We officially hit the big 4-0! Almost halfway to a 100. Enjoy!
Download a transcript of Episode 40
Show Topics:
- Diverticulitis
- Birth Control
- Fructose Intake
- Rancid Fish Oil
- Lean Meats?
- Transdermal Magnesium
- High Protein Intake
- IF Plus Caloric Restriction
- Blood Glucose Readings
- Mitochondrial Redox
Show Notes: The_Paleolithic_Solution_Episode_40
Gonna check that out later!
Curious about that whole transdermal magnesium deal…
Keep em’ coming Robb!
I’m not getting any reply from the transdermal magnesium sellers…
Not really sure what you’re saying there, i haven’t listened to the show yet.
I saw that in the show topics and got curious, mostly because i read somewhere that one can absorb the magnesium in ocean water transdermally.
I’ve been looking for information on transderma magnesium absorption and have not come up with much. The manufacturers ahve not replied to my inquiries.
As a response to the question about his mid to high 90s glucose, there are a number of people who have noticed an uptick in their blood glucose after an extended low car paleo approach, but it tends to be very stable as long as carbs are avoided. Lex from the raw paleo forum has very detailed data on his own experience with this. If this guy wants to lower his blood glucose, he may need to increase his fat intake and decrease his protein.
Hi Rob,
Quick Q, curious as to what your thoughts are on paleo with respect to hypothyroidism, particularly with the conversion of T4 to T3 as paleo is generally considered more low carb.
Paleo is car-agnostic. You eat the carbs you need, primarily based on exercise volume/intensity. There are autoimmune considerations of hypothyroid that are improved with paleo. Some folks need to add iodine to the mix as it may be low in most foods.
Robb I’ve got a rather special situation for you. I have a client who has Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) (I want to hear Andy try to pronounce that!). She has 16% lung function, weighs 94 lbs and needs to reach a minimum of 98 in order to receive a lung transplant.
Her diet was pretty Paleo-ish before coming in, simply because she is so sensitive to how food effects her that she most cut out sugars and starches already. She does get a daily dose (8oz) of soy milk and will have occasional grains like a corn tortilla or a beer.
I’ve directed her to cut wheat out entirely, and we’re working on substituting whole cream or coconut milk for the soy. We’ve added one and sometimes two protein shakes per day using whole milk as a base. Her job this week is to add an additional meal prior to bed.
Her challenge is that with her small size she doesn’t need much and doesn’t get hungry often. A handful of nuts fills her up. Her resting heart rate is 100bpm which means that her metabolism is high so she burns off most of what she does manage to put down.
What am I missing? What would you do with a client like this?
that is a new one on me. i’ll have to do some digging.
Dear Sir, there’s also a new LAM patient in my family. I am also very interested to know if the paleo diet can help. Thank you very much!
Found this on the absorption of magnesium using epsom salt baths: http://www.epsomsaltcouncil.org/articles/Report_on_Absorption_of_magnesium_sulfate.pdf
I was looking around on the web, and you guys have a lot of explaining to do. It turns out that lectins are sugar binding PROTEINS. All of your talk about proteins — I thought protein was good for you? Furthermore, wouldn’t BOUND sugar be better than free sugar where it could wreck havoc on your insulin senstivity? Consider your listenership to have plummetted from 6 to 5.
Just kidding.
Actually, my question is about hyperemesis gravidarum. Wondering about your thoughts on how paleo might positively affect it. My wife and I have 2 kids, and want more, but her HG symptoms have put her in the ER both times. She usually vomits an average of 15-17x/day for about 11 weeks after the first trimester. Wondering if you know of any gluten/lectin/fat/protein/sugar implications, and what foods might help her most. I also remember you mentioning that pureed foods can help people with gut irritibility, wondering if some liquid paleo concoctions might be something to pursue here.
(If this is all over your head, that’s ok, I’ll just go ask the 40-30-30 guy.)
Thanks for all you’ve done for me and my family,
Tehre might be a link to HG and gluten/lectins:
Robb, Have you read Deadly Harvest, Geoff Bond if so do you think you are on the same page as him?
have not read deadly harvest.
Just pre-ordered your book. The cover’s changed since last time I looked on Amazon. Bummer – it did have a great little graphic that looked a bit like a prehistoric rock carving. It just looks boring now. Can’t wait to read it, though.
Sorry mike, the reviewers thought it was an archeology book. That might have limited reach a bit! We wil just need to hope he contents are not boring…
Hi Robb,
About transdermal magnesium, people have been bathing with epsom salts for a long time for their ‘calming’ effects. Naturally, the calming effect (from mag) from a bath in epsom salt would only be true if magnesium was soaking into the skin. (I don’t know if soaking in epsom is different than using a topical mag. gel.) Here is a link to a study showing that mag. in the blood rises from epsom salt baths.
(I have not verified this source, just found it in a quick search.)
Just wanted to add a point, I have no idea if the mag. gels do anything either.
that study looks pretty good but I cannot find the details anywhere. When I look for information on this all i find are references like this:
Which seems to indicate NO magnesium migration through the skin. The chemistry does not make sense…non-polar solvents go right through the skin, ionic solvents…I don’t see it. The reason why this matters to me is folks have asked my opinion of transdermal magnesium. My understanding of the chemistry is such that it does not make sense so I’m hesitant to recommend the products.
Gotta get that….Gotta get that….Gotta get that that that new podcast!
Hey Robb,
Just thanks for doing this podcast, I’ve learned so much it’s unbelievable. I’ve eaten paleo(ish) for about a year but I recently went strict paleo about a month and a half ago in preparation for a jiu jitsu tournament. My main source of protein was grass fed ground beef, my fats came from coconut milk or oil and avocados, I would add sweet potatoes to my post workout meal, and ate only veggies for my carb source. I am already very lean but this got me even leaner, and I found my energy levels were still there even though I cut out nuts and fruit. I have a few quick questions about my training that I think you could help with.
1.) Because I mainly did met cons for so long my strength numbers could definitely use some work but b/c of jiu jitsu I can’t gain any more weight (I compete at 175 but walk around at about 185-190) Would you recommend some type of MEBB and is that ok to do the same day as jiu jitsu if they are spaced out?
2.) B/c BJJ classes sometimes don’t let out til 9:30pm I sometimes am not hungry afterwards and therefore don’t eat anything. Is this ok if I normally eat something around 5:45pm before class?
3.) If I didn’t seem to notice any performance decrease with the removal of fruits and nuts is it ok to leave them out? Or would I be better off with them b/c of the high demands of jiu jitsu?
Thank you so much for all you do. You truly are invaluable asset to this community.
I would have to agree that drinking and listening to the PS is… yeah, well, just not right. I suggest a workout game instead with the following rules:
Start off with show episode in burpees then…
Robb spun up = 10 meters HS walk
Holy Cats = The sweetest clean you can manage with up to 77% BW on the minute for 10 minutes (optimize for sweetness not weight)
Zone joke = 100 meters sled drag with BW
Cursing = 20 C2B pull-ups…. unbroken (yes, felatious, however you spell it, if it is even a word, counts)
Finisher = Take the one concept you think is most important and explain it to someone you care about in less than 2:00.
In between, you MUST listen to his pseudo-science without commentary (not even eye rolling, you know who you are).
There will be a test at the end.
the finisher sounds brutal!
Great podcast as usual! Thank you. Couple of things…
1. What are your thoughts on microwaving food? I read that it totally destroys the nutrients in food and that it is super dangerous… but I also read that it only marginally affects food quality (comparable to other forms of cooking). Some light on this will be of great use considering most of us use microwaves at least once a day! So your advice – should we use the microwave or not?
2. I think you will appreciate this post…
Not really afraid of microwaves. Clowns hoever…clowns scare me.
Hi Rob – quick question:
have you ever heard of someone having an alergic reaction to nut butters but not the actual nut seed? My face gets red, hot, and sweaty whenever i consumer sunbutter or TJ’s raw almond butter (also peanut butter back when I used to eat the stuff). However, eating almonds and sunflower seeds do not effect me. Any ideas? i just want to make sure I’m not harming myself by consuming the butter-form (i don’t get any other side effects like shortness of breadth that normally come with nut allergies).
Have never really heard of this…cross contamination when processed?
Holy cats! guys, I’m sitting here with my bottle of Tequila, coconut water and lime waiting to hear the rules to the drinking game. Me and the other 7 listeners are ready to play.
Aloha from the beach
this could get ugly!
Just got to the end of the podcast and heard the rules…Should have waited till the end of the cast to post.
This will be a very drunken game when played.
Thanks for the quick response Rob!
I have suspected hypothyroid for some time now but have not had good luck with MDs. Recently had blood work done which tested FT4 and FT3, FT3 was low (2.89pmol/L) (T4 12.8pmol/L and TSH 2.38). Obv I have an issue with the conversion and iodine is a factor. Taking cytomel now as I have tried natural cure to no avail. (sea kelp, ashwagandha, guggul) Frustrated and I just want something to work, so I turned to meds. 🙁
Been just over a month, slight improvement but nothing significant. I used to do a weighed/measured approach and now I am just eating paleo (last 2 months), I find I am craving carbs LIKE CRAZY. When I was weighing/measuring I did lean out but it was WORK and no way could I maintain that as a lifestyle.
So, a lot of babble just to ask about carb and paleo. Need low carb to lean out but…craving them more than ever. I also think I have a hard time realizing/figuring out how many carbs I NEED. Years of weighing/measuring has left me retarded when it comes to listening to my body.
Any advice?
You do nto really NEED any carbs, but you may need a little more fat to quite cravings…or perhps you run better witha few more. You just need to tinker that.
Hi Robb and Andy – just a general thanks for the podcast – I’m an avid listener from DownUnder. BTW, just thought I let all you know that a TV show on a national broadcaser (SBS TV) is featuring Paleo Diet on the “Food Investigators” show, tracking a couple on their 30 day paleo-challange. Very positive so far – oops just noticed that “eagle-eyed” Robb is already on the comments…..You’re everywhere man! Gave a plug to the podcast, website and book in the show-comments. It’s like thus pseudo-science works…crazy hey? Got dates for your Aussie visit yet?
Not quite yet but we will be hitting several places on OZ and 1-2 in NZ.
Hi Robb. I have a question that I hate to post as a comment, but I’ve exhausted my searches on the topic. 33 yrs old, 6′-2″, 200lb, 10% BF. I’ve been eating full on paleo for almost six months and feel great. About three weeks ago I switched to the low carb version and immediately began having some lower abdominal pain, which has gotten progressively worse. My ‘movements’ have become less frequent and more painful as time has passed. My carbs come from mostly veggies and the occasional date, almost no fruit. I take 8-10g of fish oil, a couple thousand IUs of vitamin D, a probiotic per day, and 2-3 Now Foods Super Enzymes per meal. My fats come mostly from Avacados, coconut, and some seeds. Other than the constipation I feel great.
What the??
Thanks guys, I’m stoked for the book!
Hi Robb,
What do you think about the Paleo diet as it relates to depression? What if you have all of the nutritional factors dialed in and still not seeing results? Any ideas on where to turn? Thanks.
Stress, vitamin d. Will tackle this in a podcast.
Hi Robb,
Re: transdermal magneisum. Speaking as a professional chemist, although not working in bioscience and it’s a long time since my undergrad biochemistry; I would be very surprised if magnesium can penetrate the skin, unless it’s chelated to something that renders it fat soluble. And then it’s unlikely to be bioavailable once it has crossed over. Since magnesium plays a critical role in the functioning of cells, I suspect your body uses very sophisticated methods (ion channels for example) to control magnesium concentrations inside cells. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_transport
Given that transport of highly charged ions across cell membranes in an uncontrolled fashion makes no intuitive chemical sense, no mechanism has been proposed, and no blood plasma data are forthcoming, I’d be highly sceptical of the claims of transdermal Mg.
Also I don’t know how it works in the USA, but in the UK if compounds claim to penetrate the skin then they are classed as medicines and need to be trialled as such, e.g. nicotine patches.
Exactly my thoughts, thanks!
Regarding Magnesium, I’ve been following Steve Gibson’s Health group on his news servers (news.grc.com). You can get read-only access via the internet: http://12078.net/grcnews/thread.php?group=grc.health
He has been doing some self-experimenting on Magnesium on himself, which he talks about in this thread:
Just some stuff that people might find interesting. Steve did a great write-up on vitamin D last year:
Thanks Wayne!
You need selenium to convert T4 to T3. 2 or 3 Brazil nuts will boost levels.
Make sure your vit D Levels are above 50 ng/ml too – at this level insulin resistance is reduced. Lots of omega 3.
Hang in there with the carb cravings – they do reduce. I find having a big pile of non starch veggies with protein and fat at a meal makes all the difference. If I have just protein and fat, somehow it doesn’t work, but a big salad with olive oil makes me feel satisfied.
Get hold of this thyroid book too http://www.thyroidbook.com/
It covers all the different thyroid issues with protocols for each.
Also re: the epsom salts data. The paper linked by Skell is unpublished (non peer-reviewed), and appears to only be referenced on a bunch of lifestyle magazine / alternative therapy / pseudoscience(?) websites. In fact it’s unfair to call it a paper. And the first link from Russell is to the Epsom Salts council. It’s like agribusiness insisting whole grains are “heart healthy”.
I just realised that if skin is permeable to dissolved ions, we should probably all be more careful about the chlorinated water in swimming pools. Not to mention the sodium doses we must receive from going in the sea.
Exactly. Or on the otehr side we’d ahve a hell of a time LOOSING all out solutes to lake water. Or ballooning up from increased osmotic pressure. Teh transdermal magnesium does not make sense.
GREAT PODCAST!!! just listened to it this morning at work and made all the people in cubicles around me enjoy your nutritional advice!!!
I think that may constitute workplace abuse!
Couple more questions. My goal is to lean out to about 8-10% bodyfat and low carb suits be really well.
1. IF (leangains approach) + Low carb paleo (<50 gms of carbs, only from veggies). Carb up every 10-14 days. What are your thoughts?
2. You said IF improves insulin sensitivity. Does this mean when I am IF-ing I can get away with eating more carbs PWO (sweet potatoes, squashes, fruit)? Is it beneficial in some way?
Thanks! Raj
With all this talk about how bad fructose is, and to listen to Dr. Eades and others talk about how bad starch is (yams, sweet potatoes), what is the best/safest source of carbohydrate for a paleo person who needs extra carbs to fuel a high activity level? I know we really don’t NEED carbs but some of us really run better on them especially with a high activity level. I’m thinking in terms of more long-term health consequences regarding carb selection. Currently, I take in about a cup of blueberries and an apple over the course of each day. of all the different kind of sugars which is the best for our bodies …sucrose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, galactose, starch, etc…
Thanks Robb
Hey Robb and Andy!
Great podcast!
And another high-protein intake question. Just finishing up Primal Body, Primal Mind. The author discusses the mTOR metabolic pathway, which is upregaulted in the presence of excess protein, stimulating cellular proliferation (and then mentions this is useful for regular repoduction and growth, or cancer). She says that much of our bodies proteins are recycled, and that 46-53 g of protein is enough for most adults, with “an extremely athletic, large person under tremendous physical demand… may possibly need up to 60 or 70 grams” (p. 209).
This is obviously well under 1g protein per pound of body weight. What are your thoughts?
Thank you for your insight,
You have talked at length about lots of lab values from A1C, cholesterol, thyroid, etc…..
You have mentioned in the past, which is intuitive, that ALL current “normal range” lab values are based on what is normal within a population, in our case, a population that consumes a “western diet.” These numbers have been established based on recommendations to eat a food pyramid diet.
How accurate are our “normal range” values when we get our physicals back from the Doctor?
A1C- should obviously be lower than is recommended.
Triglycerides- should be lower
HDL- higher
LDL- insignificant without particle size
VLDL- is not commonly tested
Total cholesterol- insignificant since LDL is insignificant
C-reactive protein…
and the list goes on and on.
It would take an incredible amount of research to re-establish these numbers. But what is the general population to do when they are prescribed bogus medication based on inconclusive results?
Do you have a Robb Wolf guide to Lab Values?
It’s in the book! I will try to get one up on the new site.
The part on fructose was great. I liked the comparison between the two diets of equal caloires. I work in corporate wellness and I write a blog for the intercompany website(large pharma research company). I don’t know how many people read it but I included the bit on fructose intake via high carb diets. Great job and I can’t wait to pick up the book.
Hey Robb & Andy,
I’ve been wondering this for a little while and figured I’d see what you guys think. Women with very low body fat often have problems with their mentrual cycle. I’d be curious to know how many of, say, the competitors in the crossfit games have trouble with this. I assume it isn’t that big a worry since so many of the athletes have kids? One of my clients brought it up as she once had trouble with her cycle when she was younger and really into gymnastics. Do you notice it at all with your clients? Or is too great a drop in body fat not exactly a worry of yours?
p.s. the book is now “The Paleo Solution” on Amazon and looks very similar to Cordains book (I know you mentioned this in one of the podcasts). Is that the final cover?
Robb and Andy,
I love Tuesdays because Tuesday means a new podcast. Our paleo group swears the “Robb Wolf” drinking game is legit.
– Holy Cats is a definite shot
– White Buffalo in the sky – shot
– “You Hussy” – shot
– “Broad time/Modal Domans” (said in the best exasperated Robb Wolf
voice) – two shots
Other game alternatives…when Andy says he’s trying to spin Robb out -shot; References to Andy’s size or facial hair – shot; If Andy mispronounces a technical, biological term – shot. The rules are relatively easy!!
Honestly, you are both enjoyable to listen to and sooo entertaining while at the same time very informative. Two good things rolled into one.
since stumbling across The Primal Blueprint/this site a little while ago ive gone from 195lbs to 165ish — which i have stalled — Im 5’9″. Theres still some leaning out i can do so ive started looking into the weighing and measuring side of things. after looking through this site ive seen different values for multiplying my BW by for leaning out calories — 13 on a post and then i think 15-19 in one of the first couple podcasts. Which is the right one to use for leaning out?
Also, Im on fish oil, sleeping well and all that but I keep hearing about taking magnesium. how much magnesium should i be taking every day?
Thanks Robb
Thanks for all of the information and the podcast! You and Andy get blared out the speakers in our lab at Northwestern every week (hopefully the pseudoscience won’t wreck our equipment).
I know you have talked a bunch about the Now Foods Super Enzymes so if you have already touched on this my apologies. I am concerned that taking these digestive support supplements make you less able to produce your own digestive enzymes. In your experience is there an adaptation response to taking them (i.e. you will need less with time, more with time)
My experience is digestive support does just that…it helps repair/build digestion.
Just a clarification, DMSO is a very polar solvent. It might be considered half as polar as water (by dielectric value) but few solvents come close to its polarity.
I do agree that the transdermal magnesium seems sketchy. Magnesium chloride just seems like any other highly charged mineral source and the body has the skin barrier for a reason. If they added DMSO to the mix they might actually enhance skin permeability to the MgCl, albeit in a non-selective way.
Yea, DMSO has both polar and non-polar action.
Sorry, should be MgCl2
Hey Robb,
I have been taking tribulus terristus recently and I found that it boosts my mental clarity and strength quite a bit, but I also just found out that the supplement has a lot of saponins in it. Is it worth for me to take this supplement even if with the possible gut irritation potential?
Background: My main goal right now is to lean out. I am getting close. I can see 4 abs, but there is some subborn fat in my “lower ab” region. Is it possible that the saponins in the tribulus are halting my fat loss?
Yea, not all saponins are inherently bad. It does raise a bit o0f a question re gut permeability.
Hi Robb (and Andy) – Thanks for the awesome podcasts, I’ve pre-ordered the book and hopefully you’ll be visiting Chicago and I can get it signed!
A few things:
This fructose thing has been on my mind for a while (I’m working my way through the podcasts, I’ve done 1-24 and 36-40, sorry if this actually has come up). I haven’t been able to find a comprehensive list of fruits with potentially higher sucrose/fructose ratios. You mentioned apples/pears as having high relative fructose, but is there some kind of pyramid of fruits from most to lease problematic? Sisson had them quantified by GI and antioxidant level, but I’m curious what your take is. I love fruit but I’ve been limiting myself to ~2-4 pieces a day, spread between lunch and dinner on the days I have it, and having recently convinced my mom and dad to try the primal/paleo thing I want to also be able to advise them on their fruit intake a bit.
On another note, I’m trying to get a handle on how to fine-tune my own diet to meet my fitness goals. I’m planning on 3-4 days progressive strength a week (wendler or MEBB) punctuated with 2-3 days metcon, coming from a 3on1off mainsite stint. Short term goals: I have a marathon in october that I don’t want to die during. Almost die is ok. Long term goals: I want to add to my strength numbers without losing much work capacity – like 50-100lbs on all the core lifts (very long term – but I’m only hitting intermediate numbers now so I believe it’s possible). I’m 6’2″, 175lbs. I’m currently on the whole30 so I’m 100% paleo and I’ll be trying to keep that up after, probably adding back dark chocolate and my occasional pint of ice cream back in to the mix after. LIke I mentioned above I am limiting fruit (please tell me I’m being too strict), and I’ve also been limiting nut/seed intake to a handful or a few tbsp almond butter less than daily. One thing I almost consider a paleo vice is my nightshade intake. I love spicy food and peppers, and tomato based curry isn’t so bad, either (coconut is better). I also eat primarily grass-fed meat or wild fish and supplement fish oil (~13g a day until the whole30 is done or all my belly fat is gone), vitamin D (4000IU/day) and magnesium citrate (400mg/day). I have a fairly stressful life (PhD student in Genetics), but I try to get enough sleep (7-9 hrs/night) and go on a lot of long walks (how else am I going to listen to hour long podcasts every day, right?).
So the actual question is, if I want to do a mass gain cycle without milk, should I just be pushing myself to eat like a horse or is there a more intelligent way to go about this? Eating mostly meat/veggies (eggs with breakfast) I’m not that hungry most of the time, so I’m not sure I’m even eating enough now, much less enough for a mass/strength gain cycle. Even though I can eat most people under the table at all-you-can-eat I live in fear that I may be one of the daintily eating guys Andy is always referring to. I eat around 1 lb+ of meat a day, 2 eggs, veggies, and the 1-2 pieces of fruit. Reasonable? I haven’t been big on specific post-workout nutrition since I stopped using protein shakes. Do I really need to do something specific or am I good just having breakfast or dinner soon after a workout. Is “fourth meal” the way to go, especially for metcon days?
P.S. Sorry this was so long. I’m not way more understanding of the people who’s questions I hear in the podcast now.
off topic. hearst ranch is having 32% off cattle shares until the 16th!
really amazing grass fed beef
code is cs2
So happy to hear the response about “lean meats”. I eat fatty cuts of grass-fed beef every day (mmmm brisket) and would worry a bit when Robb would mention lean meats. Just finished off a 1/4 grass-fed cow, went and had bloodwork done to see what effect 130lbs of grass-fed beef would have and anxiously awaiting the results!
I have an annoying experience with the digestive enzymes. I’m up to seven capsules without feeling the “burning sensation”, and I’ve been on this dosage for a month without feeling the burning which would signal that it’s time to subtract one capsule.
On the other hand, I do feel a burning sensation if I just ingest a little vinegar, so at least I know what to look for.
I don’t generally don’t feel that I have digestive issues. Poop is fine etc. I only tried the enzymes out of curiosity and because I want to optimize my utilization of the foods that I eat.
Ideas? Should I just grind on with the capsules?
Robb, got a good potential debate going on in Officer.com, a forum for LEOs, Military and prospective of either. Here is the link:
Seems, Mr. Brink believes the way we eat is “Pseudo-Science at best, so its hard to take it seriously” I dunno but I smell debate coming on.
– Nick
Mr. Brink appear to know it all so no need to bother!
1st when are you coming to hawaii so I can learn from a master?
2nd, I love to have Acai bowels/smoothies post workout that may have bananas, nuts, other berries blended in or on top. My question is is the Acai Berry just all hype or is it really just as powerful an antioxidant as the blueberry? Also what are you thoughts on hemp seeds and Maca root powder?
2-Mainly hype, but yummy!
3-I like maca powder.
*bowls not bowels hahaa
Hi Robb,
I have a question about Ketostix. If I am fat adapted and using fat as a primary source of fuel, shouldn’t I be able to detect ketone bodies in my urine? Does it matter what time of day I test? Or are my thoughts on this, jejune
I am trying to reverse some metabolic derangement I have accrude over the years, from high carb eating and poor training habits.
How can someone tell when they have switched to a fat burning metabolism and begun to reverse the metabolic derangment problems?
If you are fat adapted you may not dump ketones into urine thee is some variability on this.
can you give a link to the forums andy was talking about i cant seem to find them
I’m going to have to say it…HOLY CATS! and an Andy Deas chuckle. Man you know all the sites…ahh just effin with you, you’re a smart dude and I wonder the same thing about fruit intake. I’m thinking berries then melons? HOLY CATS!
Regarding Mr. Brink. Robb I respect you and all, but your avatar is some cartoon that looks like it’s taking a shit…Mr. Brink has an avatar of a bad ass cop flexing his bi ceps with a hands on waist don’t fuck with me stare…a true SUPER COP. I am so glad he enlightened me on the fact that you hate pants, guns and antibiotics…you pseudo science huckster you. That’s why you passed on the millions selling crappy supplements to the “crew” ( I’m trying to be kind)
Man you are an incredible P.O.S….I can’t wait to burn that book I pre ordered 2 months ago.
He does appear to be a Super Cop indeed. I’d recommend just using the book to line a birdcage. Tear out one page a day and it can be like a sacrificial offering against the paleo-pseudo-science.
I love out Police/MIL folks but is it REALLY a surprise this guy has put pants, antibiotics and guns into some kind of Straw-Man story? I’m sure he is a hoot at holiday functions.
Hi Rob and Andy,
Thank-you so much for all of the great work you guys do. I can tell it is a labor of love. I have a couple questions for you.
1. NERVOUS SYSTEM: I have been thinking recently about sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system balance and how this may be the lynchpin of a lot of diet, exercise and stress management. I am wondering if you come across this concept that much in your research. It has got me curious as to whether the paleo diet helps to shift this balance towards a more anabolic parasympathetic state which helps to build muscle and increase gut blood flow/digestion. This change would also shift away from a chronic overactive sympathetic tone which may be underlying some of the depressive/OCD symptoms that people report to be in remittance with the diet. Exercise mediated effects may even build a capacity to withstand the sympathetic fight or flight state or may shift towards parasympathetic dominance over time as well. Can you comment on this centralized autonomic nervous system theory and the paleo diet/exercise?
2. TEA: I have started to have tea as opposed to coffee in the morning based on some studies that have demonstrated a 50% drop in cortisol for several hours following black tea consumption. I think this in itself would help to prevent catabolism. Is this like the phosphatidylserine mechanism you mentioned where people can get a rebound increased cortisol following the decrease? Lastly, should I be concerned about the high fluroide content known to be in black teas and its effects on thyroid, etc.?
Thanks so much guys, just finished listening to all of your podcasts today,
Wow, trying to make a logic argument by equating pants, guns, and diets? My head spins at that logic.
Seems pretty air-tight to me :0[
Robb and Andy,
In episode 36, you discussed the question “What is fitness?” and suggested that fitness is best understood as a general ability to perform a wide variety of activities well. I don’t play any particular sport, and I am most concerned with health and longevity, so fitness as you described it is the goal of my exercising. I’m a pretty average guy (29 years old, 5’8″, 180lbs – in fairly decent shape, with a little extra fat to lose. No injuries. Eating strict paleo most of the time.) I was hoping you could say a little bit more about how I should structure my exercise routine in order to become fit. I know you said that one should focus for a long time on laying certain foundations, but where should I start? For example, is it better to focus on gymnastics or weightlifting first? What’s the hierarchy? Are there certain checkpoints I could aim for, before moving onto the next phase (something like 2.5x bodyweight squat, before moving onto some gymnastics movements). I know this is a huge question, but it would be great if you could sketch out a very rough path to fitness, or maybe just say a little more about where an average guy should begin.
Your show really is incredibly informative and helpful. Thanks for everything!
what does it mean that ” Bioavailability of EPA+DHA from re-esterified triglycerides was superior (124%) compared with natural fish oil”?
are there other non natural fish oil options for epa/dha out there?
What was this in reference to?
@Scott Pilgrim –
I think this is the forum you are asking about that Andy was referring to:
Chris B-
thanks, and that is a great thread.
Robb, too bad this shirt is sold out in guys sizes, it would be perfect for you.
I got an update on my pre-order from Amazon. Says est. date is now September 27 2010 – October 01 2010. Guess I’ll have to wait a little longer :*(
Flat-earthers Unite! I ned to do a blog post on the Amazon gig…they are aparently smoking crack. it should be on-time.
I wanted to comment on Matt’s question about birth control. I am a board certified OB/GYN, crossfitter, and paleo eater, 42 years old. For the first 10 years of my practice I always told my patients that “birth control pills do not make you gain weight.(certainly not as much as an unintended pregnancy” (studies show an average of 4 lbs). Two years ago I had to stop my own birth control d/t intractable migraines. I lost 8 lbs without even trying (I wasn’t paleo then)! There are other very effective methods of birth control. Women should talk to their doc about intrauterine contraception: reversible, long-term low risk. So, If his client wants to lean out…there you have it!!
thanks Michelle!
What are the pregnancy rates of the IUD relative to most estrogen/prog approaches?
99.7-99.9 % effective…it is not user dependent! (don’t have to worry about missed pills etc)
thanks. I’ve been reticent to recommend the IUD as a girlfriend from High school developed an astrocyte brain tumor at age 15. The only linkage they could put together at UCSF was a copper IUD her mother used (Stacy was conceived despite the IUD). While Stacy was undergoing chemo she was one of six girls with identical astrocyte brain tumors, all were conceived while mother was using an IUD. I have never run across information related to this, could be purely coincidence but it spooked me.
Hi Robb
Woman should also be careful about their birth control while breastfeeding to ensure no decline in milk supply. Progesterone only pills, or barriers, or IUD when safe to do so. Breastfeeding = paleo feeding.
Robb – just getting to Ep 40 b/c of technical issues, but thanks for the shout out re: Bacon Eating Contest.
My humble recommendation to all your fans: there are a lot of great ways to save money while eating Paleo, but don’t skimp on bacon. Get the good stuff!
Great post if anybody is interested I found this great collection of simple paleo recipes. Check it out.
I have been using a magnesium spray for underarms, and it works ok as a deodorant, also have a gel for the skin. Used both as transdermal, but I can not say I feel anything even if I use both at the same time.
I have Natural Calm and I can feel it working without a doubt. I have muscle tightness on the entire left side of my body, from neck to calves. I will try Magnesium Malate soon, have good feeling about it, will order soon.