sent it in! There is travel and adventure in my future. What is the point of getting so fit and healthy if you’re not going to go out and explore the world? Good to hear guys like this for a reminder to get up and open our eyes and have fun.
I have listened to all 90 podcasts and am very grateful for the time that Robb, Greg, and Andy have put into them for our benefit. That said, this show was a dud. That’s ok, 1 weak episode out of 90 means you are still batting .988
again, many thanks for all I have learned from the other 89 episodes.
Hey Coach,
Question involving carb source and calories: As of recent I have been hearing a lot of discussion that the carb source isnt as important as the grams injested as well as the combination of carb source or grams – cal deficeit or surplus will = weight gain/loss.
Meaning, there is a lot of talk going round that the carb source doesnt matter only the amount consumed and that fat gain or loss will be dictated by a caloric surplus or defeceit along with the amount of carbs digested (not good or bad sources). Camps like Lyle McDonald are speaking on this. A guy named Ken Hill ran some type of experiment of cal restriction with the inclusion of “bad” carbs and the test subjects still lost weight. This is all concerning the subject of fat loss, nothing to do with health factors. It strikes me a weird, regardless of drug use, that a lot of people who are very lean will use things like diet sodas and such during diet phases. Same with all these documentaries of people losing weight while eating crap foods in a negative cal mode.
Would you say that overall insulin Sen/Res is the main factor for fat loss? Especially over cals? At the end of the day how important are cals, especially in comparison to insulin (I think i just asked the same question twice). Whats your pro take on carb grams being more important than source consumed?
A very big thank you!
Yeesh. Yea, thing change when we change parameters. If you are starving (cal restricted) it’s completely different than when hyper caloric. Add hyper caloric and 100g of frucrose or 100g of glucose…which is going to be more problematic?
Carb sources? So grains=yams in gut health?!
These guys kill me.
This is to the one listener who was whining about pod cast #90. I’ve never heard of Paleo Nutrition, I don’t go looking for this type of thing, probably why I’ve never heard of it. Anyway, “themoderngypsies” is how I came to be on this site. So, I would say that having them as a guest was a positive move. If the person who thought this certain pod cast was a waste, even after 89 other pod cast, will probably NEVER “get it” (what ya’ll, lol!, are teaching). To the guys who produce this info, GREAT DECISION on choosing your guest, now I am going to check into what you’re selling. Just thought I’d offer some feedback. Peace out!