Well…If you have not noticed, new content has not been posted here in aeons. I’ve made no headway on my book…and most days I’m chipping away at one project for upwards of 6-8 hrs: Email. I’ve tried to figure out ways of batching this stuff like the FAQ but what has happened is folks are getting better and better educated in all this paleo/zone information and so the simple questions of “how many blocks do I need” have given way to truly complex questions which necessitate a great deal of time to answer thorougly. Combine this with the growth of CrossFit and I’m overwhelmed.
So…I’m not going to be able to answer general email inquiries, at least until I get that damn book done. I REALLY like helping people but the one email at a time route is not working, I need to generate some books and other stuff so I can get this information out en-mass. Here are some of the ideas I have to help folks get answers to questions and continue learning about this stuff:
1-I’ll continue to update the blog and the FAQ based on emails I do receive. If the material is of personal content or if you want the question answered without your name, please let me know that in the email. I have a brain, but this stuff is not always obvious.
2-We are working on a couple of compilation e-books that have upwards of 400 pages of material in each one. They cover a huge number of topics and include material from emails, CrossFit and the Performance Menu message boards.
3-Books & DVD’s. I have a number of ideas here, just need to hammer them out and, well, actually DO them.
4-Consulting. If you REALLY want my input on something you can find the information for that here.
This is a super tough decision for me but folks smarter than me have been recommending this for well over a year. I’m a slow learner. My sincere hope is that y’all will have more content to read and in the process we can all continue to help improve peoples lives.
Andy Deas says
Amen brother! Now go finish some projects.
Nick Hanson says
Hey Robb,
I think you are doing a great thing by putting out a book and actually getting some material for the masses. I have learned more from you in the areas of nutritional science and would love to see you help even more people.
On another note, sign me up when there is a Nutrition level 2 Cert. 😉
Cheers and happy birthday,
Craig Brown says
Bout time, Robb. Go kick ass, and send the results back home….
Don says
Rob, can’t wait for the e-books / DVDs / books. The more people you can reach, the greater the impact. I second Nick’s post, let me know when there is a Nutrition Level 2 cert!
marc moffett says
Robb, seriously man. Prioritize! The blog is great, I love reading it, I miss it when posts are slow, ….. but the book is where it is at. The blog and what not are great as diversions when you have writers block, etc., but really just focus on the book and get it done. My 2 cents.
thanks Mark. Honestly this decision was like a death in the family…fucking weird but I know I have to do it to keep things moving forward.
Leo S. says
This might help ya
Ben Murphy says
Robb.. support! Glad you’ve made this decision. Looking forward to the books and blogs!
M@ says
Good luck with your book. Let me know if you need any research literature during the writing process.
tucker says
Rock on Robb! You are doing such great things and I am so proud of you.
robbwolf says
Thanks Tucker!!
Jim says
Rock the book man….can’t wait.