This is part of an ongoing series of real life success stories from people all over the world who have been impacted by the Paleo lifestyle and The Paleo Solution. Read Tracy’s story below.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You’ve changed my life and the lives of the ones I care most about. My husband and I have been Crossfitting for 6 months and in March decided it was time to take our health to the next level. We devoured your book and quickly begun your 30 day challenge which seamlessly streamed into another 30 days. I feel like I’ve always lived this way now. No looking back.
At 41, I sense the clock is turning back for me not forward. Everyday I get stronger, have more energy and sleep like a rock.(Something I haven’t done since I had my boys twelve years ago). I exude confidence in almost everything I do. I hit a PR on a half marathon last week. I crush the WODs everyday squashing my old times and weights. My kids are healthier, smarter and most of all happier. My husband has lost 35lbs and a whole lot of inches. It’s comforting for me to know that his health risks have decreased dramatically. His family medical history is frightening, ranging from diabetes to heart disease, stroke and cancer. Most of his relatives passing away before they saw their 50th birthday. This journey to a long healthy life keeps getting better. I get up each day and wonder what barriers I am going to break through today!
Oh and I lost 15 lbs – a mere bi-product of ridding my body of toxins, chemicals, processed foods, insidious grains and insulin promoting lactose.
My sincerest gratitude for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
Tracy Clark
Cleveland, Ohio
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congrats tracy. i am a fellow paleo convert in northeast ohio.
That’s awesome! Keep up the great work!!
So great to see your story. I just turned 41 and felt like I hit a brick wall. I ran a marathon last year, the first one in several years, and was happy to just finish. I just started a purely Paleo diet and CrossFit. I already feel better having given up grains and dairy. Your story gives me motivation that I can still improve at 41.
Tracy is an amazing and inspirational friend, wife, mother and person. She shares her success and makes you want to be your best. She lives beyond what she preaches. Paleo has given her the last piece of her puzzle and she helps anyone who needs it follow in her footsteps. Great job, Tracy & Jimmy.