Robb, Let me first say thanks. Of all the info I consume regarding diet & health, yours is by far the best communicated. When you write or talk, it feels like having a conversation in person with you. (yikes, hope that’s not creepy). I’ve been Keto’ing for the last year, but still bought your Keto… Continue Reading
Testimonial: with the Keto Masterclass my body is changing and getting stronger with every passing day.
Hello Mr. Wolf, I wanted to write and say Thank You!! Admittedly this is going to be a long thank you, so don’t feel obligated to read the entire thing. I’ve completed the first 45 days and am now into the 10th day of the second round. I was going to wait and write a… Continue Reading
Testimonial: I Will Not Stray From Low Carb And Real Food Eating
Testimonial written by: Karen S. If I started at the beginning of my quest for health, I would need to say it started with a walking routine when I retired. I decided to quit yo-yo dieting and just take long walks and whatever happened would be good enough. In 2003, I started walking a distance… Continue Reading