I wanted to let folks know about the forthcoming talk by Prof. Fritz Muskeit at the Instituto Superior de Saúde Egas Moniz”, Monte da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal on March 13th at 9:30am. If you are handy with Portuguese you can read more about the talk at the NutriScience website.
If I attach these files correctly you should have the outline of the day, how to register and even how to find the talk!
Conference_Dr Muskiet_March_10
Here is a brief overview of Prof. Muskeit’s CV:
§ Ph.D. Mathematics and Physics (Groningen State University)
§ Thesis: ‘Determinations of catecholamines and catecholamine (precursor) metabolites in biological fluids and their clinical applications’.
M.S. Biochemistry (Groningen State University)
§ B.S. Chemistry (Groningen State University)
§ Clinical Chemist Certification (Dutch register of Clinical Chemists)
§ Clinical Chemist at the University Medical Center Groningen
§ Professor of Pathophysiology and Clinical Chemical Analysis,Groningen University Center of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Groningen State University)
§ Associate Professor of Pathophysiology and Clinical Chemical Analysis, Faculty of Medical Sciences (University Medical Center Groningen).
§ Lecturer (Evolutionary Medicine; Clinical Chemistry; Epigenetics; Nutrition) in the European Master of Science in PsychoNeuroImmunology (University of Girona, Spain)
§ Member of the Scientific Committee of the Vitamin Information Bureau
§ Scientific expert in Nutrition (Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamins, Human Milk);Obstetics/Perinatology (Preeclampsia, Maternal and Neonatal Nutrition); Epigenetics;Atherosclerosis (Lipids, Hyperhomocysteinemia); Oncology (Tumor Markers, Cell Kinetics);Hematology (Hemoglobinopathies, Thalassemias); Psychiatry (Autism, Schizophrenia, Depression); Evolutionary Medicine; Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine.
§ Supervisor of 25 PhD theses; 4 cum laude
§ Member of the International Society for the study of fatty acids and lipids; Royal Society of Physics; Dutch Federation of Clinical Chemists; Society of Clinical Chemists North; Dutch Cancer Society; Dutch Atherosclerosis Society
§ Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
§ Reviewer for various peer-reviewed scientific journals (European Journal of Nutrition; Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids; Pediatric Research; West Indian Medical Journal; Annals of Clinical Biochemistry; Analytical Biochemistry; Chimica Chimica Acta; Journal of Chromatography A and B; Tijdschrift Ned Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie; Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, others)
§ Author/Co-author of 226 PubMed registered peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Given this talk, here is an interesting piece to consider on grains and infertility.
You catch Laura DeMarco on the main page deadlifting 370#? Can someone say Paleo??
Laura, in addition to being a fantastic person, is a hell of an athlete.
Great heads up. Need to brush up on the Portugese. Thanks Robb
A quick unrelated question to the above post… ran across this interview on T-Nation. (http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_interviews/sucker_punch_paul_chek) In it Paul Chek describes a caveman like diet in which he eliminates the nuts and seeds from his prescription due to some aspects which he compares to Gluten.
“TM: Whoa, I’ve heard eliminate gluten before, but eliminate nuts? They’re on basically every nutritional authority’s “good foods” list?
PC: And what research are these “authorities” basing their recommendations off of? Each other’s bullshit, incestuous, agenda-driven research.
I’m a clinician. I work with patients every day, and 95% of the time when I remove all gluten, nuts, and seeds, I see dramatic improvements within five days.
Nuts and seeds have phytic acid in their coating, which is a known mineral and enzyme blocker and is broken down in the sprouting process. If eaten without breaking it down first, phytic acid inhibits the absorption of a variety of minerals and trace minerals, and can neutralize our own digestive enzymes.
This results in many of the digestive disorders experienced by people that eat unsprouted grains. Eating nuts and seeds without soaking them in quality drinking water for at least 8-12 hours to break down the phytic acid can, and frequently does, block our digestive enzymes from functioning. This has led to un-estimable problems with digestion, which can, and often do lead to disease.
I go into all this in my book How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy.”
Just curious to hear your thoughts on this and its characteristics in comparison to gluten.
Great question, will hit this.
I would love to go to this… too bad a one-day jaunt to Portugal just isn’t in my budget.
I’ve been very curious about nutrition and lactation. Does the standard extra 300 calories still apply? Is there something other than standard paleo that a lactating mother should injest, or specific things she should avoid? I’m trying to get a new client on board, but she’s a little reluctant given that she’s feeding her 12 week old. Any insight is appreciated.
And yes, I’d love to go to Portugal again. Fabulous honeymoon there many years ago!
Both the mom and the baby will do better on paleo. Will hit this more on the podcast.