Hey folks!
You have likely seen a news piece to the effect a low carb diet will shorten your life. This is video looks at that topic…I apologize for the length, but this is kind of an asymmetric warfare story. The media says something like this, it’s quick and easy. Doing a decent job of unpacking the claim is half of a graduate thesis.
Give this a look, fire off your questions and be sure to follow my YouTube channel and Instagram account if you want to stay up to date on my work.
ALSO: Yes, I have my biases in all this. I talk about this time and again in the video. I encourage you to put some skull-sweat into reading the links I provide below so you can:
1- Draw your own conclusions.
2- Judge me by how well I represented the source material.
It’s easy to slice and dice things in a format like this video to fit a particular narrative…a narrative that is not actually supported by the source material. Did I do that here? Or was my analysis on-point?
Here are the links for most of the material I used in the video:
Anna Grabowska says
Thank you for digesting this and presenting it as eloquently as you did. I read the actual study paper and felt like there where a lot of holes in the methodology of the study and the conclusions and results. The media took a flawed analysis and ran with it since keto got a popularity “surge” lately. I appreciate the hard work for all you guys to to keep us on track.
Robb Wolf says
Thanks Anna!
Morgan DuShane says
Nice job Mr. Wolf!
Keep up the good work. You are helping a lot of people and we are helping others.
GT003 says
Thank you. I love all the great resources to follow up with and especially liked the insurance information. I like how you allow/push for us to think for ourselves, the insurance information shared an aspect I never even thought about.
Lara C. says
Wow, that was eye-opening. As I’ve been thinking and saying for years now, just follow the money. That’s where the answer lies…. companies developing cancer medications don’t want to see a cure to cancer, etc. Same as companies creating drugs to treat maladies related to poor eating, and the rampant ignorance of the ill-effects of eating cheap, sugar-laden, processed, gmo, and pesticide-laced foods. They have deep pockets and a loud and influential government lobby. The fox is literally guarding the chicken house in our country. When it’s getting prohibitively expensive to eat the foods that will keep you healthy, that’s when you know where the problem lies. My question – What is the government’s goal in killing off this segment of the population? What is the ultimate end game? How’s that for tinfoil hat thinking? Just my 2 cents.
Maureen Garry says
Fascinating presentation, Robb. I especially appreciated bringing in the financial considerations of our current food choices and the surprising revelation of what a big bucks reinsurer is investigating. The timeless wisdom remains: “Follow the money.”
Sue Wheeler says
Great information, thank you Robb. I don’t think there was any tin foil hat stuff at all in your talk…the study had so much room for human error it can only be BS. I’m going to check out the Swiss Re website, very interesting!
Nelson says
Absolutely fantastic breakdown. I had my mother-in-law send me a link to this study a couple weeks ago because she saw on the today show. I pulled the study up and noticed the flaws in the study right away (albeit I reviewed it with, much like with you, a very bias and jaundiced eye). In any event, I just wanted to comment on how much creditability you have (at least with me) because of the way you approach these topics. I appreciate how you acknowledge any bias and encourage your audience to research the issue and make our own determinations. Refreshing to see such an approach in an area that is saturated with “just trust me” type messaging. Thanks.
Robb Wolf says
Thanks Nelson!!
Derek Nunez says
You are one of my best sources and it is nice to add another. I liked the insurance connection that you made and will be keeping an eye on Swiss Re from now on, and you, and Chris, and Dr Richard K. Bernstein.
Thanks Robb!
Robb Wolf says