A huge thank-you to all the folks who attended this cert and to Tyson and John of CrossFit 4800 for hosting the event.
I have to say, this was one of he sharpest crowds I’ve had. Folks obviously did their homework as questions were focussed on the next step or application of the material at hand, not just trying to clarify what was in the assigned reading. It really makes the day cook along when folks take the time to read the preparatory material and are ready to learn and engage in smart, informed Q & A.
I was at your Nutrition Certification in Boseman. I asked you about the supplement to take if your Gallbladder was gone. I thought I had written it down but checked my notes, and it wasn’t there. Would you let me know what it was. Thank you Karen
Hey karen!!
that would be NowFoods: Super Enzymes. Start with 1 cap/meal. Increase to 2 or 3 caps or until you feel just a little warmth in your stomach. You MUST use this with meals that contain protein/fats.
Thank you for making the trek to the cert! keep me posted on your progress!
Thanks so much for visiting MT. Great stuff learned during the seminar, and I can’t wait to apply it in my own life and pass it along to the athletes that work with me. Life’s gonna suck with out those Reese’s cups though.
Come back soon.
The cert was great Robb! Thanks a ton
Robb, great seminar this weekend. IF and strict paleo has commenced. Let’s hope nobody has to die…this could induce a dose of crazy, but I’m ready for it. I look forward to following your blog.
Thanks again,
thansk for coming out. Drop in the IF SLOWLY. 1 day a week max initially. Keep me posted!
I’m going to be attending your nutrition cert in Huntington Beach next month…can you give me a heads up on what the preparatory material is that you reference…first I’ve heard of it!
Thanks a bunch!!
they should send that out a few weeks prior to the cert.
Hi Robb,
I am going to be attending the nutrition cert in Huntington Beach in Nov. I was reading the post above about “reading the preparatory material” and I feel like I’ve missed something. Should I be expecting something in the mail from CF? If not, what should I be reading in advance?
CF should send you that material a few weeks prior to the cert. Let me know if you do not receive it.
Over the past couple weeks i started taking high doses of Fish Oil and its giving me headaches. I started taking (Carlson Fish Oil Softgels 550mg EPA/DHA per pill) 2 pills twice a day with meals and have slowly increased the dose to 4-5 pills twice a day and have noticed a strange headaches right above my eyes. I thought maybe my pills were bad so i changed to a different brand of fish oil and i still get the same headaches. I’m not alergic to fish or any other foods and I have never had problem with headaches in the past. Has any one else experienced headaches with fish oil? Please help!
Going out on a limb here but I;d say dial your intake back toa level in which you do not get headaches….
AMAZING Cert Robb!! Thanks to you and Nikki for making the trek to Bozeman, highly appreciated as we have had to travel for ALL the other certs!
I am wishing I had a mini Robb Wolf on my soulder everytime I get into the nutrition battle with all these close minded fucks in this world. I just don’t seem to have the knowledge to knock them down a few, but I am surely doing my homewrok so that I can!! Thanks again brother!!
No need to battle. Ask folks to try it for a month and let the results speak for themselves. if they do not want to jump in, their loss.
sounds interesting. I might try and attend the next seminar
So true Robb, so true! There really are no words to case the feeling you get when you eat right. I know that I myself have come out on the better end of it. COMPLETELY off all anxiety and depression meds only 2 months into Paleo diet. AMAZING!!! Thanks again Robb!
Hi Robb,
I have just recently starting to put some CLO in my 8 month old’s food. However, I just found when perusing ThePaleoDiet.com FAQ’s this statement: “Infants should not be given EPA in the form of fish oil because it competes with AA metabolism and can result in impaired motor development as well as growth.”. This was the first I’d heard about this. Living in the Seattle area, I am interested in my baby getting some Vit D as well as n-3’s. Can you shed any light on whether CLO is OK for an 8 month old, and if not, when it would be appropriate? He is still nursing and the mom does take fish oil/clo so the n-3’s are probably getting to him. Being winter and flu season, some Vit D would be nice though, right?
BTW, I went to the Cert in July and have been non-WAM Paleo since. I am eating quite a bit more protein and about the same carb and fat. My weight is the same, but I am getting stronger. In addition, it is really liberating to not count blocks. Sometimes I guesstimate just to see what I am eating, but I really just eat. I love it!
Thanks for this great resource. I am looking forward to your book.
yes, this is why infant formulas and supps only contain DHA. I do not believe you want to start an EPA regimen until after about 2 years old…you need to double check that, im going to be hammered and will not be able to.
Good to hear about the progress! It’s like this stuff works!
I am also going to Huntington Beach cert and have not received any “preparatory material”. I’ll email Crossfit and see what’s up!
CrossFit emailed back and said that they would email material 10 days prior to the cert., which should be around Oct. 28 or 29.
Thanks Robb!
It is a bit confusing. I have been checking it out on my own. The kids DHA supps (Nordic Naturals Kids DHA for example) usually have a small amount of EPA in them as well. Don’t know about formula as fortunately we don’t have to use that. The Mercola site recommends against CLO for everyone, but for Vit A/D ratio questions (not EPA) coming from a study by a Dr. Cannell. Weston Price and others still recommend CLO for kids and infants though. I’ll keep checking it out.
Thanks again, Robb!