Robb Wolf
Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution and Wired to Eat, is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. Wolf has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast and wildly popular seminar series.
Wowww what an amazing article , i believe that a ketogenic diet can help in healing cancer . Sorry about your girlfriend Robb
What a wealth of information…thank you. I’m also sorry to hear about your girlfriend. Life situations such as that often set us on a path that will make a world of difference to others. I pray that your message continues to spread. I lost my mom to cancer, my dad is currently in remission and my mother in law has just started chemo for late stage lung cancer.
je suis sincèrement désolée pour votre amie,je suis atteinte d’un oligodendrogliom anaplasique de grade 3 mes premières crises d’épilèpsie on commencer fin janvier 2013 et suite a des examens ils ont découvert cette horreur,depuis 4 semaines je fais des rayons et de la chimio Témodal encore 2 semaines,l’oncologue envisage de continuer la chimio pendant plusieurs mois et a plus forte dose,je suis une maman de 43ans et j’ai tellement peur de partir trop vite et de me diminuer devant ma fille chérie elle a 17 ans.
j’éssayes de garder le moral devant mes proches,je suis quelqu’un qui aime la vie je suis joyeuse,j’addore la mode,la nature,le sport,et encore des tas d’autres chose mais avec le traitement je suis très fatiguée et une baisse du moral,c’est très dur et pas juste,j’étais physiquement et moralement beaucoup mieux sens le traitement.
je ne sais plus quoi penser continuer la chimio ???tout en sachant que ce n’est pas pour une guérison mais peut être une prolongation ??? ou profiter du temps qui me reste ???
Robb, I love the way you speak straight (and from a position of study and understanding), as you acknowledge dissenting positions and arrive at logical conclusions. Saw you at PFX this year. Saw you speak. Saw you work your ass off on the floor talking to everyone who came by. Love the way you can get into weird, compartmentalized, oddball shit while you keep the big message simple and straightforward. This is a great, timeless article on perhaps the #1 most overlooked aspect of Paleo… Forget the gymrat bullshit. You don’t get sick, you don’t need meds, and the evidence that Paleo prevents serious disease and dysfunction (some of that evidence is admittedly circumstantial) is overwhelming. Show me one example where a healthy person lost their health by eating Paleo. It’s the Easter Bunny. It doesn’t fucking exist.
Yu MADE my day!! Thanks man.
The ancient Greek admonished:
Let UR food B UR medicine &
Let UR medicine B UR food.
It is a sad commentary on mankind
F I R S T T I M E……