My friends at Elite MMA will help one lucky cave-dweller get in better shape. Here is how it works:
If you pre-order the Paleo Solution in the next four days (deadline is Friday, August 27th at 8am PST) you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a free Everlast Nevatear punching bag.
Don’t have a place in your cave or apartment to hang up a bag? Get
$100 in store credit instead.
Already pre-ordered? You’re eligible too. Folks just need to put your order number in the comments and we’ll randomly pick a winner.
Shipping is included. US only.
Your email is not displayed on my site but we will need to contact you if you want to win the bag, so I’m assuming the winner is ok with me giving Elite MMA the email address!
My order number is 104-4858598-4521840 and I made sure to order it at 6:45 PST to help your book get to #1. You are truly an inspiration and thank you so much for writing this book. I can’t wait to get it!
(Order# 102-5913099-2281002 order number: 105-1001868-4532259
Holy Cats this is awesome. 104-6409955-3291425
Mat was slammin’ you this weekend in Cowtown, Robb. 🙂 You better call him and throw a couple of WTF’s his way. 🙂
105-8057275-0862653 my preorder number. Can’t wait for the book
does it matter where or how you preordered it? amazon vs barnes noble for example?
good either way.
if not, i did barnes and noble Order 146351874, thanks.
Sweet! I pre-ordered a bit ago. And I have felt a strange desire to punch things lately, so, bonus (I kid, I kid).
Amazon #102-4330980-5169047
Amazon order #:
Thanks for all your great work.
Hey Robb,
For those of us in Canada we can still win, we just have to pay shipping and handling correct?
Order 105-7402726-5684230
Placed a few weeks ago but hope I can still enter!!
Order number: 105-5325095-7747464
Order #1 103-3963783-339415
You are DA MAN!
Order #2 103-6091551-6157835
Order #3 103-9793296-9995430
Already pre-ordered. Order# 103-8915248-5120225
Cool that those of us who already pre-ordered can get in too!
order number – 103-9535380-0582656
Thanks Robb!
Here’s my order # from my amazon pre-order: Order# 701-9508396-6568229. How exciting, a great new book and a chance to win some cool free stuff!
Pre-ordered in July. Order #142371348 from Barnes&Noble. Gift card please!
Hey! I pre-ordered three books separately, here they are:
Gotta help boost the sales numbers, right? Keep up the great work Robb, can’t wait till those get here!
Drew- You are in for 3!
Amazon: 105-7623694-8517039
Amazon : #103-9998356-4427449
Pre-Order # 102-8465838-8053001
Can’t wait for the book… re-reading “Lights Out” and “Good Calories Bad Calories” in anticipation (just a little light reading to prime the pump, lol).
order (#102-8220446-4057854)
“Holy Cats”, we are in: 002-0860453-3504217
Thanks Robb!
Order #104-7783076-9509065
Down 80lbs, following the direction from the podcasts! Thanks!
Thanks Robb
Sounds great! Looking forward to the book arriving!
Order Number: 105-6222859-2477016
Here is my Amazon pre-order confirmation number:
102-7054756-1154665. Looking forward to your book, Robb.
#1 105-0223088-7903423
#2 105-7302921-0091437
Order # 104-1454193-9203444
You are all my heroes
Amazon order # 105-9886414-4712242
my order number is 002-6865852-0853824 . ordered last thursday.
thanks robb!!
Order Placed: May 6, 2010 order number: 002-2723072-2645001
Thanks Robb!
Already pre-ordered a week ago – can’t wait to get my hands on the book. Too bad the giveaway is US only – but I guess shipping a 100 lbs punching bag to Germany doesn’t make a whole lot of sense 😉
Order Number: 103-0036985-2602619
Can’t wait for your seminar in Brooklyn in September!
Here is my order number: 102-0178784-0821007. Thanks for the podcasts!
Order #002-7026451-0601822
Thanks for all you do Robb! Please come to NC on your tour….I will bring the bacon. order # 105-2467182-4754657. Looking forward to the book. order number 002-2120649-0883456
Amazon Order Number: 105-5248763-4105862
Amazon Order# 102-0987519-0205013
Order # 002-2013884-3822650
Amazon Order No.: 105-0023190-8502669
Can’t wait for the book!
Order#: 103-2750919-3039453
Order Placed: June 5, 2010 order number: 104-7060241-7079417
I’m in.
Order # 105-0592211-0832258
Amazon preorder #002-6868293-7121049
Order# 103-1570936-5173026
Amazon Order No. 104-8763700-5479416
Order # 102-4210961-9138652. Love the podcast, been looking forward to this book!
Woohoo! A new book and gym equipment? Could life get any better?
Amazon Order # 103-1472925-3269842
Amazon Order No.: 104-3389711-6641837
Order #: 103-9148703-0285831
Amazon order # 105-3552851-1864208
/High Five!
Amazon Order No: 002-9604239-8287415 Order Number 102-7181997-7940205
Eagerly awaiting the book!
Amazon Order# 104-4368683-5874631
Amazon Order #: 002-1324948-5746652
“Order placed on May 31 2010 (Order# 002-3497080-8680217)”
Order #: 026-0377964-3768348
Order # 102-9846739-6489031
Amazon order # 104-9893333-6927438
order # 103-0923574-0024219
Awesome! And I was just looking at getting back into my MT and BJJ regimen in the Fall!
Robb: liked the old cover-art better… though I understand the marketing aspect. I also like how I was able to start reading the book with the “Look Inside” feature. On a side note, I’m an Engineer who is seriously considering changing to the medical profession after learning so much through your podcasts. Thanks for all the hard work Robb and Andy.
Amazon Pre-Order: 002-2617694-9949869
Amazon Order # 103-3480536-6929866
Can’t wait!
Amazon order #
Order# 104-2028064-6391419
Congrats on finishing the book Robb – viva la pseudoscience!
Amazon order #: 105-2367200-8444227
Could have sworn I posted last night
Order #: 105-0592211-0832258
Amazon order #102-6804045-0347467
Amazon Order Number # 105-1531146-2941801
Amazon order # 103-4155327-8781830
I’m looking forward to my copy.
Order Number: 147121683
Barnes & Noble
Amazon Order # 105-9318608-7294606
amazon # 102-2864656-0815430
Amazon order number 102-2271848-8499409 order number: 102-8074088-6592202
Order Number: 103-3099835-6915434
Can’t wait for the book!
Amazon 105-4543252-4494621
Amazon order #
Order # 105-3816360-1383426
Amazon order: 102-3039914-8779466
amazon order # 102-6080671-1017059 . thanks
Amazon Order #104-9294534-7733806
Any chance I can get an advance copy?
It will be easier to coerce my family to read it if I don’t have to give them my only copy. High fives for all the work you and Andy do for us.
Looking forward to the book!
Order# 103-5522303-4511412)
Right on! Thanks for the opportunity! Can’t wait for the book!
Amazon Order #: 103-5769695-1977811
Amazon Order #: 105-0457409-3757810 order number: 104-1118183-9080218
Amazon Order #: 103-3378729-6241858
order # 002-2643390-3917062 order# 102-7131661-9636257
Congratulations on finishing the book. I look forward to reading it.
Order number 102-1850409-4701841
# Order Number: 103-6275880-0512256
Order Number: 002-1613470-0801014
Order # 105-9972739-0601839
Order # 105-5771236-2988235
Awesome!!! I could definitely use one of these for TKD practice!!
Order Number: 105-2972275-2391425
Jamie order number: 102-8907021-8680264
Pre-ordered from Catalyst Athletics store…
Order number: 15120
Order Number: 105-1100705-5226644
Amazon: 103-2392130-4658653
Order Number: 105-5323502-6287442
order # 002-3891297-0581849
can’t wait!
Sweet, so excited for the book, actually counting down the days!
Order number: 002-3484660-0125859
My son (2months at the time) got it for me for Father’s Day. Smart kid. He even likes the podcasts!
Can’t wait for the book! Keep up the great work. Order Number: 002-0964656-0639452
Order Number: 105-4608968-8273846 Order # 701-9074559-8103406
Would love to win and would come to the States to pick it up but really didn’t need an incentive to purchase this book. I can’t wait
Amazon # 103-3160504-6429046
Can’t wait for the book.!
Order #: 105-8219151-5135447
Can’t wait for the book.
Amazon Order #102-1116864-0403445
Very excited to read the book!
Thanks for your being soooo generous with your knowledge!
All the best – Vivian
Just bought a second copy of the book … 😀
Amazon Order 102-2613160-2441016
Thanks again Robb and Andy.
Take care – Vivian
Well, I put all the order numbers in, and then randomized them, and the winner was order number 103-6091551-6157835, which is Steven. I’ll be in touch with the deets. Yael (for Elite MMA)
002-4706165-4137002 Amazon order#
Amazon Order #: 105-9887311-0843414
Can’y wait to read!
Awesome! Thanks for opportunity to participate in the contest. I promise it will be put to good use.
I can’t wait for the book!
Order #103-8105093-2733056