Happy New Year!
Nothing says new beginnings like a Salmon dinner with good friends. Well, now that I think about it, I doubt if the concepts are related at all, but you have to keep this stuff interesting!
On our recent trip to Seattle we got to hang out with our good friends Dave Werner, and Nancy Meenan the day before our Paleo Solution Seminar in Woodinville, WA with our good friend Nick Nibler. Now, for those of you who want to keep up on your CrossFit related history, I sent the first affiliate request email while living in Seattle and training with Dave and Nick. We subsequently founded the first affiliate, CrossFit North, and, well, there has been a fair amount of H2O under the bridge since that time.
I feel compelled to say that these folks, particularly Dave and Nancy, have stood by me during some of the toughest times in my life and they have never wavered in their support. It’d be tough to love folks more than I love these two, and a not insignificant amount of those feelings stems from ther ability to produce some world class grub! The attached video shows a simple yet delicious meal of salmon, mixed squash and a salad. What I’d really like folks to notice is the smart use of spices, including the used of different forms of flavored salt. It’s simple, it’s tasty, it’s genius. When you are lamenting that you are bored with what you are eating, keep in mind, you are not bored, you are lazy. Grab the Food Matrix and make some magic!
two problems with your vids: 1. portrait video orientation generally sucks/looks unnatural to human visual perception 2. you can make the title fade away after a few seconds you know.. no need to cover half of the vid all the time.. wtf *g*
Good to hear from the “jr film makers of America.” This is actually shot and edited on my iPhone so the edit options are pretty limited. Scorsese is likely safe. For a while.
Thanks for sharing the video. It makes me miss Seattle… off to get some salmon and and reminisce. Cheers
I have some salmon in my freezer and rosemary in the garden. This is getting made tomorrow night! YUM!
I miss living on the west coast. Atlantic salmon can’t begin to touch Pacific salmon.
Hate to play devils advocate here, but after eating both kinds of salmon, I prefer the Atlantic for roasting, an the Pacific for smoking. My thoughts.
I love the ideas here, my main problem I have in my Paleo journey is that I am a chef, with all the bad foods in front of my face all the time. Makes for a big problem in self control.
anyone who can help,
Sorry for the off-topic post. Can someone point me to a message board where i can ask the following? feel free to answer if you can. Thanks
I am a 33 year old, healthy (I thought), extremely active crossfitter. I have been active my whole life and have been crossfitting since August. I decided i was going to really try to improve my diet which hasn’t been great. My “before” body fat is 10.4%. I recently got the results of my lipid profile and diabetes screen.
Lipid Profile:
Cholesterol, Total: 145
Triglycerides: 30
HDL Cholesterol: 69 (it says > 59 is negative risk factor for CHD)
LDL: 70
That looks great but here comes the bad news.
Diabetes Screen:
Glucose: 90
Hemoglobin A1C: 5.9% (reference interval is 4.8-5.6)
Bunch of normal readings
MCHC: 31.9 (reference range is 32-36)
My question is can you give me some insight to why it is that my Lipid profile is so good and diabetes screen so bad. is there anything specific i can do to target a1c and MCHC? what the hell is MCHC? Thanks very much.
Try asking on Mark’s Daily Apple nutrition forum.
My (hopefully) reasonable but totally uneducated guess about the A1Cs would be that you should reduce/cut out sugars/fructose and non-veggie based carbs to reduce the protein glycation, which is essentially what A1C is measuring (over the course of roughly the last month).
I’m not too familiar about the MCHC, but:
Based off that it sounds your density of healthy hemoglobin is a bit low. Seems to be basically boil down to a mineral/vitamin deficiency of one of the above referenced types. If your diet isn’t so good, as you say, it may be a result of an irritated stomach and its inability to properly absorb nutrients or that you should eat more foods with the suspect deficiencies (meat and veggies) and less not so good stuff (processed foods, gluten, candy, etc).
I also wonder if you might be going at the crossfit too hard, stressing the body to the point where it has a hard time keeping up and repairing itself… anyone know if cortisol and other stress hormones effect hemoglobin stuff?
Bollocks is what i say and its what i mean you big tart.
Visiting Si’ahl and not coming to see your No 1 fan(in the known Universe i’ll have you know) is the biggest slap in the face to one such as i..fragile and hackeneyed to boot.Tears are streaming as i type…maybe electrocution will end my ennuie’d state ?
Wifell knowing me to a repressed queen had given me all manner of photo-shopped “Robs” in various states of ahem “poses” but will now burn them in a fit of pique.
You are a beast of a man and yee shall taunt me no more.
All joking aside girly-man you and le Mrs are more than welcome oer the next 7 months not least as Wifell is likely away in Europe and so it’s just me, le chat (Princess Thomas Astro-Marigold Joey Ramone Edge-o-Bedly Underpants Dennis.Infact all joking aside most of that was devised by the Beloved and it was a serious pointer when we first met that we might have huge sympatico as my Grandad named a family gog Francis Frederick George William Pig but was known to all as “Washy”) and an empty space.
Happy New Year to yee and Mrs.
BTW of all the paleo-fellas that currently reside you are the only one who seems to have a true irreverance and as H-G’s were notorious for ripping the piss out of the ‘beautiful’ people of the tribe (to stop them disappaering further up their own jacksies) more power to you Sister.
There’s a few of your fellow gurus who are so absurdly full of themselves and their wonderments of being so paleo-tastic its a wonder they don’t actually die of self-adoration.
For and on Behalf of Rev. Senor Quim Santos( a name i actually saw in a hotel registry in Mocamedes, Angola that might have been the very worst hotel in the world)
Justin De Quimlyx
I swear I’ve seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that was
… awesome.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnegans_Wake ?
you are talking about a “before” body fat, but do not give a “now” value. Also, you do not make it clear, whether you already eat “paleo style” or whether you wanted to have baseline levels before starting < in the latter case go paleo, gluten-, dairy-free for 4 weeks and retest.
furthermore being "very fit" and doing crossfit sounds suspiciously like overtraining and high cortisol levels < a 4x day saliva-test would be the way to check that
now for your technical question: MCHC is "mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration" – your level is perfectly in range.
my “before” body fat test was on 12/31, so it is roughly my
“now” body fat. i wanted baseline number so, no, i haven’t been
eating paleo style. and i think you are right about overtraining. i
find it very hard to take rest days. i think that will be my next
resolution. thanks
good to see that you noticed that I replied to your post. dunno why it turned out down here.
“Enjoy” your rest – btw: I am in the same boat. Overtraining or at the verge of overtraining 365 days a year 😉
Good stuff Robb! Keep them coming!
Glad to see that you were having a good time and living it up in my fair city. I think you’ll be pleased to know that, just two days ago, I signed up with Level 4 Crossfit in Ballard.
I also listed you as my reference for “how did you hear about us.” Figured you’d get a kick out of that 🙂
Thanks for the video and keep ’em coming. Great stuff here.
Also, I love this line: “You are not bored, you are lazy.” Word.