I must be getting popular…I had a woman post a comment on porphyria the other day explaining the condition is not auto-immune and is instead “genetic”. EVERYTHING is genetic at some point…we have parents, genes are passed along to us. I mentioned to the woman that we have seen people actually put porphyria into remission…but I guess that is small potatoes compared to just living with the condition…
Today I received the warm and chummy piece below from Theresa. This is from the Type 1 Diabetes and CrossFit post. Here is Theresa’s comment, I’ve italicized a few pieces I want to address.
It would seem I’m the minority here, but I find several flaws in this article and your subsequent responses to some of the comments. For one thing, there is absolutely no reason a Type 1 Diabetic can’t run Iron Mans and have an EXCELLENT A1C. Don’t put a guarantee behind your own opinion which has no basis in fact. As a Type 1 diabetic myself, I know it doesn’t have to limit the type of workouts we’re able to do and still have a good A1C…it’s called learning to control your diabetes, not letting it control you. And your comment that Type 2 Diabetes is simply too many carbs? There are many Type 2 diabetics whose pancreases are unable to properly dispense insulin, or whose bodies are unable to utilize the insulin as needed no matter what type of diet they follow. Despite what people often think, Type 2 is not just due to excessive carbs or being overweight, and while it can often be controlled through proper eating and exercise, limiting carbs is not a cure-all.
As for some of the comments from people saying their endocrinologists promoted high-carb diets… I recommend a new doctor. I’ve had diabetes since I was 4 (I’m now 25) and not one of the many endocrinologists I’ve had was a proponent of using MORE insulin unless absolutely necessary. Even in cases where my basal rate needed to increase, the goal was always to achieve better responsiveness to insulin and bring my blood sugars back to a more even keel.
It seems irresponsible to offer a specific daily carb amount for a Type 1 diabetic to maintain when you have limited knowledge of diabetes and no actual background on the subject. A paleo diet may very well be a great option for a diabetic, but I would hope that anyone reading this article does their research before altering their lifestyle based solely on your unsubstantiated opinions.
Additionally, it’s proselytize, not “prostylitize.”
Well, when you get right down to it I should have just italicized the whole mess. First, thanks for catching my spelling error..I don’t doubt there are several others where that came from! Since you obviously have a keen attention to detail and can only wonder how you missed the substantive pieces but the tough-chick emotionality is a pretty good indicator of what is happening here: You don’t want to hear that your chosen activity (IronMan) and the accompanying diet (apparently high carb) might be less than healthy. that’s YOUR problem, not mine and don;t put your psychology off on me. If you had bothered to read the comments folks have dramatically reduced A1C’s and insulin usage. In a few cases folks have even seen recovery of pancreatic function with a low carb paleo diet. HOW did you miss all that Theresa? You also make the impressive stand that people need to “learn to control the diabetes, not let the diabetes control you…” Right…you apparently missed the point where I said folks need to “map” their food and training to build a profile of what their response is not just to given training volumes, intensities and lifestyle factors. But I guess that sounds much less tough-minded and heroic vs saying “Don’t let it control you baby!!”. Yeesh.
Credentials…Thersa, would you like to have a debate on the mechanisms underlying Type1-3 diabetes, and or the nuanced and emergent hybrid form of diabetes in kids which shows both insulin resistance AND autoimmunity? Theresa, several hundred people have dramatically improved their lot with regards to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes as a consequence of this FREE blog…who have you helped?
I’m sorry if I come across a dick, but yours was the bitchiest comment I’ve had in the history of the blog. You obviously have not done your homework on the topic. It would have been far easier to simply scuttle your comment but you certainly got my attention and here’s the deal:
You are wrong and or misguided on every damn point you made. There is a cost-benefit continuum which exists here and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you muddy that picture with simplistic generalizations and straw-man crap. The reason I posted your comment is so you can’t whine that I’m blocking your opinion. Quite the contrary, I made it front page material. If you are so wise on this topic you construct a BETTER approach than the one I laid out and I’ll publish it here. YOU do a better job of addressing the tradeoffs inherent in high level training and the fueling nightmare that can result for the Type 1. What are your “EXCELLENT” A1C numbers…and are they anywhere near what folks are achieving with a low carb paleo diet? SHOW me one metabolic ward study in which a low carb diet did not reverse ALL markers of insulin resistance (you know, in response to you statements that a low-carb diet is not a fix-all for type 2 diabetes).
As to whether or not what I’ve recommended is responsible Theresa…all the folks in the comments have reported highly favorable changes. If you have something better, let’s see it.
Jeremy (CrossFit HR) says
Robb, I just ran spell-checker on your response. You’re good-to-go my brutha.
This is getting linked to my site ASAP! Thank you (as always) for the straight response and setting the bar for FACTUAL, EMPIRICALLY FOUNDED, ANECDOTALLY-DEMONSTRATED (with a large n), CLINICALLY SOUND, NO BULLSHIT data.
[email protected] says
Just as in CrossFit, you are always gonna have haters Robb. A guy does a killer time on Fran and immediately the haters come out. Robb its too bad that you have to waste a whole post on bull $%#@ comments like that of Theresa. I have been waiting now for what seems like a whole week for a new post on here and thats what I get:) Robb what you are saying and teaching on this site is incredible and worth its weight in gold. Theresa, your just a d-bag
robbwolf says
I’m sure Theresa is a decent enough person, I’m just willing to bet she REALLY likes her carbs. We’ll see.
Dain says
Woody says
Nice post, Robb. On the subject of Type II diabetes, here’s another success story for you. Thanks to following a paleo diet and consistent workouts, one of our members has lost 4 inches off his waist and just got off his diabetes meds. All within 60 days! Check it out (he gives you a shout out): http://www.crossfitrockwall.com/crossfit_rockwall/mikeb-story.html.
robbwolf says
Great stuff! Thank you!
Matt says
Thanks Robb. It is good to see people like this knocked down. People like this are down right dangerous and for some reason influential. I personally have two type 1’s that have greatly improved their A1C’s through a low carb paleo approach with nothing but strength training. They were reluctant to try it at first because of pepole like Theresa, who are playing with real lives and have no idea what they are talking about. I’d be willing to bet there are plenty of other trainers on this blog who see the same results. I wonder how many type 1’s she could find to support her opinion.
robbwolf says
We’ll see if Theresa pops back up but I think her big deal was my recommendation against high volume aerobic work like triathlon. I understand folks love that stuff, but the cost benefit needs to be reasonably addressed. Many folks train very hard and find (paradoxically) that the training is messing with blood sugar levels. that was the point of the post. FRom that information people can then make an informed decision about the relative cost/benefit of their specific situation.
When I get a reaction out of someone like this they are (to a person) a carb addict. Then they say they are not, but the diet is all bread, rice…
Kyle says
You mess with the bull, you’re gonna get the horns…
Sue says
Therese said:
“As for some of the comments from people saying their endocrinologists promoted high-carb diets… I recommend a new doctor. I’ve had diabetes since I was 4 (I’m now 25) and not one of the many endocrinologists I’ve had was a proponent of using MORE insulin unless absolutely necessary. Even in cases where my basal rate needed to increase, the goal was always to achieve better responsiveness to insulin and bring my blood sugars back to a more even keel.”
Therese, but were they proponents of a high carb diet – that is what you were meant to address not insulin.
Robb, thanks for all your excellent informative articles. You should be proud with the knowledge that these articles have helped people take control of their health. More than any diabetes educators or endocrinologists ever had – they just make it worse.
robbwolf says
You are very kind. I’m very lucky to do what I do and it’s pretty easy to get fired up about helping people.
C.J. Martin says
Robb, are you suggesting that Theresa actually provide data and an alternative theory that could be debated responsibly? Surely you jest. That takes some balls and opens one up to vulnerability since the comments are public and can be digested and responded to by those who disagree. Who in their right mind would do something like that?
robbwolf says
Leave it to a lawyer to get all technical about debating. And Stuff.
Stephen says
I think you hit the nail on the head with respect to many people not liking something out of the gate simply because the implications are, if it’s true, then they must change their lifestyle.
I had one lady on my blog tell me that sugar having a causal role in type 2 diabetes was an old myth. And with the same breath she says insulin resistance is the cause. It amazes me that so many fail to see that the causal chain is almost always longer than a single link. With the final link usually being nothing more than a symptom or a product of something else.
Anyway, keep up the good work Robb. I find all your posts very interesting.
robbwolf says
You got it. I ALWAYS have a bit of neurosis about betting bigger but at some point the health implications (for me) quell that desire. In Theresa’s case she obviously wants to do Ironman. If I were her coach I’d really look at what the results of her training were on her overall health and then try to optimize from there.
If Theresa ever gets back into the discussion it might be good for her to know we have 4 folks going to world championships in age group triathlon. They all perform much better then they did before with a dramatically modified approach to both training and nutrition. AS I’ve said elsewhere…this shit works!
Cynthia says
She did seem a little strident. The call for facts and specifics seems like a good response though- maybe you’ll get a dialog going. It also seems that with enough volume of exercise, you might be able to control that spike of glucose that the liver spits out – perhaps that could be an advantage if used properly. I thought it was strange to see BG elevated after running for a few hours (less than 125 though), but a BG of 200 or higher would scare me too. On the other hand, as long as it’s not so high as to cause a hyperosmolar condition, a temporary spike shouldn’t be a big deal, and the A1c really is the way to tell (within the error anyway- if RBC turnover is very high, it may give an erroneously low number).
Still having good luck with the leaning out- down about 5 lbs now. It is so amazing! Thanks again.
Tristy says
Awesome post!
I just want to point out that you are doing all this for FREE!!! You are out there giving people great information that works, and you are doing it just because you care (and are awesome!)
I like the fact that Theresa pointed out that she has been living with Type 1 for 21 years (and I am sure that all of those childhood and teenage years were devoted to researching and learning about her disease), so that makes her an expert. People like her are dangerous, because people simply believe what she says, because she has the disease!
Thanks for caring about getting accurate information out there for us!
robbwolf says
I actually think that personal experience is huge. Often times folks with a given condition know more about it than their doctors. I do however disagree with the content/tone of her comment. I honestly think she saw the recommendation against big volume triathlon and just checked out from there.
Myles says
FOr the record it is Ironman not Iron Man. The later is a bad movie.
robbwolf says
HA! Thanks miles. I do the same goof with football!
Ryan says
Hey Robb, here’s an article I thought you might be interested in.
Karen Osburn says
As a chiropractor, and being very active in our community with our practice (workshops we teach, radio show, tons of fundraising for local charities), there will always be people who don’t like what you do and try to take you down. Each time I come across someone negative, it makes me stronger for the next one. You don’t like what I do? So what. And as you help more people, Robb, there will more who are threatened by you. Again, so what. It is EXACTLY a sign you are doing everything right when this happens. So please keep doing what you do.
I do not think that among the positive many, that people like Theresa are ‘dangerous’ as many people have posted. It’s just a backlash against someone realizing their paradigm is wrong, or what they thought once to be true, could actually be false. This scares the shit out of most people.
What I know for true, is that going to your nutrition cert in Edmonton about 3 weeks ago was life-changing for me. I’ve leaned down more (day 18 paleo), sleeping better, feel better, have more energy, and actually feel better connected to my body than I ever did. Don’t think mine will be the success stories of others who have posted on your blog (the story you shared at the cert of your friend’s mom who’s hair grew back still gets me every time…), but everything you taught at that cert is completely aligned with what we teach our patients about healing from the inside out. I KNOW Paleo will change the lives of many of our patients, and I feel will be the missing link (no pun intended) for them. Our patient’s lives are so much better under regular chiropractic care, but have been eating such crap and wondering why they still can’t get off the high BP drugs or lose weight.
We are going to design an Paleo Challenge for our patients in office, as well as a guide for getting started on Paleo. Many are excited and want to do it, but need some direction and steps in place to take action.
Thank you so much Robb for not being afraid to teach the truth about real nutrition, and for continuing to touch and save lives all around the world.
Jenn says
Theresa? Is that you?
Nathan M says
“Men will die for points.” And carbs apparently.
Why do people get soooo upset when alternatives to what they choose are presented?
I prescribe you 2 NorCal Margaritas for your non-chilled-out-duder/duderette vibe. And if you don’t know the recipe….well you have to ask Robb….NICELY.
chris says
If its one thing that should be apparent by now its DO-NOT-FUK-WITH-ROBB! Ive been on the receiving end as well as seen it in person. Its rough. He really is the kind of person who only speaks about things in which he is absolutely certain about from what ive noticed. He is like a more nerdy, physiological Hunter S. Thompson, and does less drugs. Although Im not sure if thats such a good thing. Maybe he needs more drugs…..
By the by, Coach Wolf have you heard of Paleo Bars, and what is your take on them?
Take care!
robbwolf says
Not familiar with Paleo Bars. I gave Mr. Thompson a run for his money at one time.
Jae says
Hi Robb,
Great post. I don’t have a diabetes comment, but just wanted to let you know that I attended your cert in April and it has changed my life. I have had plantar fasciitis in both feet for over 5-6 years. The pain was so bad that I could not stand up to brush my teeth, cook, do dishes, etc. Walking was not as bad but if I met someone in the hallway and stopped to chat for 5 minutes I was in pain; 15 minutes and I was in agony.
About 12 months ago I started experimenting with going barefoot around the house, against the advice of two specialists who told me I needed to wear special orthotics and shoes with cushioning and arch support. My feet got a little better, but I still sat down to brush my teeth.
April 20, 2009: I started Paleo 2 days after your cert. I was really impressed with your presentation, your level of experience in making concrete changes in people’s lives, and your ability to explain complex topics to us non-specialists.
Progress was slow at first but the next 6-8 weeks were just tremendous.
I am on my feet for 60 minutes at a time working with clients sometimes and I am FINE. Sometimes I am on my feet for 3-4 hours a day with minimal discomfort at the end of the day.
I stand at the kitchen counter to make my meals and do dishes. I no longer am irritable when I’m at a grocery store checkout line for 5 minutes. These things sound silly and small, but for someone who has been in chronic pain for 5-6 years, they are HUGE changes.
I feel like a human being again. I am even starting to run 400m splits!
A month or so after starting Paleo I bought some Vibrams and I think that helped, too. It’s hard to parse out how much of the dramatic improvement is due to Paleo/fish oil (10-15g daily) and how much is due to never wearing shoes.
But what the VFFs can’t explain is improved complexion, improved mood and energy throughout the day, and regular 4-hr fasts between meals that leave me feeling somewhat hungry, but never I’m-going-to-eat-my-arm-starving like I used to be within 45-90 minutes after a grain-heavy meal.
I could go on and on, but the fact is that these kinds of testimonials are a fairly common occurrence on your end. Still, I had to express my gratitude to you and everyone else who helped me change my life completely.
I have one question for you that I asked on the CF boards but haven’t gotten an answer to:
“When I attended the Nutrition Cert, I heard Robb recommending only protein and fat for breakfast. I thought this was due to the deletion of carb blocks (substituting 3 fat blocks for each deleted carb block), and packing in half the day’s carb blocks post-workout. There are only so many carb blocks to eat in the day, so might as well skip carbs for breakfast (was what I thought).
Then I noticed in the CF NorCal On-Ramp curriculum that they were advocating only protein/fat for breakfast, as part of a general Paleo approach for their beginning clients. So now I’m curious about the rationale for leaving out carbs at breakfast.
Can anybody clue me in on the biochemical rationale for this?
As an aside, thank you to CF NorCal for providing the curriculum, and to Robb for the cert! Amazing resources.”
If you could chime in on this I would really appreciate it!
Thank you for giving me the resources to turn my life around in the last few months.
robbwolf says
The protein + fat just starts you off on a very even keel. Plenty of glucagon is released, insulin is low…life is good. This is a simple, seat-o-the-pants approach in contrast to a weighed and measured Zone.
Awesome testimonial BTW! That is awesome!
helene discher says
Robbwolf, great post, Thanks..
Our body makes Insulin and when we eat to many carbs the body goes after it like a kid in a candy store so that it can grab it and turn it into sugar.
when we eat a low carb and lean fat diet the boby learns to feed off the fat and makes good choices. we can tell from the post that Threasea does not make good ones, when the body stops making Insulin, (I do not suggest putting more carbs in )we do not have the abiltily to release that bad sugar.putting less in our body, a good work out and LESS CARBS!!! we will have a better success, for someone who has had this since age 4… she realley needs to get informed, I would LOVE TO KNOW HER WEIGHT!!!
Sorry about the spelling, have a feild day with it Threasea…
Heath says
When people feel threatened and attack you, that’s when you know you’ve got something good; something of value. Go on with your bad self homeboy!
Don says
Rock on Robb – don’t let the haters wear you down. For every one of them, you have 1000 people changing their lives for the better thanks to you.
Ben W says
Type 1 Diabetes linked to immune response from wheat.
freddy c._one world says
I like vacation Robb……
robbwolf says
Brandon H. says
Solid brotha! Not a post goes by that I don’t enjoy reading. I’d hate to actually see your bad side. Keep up the good work!
Nathan M says
Hey Robb,
I usually just have annoying questions for you to answer but today I have some notes and a summary from “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” lecture presented by Robert H. Lustig, M.D.,UCSF. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM)
Its about a 1.5 hour long video but really informative.
1) Fructose (Sucrose vs. HFCS) consumption has increased in the past 30 years, coinciding with the obesity epidemic.
2) A calorie is not a calorie, and fructose is not glucose.
3) You are **not what** you eat; you are **what you do** with what you eat.
4) Hepatic fructose metabolism leads to all the manifestations of the Metabolic Syndrome:
– Hypertension (Through Uric Acid pathway)
– de novo lipogenesis, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis (Through DNL Pathway
– Inflammation
– Hepatic insulin resistance
– Obesity (Through VLDL transport to Adipose tissue)
– CNS leptin resistance, promoting continuous consumption (Brain is tricked into thinking its Starving and you need more fuel)
5) Fructose ingestion interferes with obesity intervention (The more soft drinks, the less diet and exercise will “work”)
6) Fructose is a chronic hepa-toxin (“alcohol without the buzz”) but the FDA can’t and won’t regulate it. Its up to “Us” to regulate it.
An interesting side note dealt with infant formula (I have a 8 month old daughter that has been off breast milk for 5 months…she start to refuse to breastfeed). Infant Formula (Similac) contains 43.2% Corn Syrup Solids and 10.3% sugar(sucrose), essentially a “Baby Milkshake”. A comparison would be to Coca Cola at 10.5% sucrose. Literature exists linking the earlier a child is exposed to sugar, the more they will crave it later on in life. Also, there is new literature showing the more sugar a pregnant woman ingests, the more that gets across the placenta causing developmental programming changing the unborn child’s adiposity.
Also, a comparison made again about Soda v. Beer, there is no difference between the amount of calories that reach the liver. Beer Belly = Soda Belly. Would you give your (minor) child a beer? Most likely not, but would you have the same resistance to giving them a soda, most likely not. But Soda is Alcohol without the (drunk) buzz.
– Fructose is a Carb
– Fructose is metabolized like Fat (low fat diets aren’t really low fat because the fructose/sucrose doubles as fat)
– Fructose is a TOXIN
Ok, so I lied. I have a question too. In regard to the infant formula, what other options exist for my baby or anyone else’s that is off breast milk?
As always, thank you in advance for your time. When I come back to visit my family in NorCal, I have a bottle of Patrón with your name on it. Your middle name is “Añejo” right?
-Nathan M.
robbwolf says
That is an amazing resource, thank you! I had a link to a “good” infant formula alternative but I hae no idea where it is…I’ll try to track it down and do a blog post.
Bob H says
Robb –
I’m a Type I, diagnosed at 30 (10 years ago), with completely exhausted (non-functioning) internal insulin production. My experiences with Paleo are great, I am not, nor expect to become insulin IN-dependent (I need to take a basal dose), but my overall “externally manufactured” insulin use is way down. I will definitely back you on the bogus rhetoric coming out of most Diabetic Educators in blind support on the FDA’s food pyramid; but there are Health Care Professionals out there that do believe in the Bernstien/Paleo/Low Carb approach.
Soapbox section:
It is the Diabetic’s duty to search and continue to search until they find one. The problem stems with avg individual’s submissive approach to health care. Research, Question and Debate your HCP on the best treatment and why – search one out that will be willing to engage you on the topics and even provide studies/articles for you to learn. I have a better and more candid relationship with my HCP because of this.
Keep up the good work – no matter how controversial your opinions may seem.
Dan says
That was such an awesome blog. I wish I could have met robb when I was actually going to school in Chico. I kinda feel bad for Theresa though… She has diabetes AND just got smashed.. by everyone. I guess she had it coming though, ha.. maybe it will be a wake up call for her.
Norm R says
most telling line in her e-mail from my perspective …’I am 25 now..’
Not hating here at all, just saying that I knew EVERYTHING when I was 25 too. I’ve since re-learned just about everything multiple times over the last 20 years.
Go easy (sorta) on the young’ins – they’ll come around.
Norm says
Keep it going Robb, don’t let others stop you!
ps. A forum would be awesome on this site!
Jerry Forest says
every time I read this blog, you’re having some kind of slap down session and carrying on like a pro-wrestler. you need to show some restraint if you want to be taken seriously. seems like you’re using Glassman as a role model when dealing with people who disrespect you.
robbwolf says
Pro wrestler is EXACTLY what I was shooting for, good to know my marketing angle is working. I’ve really been working to emulate the charisma and white-trash goodness of Randy Macho Man Savage. I know, I know…he is a little dated at this point but consider these amazing sound bites
Jerry…I’d be horrified if people took me seriously…I mean, we are just talking about peoples LIVES. Why on earth would I get spun up about that?
Celio says
My first post here.
Jae, thank you for your testimony! I’ve been dealing with Plantar Fascitis on my left foot for the past 11 months so I empathize with you. It’s been the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with! It has held my training back signicantly, not to mention the discomfort during daily activites, like you mentioned. Your post was VERY encouraging, as I just went 100% Paleo on August 31 and just increased my fish oil intake from a mere 2 capsules a day to 33 a day (10g) as of yesterday, so it’s good to see there is light at the end of the tunnel! What a great timing for me to have read this!
Robb, thank you for this blog! I’ve visited it now and again but am now going to read everything in it and always check on it, as well as put a link for it on my website. I’ve been wanting to attend your cert for a while, and will do it as soon as I have the money. Thank you for all that you do, you are great!
Theresa says
Wow, well I certainly didn’t expect all this attention. First of all, I never disputed the possible merits of the paleo diet and crossfit lifestyle. I even said they may be an excellent option for a diabetic. My main problem lies with the fact that you don’t offer any facts to back up your claims, and you do seem to have some misguided thoughts on diabetes, particularly type 2. In many cases I’m sure that Type 2 will be helped immensely by lower carbs, but what about those people whose bodies are simply incabable of correctly processing or utilizing insulin? It’s not something that can be so easily generalized, and I do get my back up over comments that come across as callous by assuming it can be fixed by eating less carbs.
I don’t run ironmans, nor do I follow a high-carb diet. Not once in my comment did I say I thought that was a better diet to follow. You’re attacking my comment (and yes it may have been bitchy, but it got your attention, didn’t it?) but I still don’t feel you really understood what I was trying to say. Mainly, I think it’s important to offer FACTS. Your blog is clearly influential, and it’s great to have different voices out there giving information about topics such as these, it IS irresponsible to give opinions without offering concrete information behind it. I don’t go around preaching any way of life, diet or otherwise, but if I did, I would at least refer people to sources of information that might support what I was putting out there. If there isn’t much of that bc this is a relatively new idea, say it. You do have a responsibility as a blogger to give your readers some background info. And if you do have a background in diabetes, great, but if you don’t offer that information then my claim that you don’t is hardly wrong, and would only be misguided due to your own omission. And you did put a guarantee behind a statement that you simply cannot prove.
I don’t have a specific approach that I feel would work for any and all diabetics. It’s a daily process to keep it under control and still be able to live my life (which includes running, but no IronMans). I firmly believe that most diabetics are capable of “learning to control their diabetes” in order to perform whatever activities they may be interested in. It takes work, and it’s different for everyone, but it can be done if you have the resources available to you (which, unfortunately, not everyone does). And yes, you did discuss mapping their response to different workouts, my point is only that doing so may enable them to continue doing those workouts. I never attacked the paleo diet itself and I never claimed to be a better source of information. I’m asking you to be a responsible blogger.
*In response to Matt’s comment, “They were reluctant to try it at first because of pepole like Theresa, who are playing with real lives and have no idea what they are talking about.”… I don’t claim to be an expert on diabetes, and I have no experience with paleo, my worry is that people will read a blog like this, and immediately decide to follow a 30g carb a day diet without obtaining more information on the subject, or working with their doctor to gradually decrease their carb intake in a way that works for them. Hence why I ask for facts or a source of information.
Sue, you’re right, they did say their doctors were proponents of a high-carb diet. Unfortunately, if a doctor is encouraging a high-carb diet, it usually leads to an increase in insulin levels necessary to keep their blood sugars down. Really it just scares me that there are endos out there that don’t care enough about their patients as individuals to work with them in finding a better balance.
Tristy, actually all those childhood and teenage years WERE devoted largely to researching and learning about my disease. I chose to take an active role in my own care so that I could live a “normal” life and do all the many activities my siblings were able to do. I never claim to be an expert, simply to have experience with diabetes. I don’t see how I’m “dangerous” to suggest that people research the topic additionally, especially since I didn’t suggest any particular alternatives to follow.
Myles, good to know, thank you.
Jenn, nope, not me.
Helene, 5’8″ and 140….once again, where did I claim to follow a high carb diet or to have a problem with the paleo diet???
Heath, I don’t feel threatened. I worry that people will jump on a bandwagon instead of figuring out if that diet will actually work for them. I’m not attacking Robb (sorry if it comes across that way) or the paleo diet.
Norm R, I don’t feel I know everything, or anywhere close to it. I do, however, have 21 years experience with diabetes, which was the only reason I put my age in there at all.
I’m really confused as to why people assume I’m so big on carbs…I may not be a paleo follower, but I recognize the benefits of a low carb diet and have been following one for a year now. Once again, I AM NOT ATTACKING THE PALEO DIET. I’m not even attacking Robb. My comment was meant to call attention to the lack of background info in support of the article and the assumptions made with regard to diabetes and the necessary lifestyle a diabetic should follow. As for the comment on spelling, I simply think that if you’re promoting your website as a source of information on any subject, it’s worth running a spell-check to provide some semblance of professionalism.
robbwolf says
I really appreciate the re-appearance and the lengthy comment. Your main point seems to some fixation on “facts”. What exactly would pass your sniff test and how many for “facts” do you need than the hundreds of scientific papers referenced in the FAQ’s and the hundred of people who have improved thier Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? I really get the sense you do not understand insulin signaling, Glut-family glucose transporters or any of the mechanisms here. This is why I wanted YOU to lay down the the issues. You are simply saying “we need facts…there are problems with the theory…” Fine, YOU find the refrences the refute what I’m saying and then we have something to talk about. I may be a dick here but it’s hard as hell to convince someone of the obvious!
I’ll tackle this one more time: EVERY clinical trial that introduces a lower carb approach to eating improves ALL parameters of blood lipids and blood glucose regulation. Find me ONE that does not show this…YOU are the one being vague here. I’m crystal clear in what I’m claiming, if I’m wrong it should be child’s play to show one counter example. You are holding me to a higher standard of debate than you are bringing to the table! Not fair and it borders on a waste of my time. The information that is being shared here and on sites like this is literally SAVING LIVES. If we need to re-evaluate things let’s hear it and I’ll be the first on the buss but I want to know HOW to tackle it differently and I’d like to hear a little WHY. The why is less important because when people do whatever this new protocol is, if it works the why is not that damn important, at least not initially.
Robb Wolf says
Old post, still a good topic, Teresa, perhaps some salve for your hand wringing:
Mark Smith says
What Robb is doing is creating a paradigm shift. The medical community has built a house of straw around glucose metabolism, and the role of glucose in our diet and the functions of insulin and blood sugar.
This is revolutionary thinking in terms of the application of knowledge, human behavior and physical activity.
When a revolution comes there is strong resistance and violence breaks out.
In the end, a new road, a road returning us to a truer understanding emerges.
I think a lot about a wonderful Doctor I worked with, who’s 6 yr. old was diagnosed with DM type 1. The fear and anguish he felt, afraid he would not wake up in the middle of the night to make sure his little boy didn’t fall into a comma, and that night he slept through the alarm, and nearly lost him.
IF this knowledge can change all that. Then let the naysayers, and alarmists come, let them come, for the future without worry and fear is far brighter than the one that exists for those that are only aligned with conventional thinking.
Carry on…. Carry on. For the road is long, and it has only begun.
Carry on my friend.
Bless your courage and your passion.
robbwolf says
thanks amigo! Much appreciated.
Patti Johnstone says
Hey Robb
I am a Type 1Diabetic who runs marathons, CF 3-4X week( especially Filthy Fifty’s=Love it) and love endurance activities. I can understand Theresa’s defensive stance with Type 1 Diabetes and being told straight up that good A1C control is not gonna happen through endurance activities, however, your knowlege is very honest, appreciated but it is so true that even our mediocre medical society don’t want to endorse it bx it would unleach such backlash. Your seminar in Edmonton changed my life, my diabetic control and I am doing my best to adjust the Paleo to my endurance based lifestyle- bc like you said in the certification- WE ARE F—N NUTTS! My A1C is 7.2 and I have dropped another 1.5% bodyfat-now reside at 13.5%!! I run faster and recover better from every workout!! You are the MAN Mr. Robb Wolf!!
Your Diabetic Fan from Edmonton
robbwolf says
That’s all I want here is to se people look, feel and perform better. Whatever the activity is I just want to help people do it at their best. What I’m pulling form in the recommendations against big volume endurance activity (or even just standard crossfit if you recall) is that it MIGHT make blood sugar management really tough. For folks to just keep that in mind and weigh the cost/benefit scheme. It has come as a shock to many people that high intensity activities can buggar the Type 1 diabetic, just trying to clarify that there are trade off’s and options in all this.
George says
Hey Robb this is kinda off-topic but I know there is a lot of funky hormonal stuff going on during sex. Does sex effect anything with insulin/glycogen/growth hormone/etc.? I find so many mixed things on the internet, as I am sure you can imagine, so I was wondering what you thought?
robbwolf says
Sex is fun, let’s just leave it at that!
Matt says
Possibly related: Alzheimer linked with genes “known to be implicated in inflammation and cholesterol breakdown”.
malac gilkey says
Holy shit.
This made my day, im still laughing.
BTW robb, I took your nutrition cert in portland about 2 months ago in portland. Im now on an athletes zone paleo (16 block 1/2 carb 2x fat) and am having PR’s almost every workout. 1st muscle up/back sq pr/f. squat pr/ hang clean pr/ fran pr…blah blah blah. Shit keeps getting better.
BUT THE REAL STORY is that you probably saved my moms life. I put her on a paleo-zone (got all of her blood tests like you said, including crp which was 14!) and walking around the lake 5x a week. 2 months later she has lost 40 pounds, feels great, is REVERSING HER TYPE 2 DIABETES (off metformin) has a crp result of 3, amazing cholesterol hdl/ldl, lowered dosing on her hypertension meds…her doctor wants to know exactly what i have recommended, so she can offer it to her other clients.
My moms only complaint? she wants to know when she can stop taking 16 fish oil pills a day (I found some lemon flavored liquid stuff that she loves).
The benefits have been endless, thanks again!
robbwolf says
This is awesome! Keep me posted on this, just outstanding!
gaucoin says
Nathan M, my son has been drinking goat milk since he stopped drinking the stuff his mommy supplied. He loves it!
robbwolf says
I too love me some goat milk!
Stephen says
I love the call for facts and scientific evidence. It’s another puzzling phenomena I’ve encountered since I began blogging. I say puzzling because the very people who come off all skeptical of what you have to say simultaneously want you to baby them by providing a detailed literature review. I take this to mean that these sorts of people don’t actually really care about the issue at hand. They just want an argument and to waste another person’s time.
If you’re skeptical and you really did want to know you would act like a responsible adult and go investigate for yourself. Regardless, when it comes to healing the reality is anecdotal evidence trumps all. Health is not a theoretical debate. It’s the result of taking personal responsibility and informed experimentation. And this blog is full of comments from sick people who are now well. Results speak for themselves.
Chris says
I’m the one who initially emailed you about the good results from the paleo/crossfit regiment, being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. After reading your posts concerning high blood sugars during intense workouts, I’m concerned that I am doing damage to myself. Even though my A1C’s are good, I have really high glucose levels during and post workouts,but they will subside within an hour or two.
My question is should I go to more of a Performance Menu type of workouts rather than CrossFit WODs in order to combat my high BG levels or should I only be concerned if it affects my A1C’s?
robbwolf says
I really do not know amigo. The A1c is kind of a gold standard in that it shows directly how much glycolytic damage is actually happening. I guess the thing to do is give some alternate programming a shot and see how you do. This is pretty new teritory for everyone, give the alternate programming a shot and let us know how you: Look, feel, and perform.
rachel says
Excellent defense. I agree with Stephen. There seems to be a squadron of commentors, many anonymous, who seem to just be in debate mode. One can argue around a topic forever when it’s sport, and not a solid, effort to get to the truth. Can a person really love bread so much they indulge in cognitive dissonance this deeply?? Even when it involves their own health?
If a person is fact based, like yourself Robb, and they come up against someone who is simply trying to win a debate or muddle the waters, then it becomes very clear whats going on. You could literally say, “the sky is blue”..and they would find a way to articulately counter that. Great job Mr. Wolf
robbwolf says
Thanks Rachael-
It appears these people are all the same person and simply a troll.
hans says
well put! we have athlete’s in our box that aren’t needing insulin anymore due to paleo eating. the proof is in the paleo pudding! sorry, lame I know.
A side question, what fish oil dosage do you recommend for children. 8yrs old and 6.5 yrs old?
robbwolf says
I;d just try to get a tablespoon or two of some of the Nordic Naturals kids products. They taste great and the kids will do great on that level.
Karen Osburn says
Robb-quick question…efa’s for pregnant women-still 1/2g per 10 lbs body weight? And will this dosage fluctuate as mom gains weight during the pregnancy?
robbwolf says
That dosage is fine and it need not increase over the pregnancy.
Eddie says
I’m dissapointed Robb. You’ve handled this like a 15yr old too afraid to have people disagree with you than to actually consider that may be there is some validity to what they say. I don’t agree with everything Theresa wrote, but she does have a valid point in that you are the blogger and yet you don’t point out where you get your info about paleo and how it concerns diabetes. I don’t think scientific facts are the key, but it’d be nice to know where all this comes from. You’ve gone on the defensive here, but it couldve been a chance to get a dialogue going about useful info pertaining to diabetes and paleo, workouts, etc, or to explain which of the links in the FAQs related to the topic. Even most of the people who commented accused her of being a fatty, when nothing in her comment had to do with that. I I’ve been a fan for the most part, but your complete disreguard to the actually issues raised here and the defensive tone of your own post has me rethinking how much trust i can put in the info you post here. Why challenge a reader to bringing forth their own planss instead of adequately defending your own points??? I agree with Jerry, take a step back here and act as a professional.
robbwolf says
Hey Eddie! Can you explain to me why you have the EXACT SAME ISP as Theresa? and a few other comments I deleted? Not sure who the “two” of you are and despite wasting my time you’ve made this an easy policy development for me: If someone has a beef with what I write they can come in with facts and an alternate method to compare or they can fuck-off. The next wave of this BS will be someone smarter than you who actually uses some kind of ISP protection.
Mike Brown says
Hey Rob,
I don’t know if Mike and Mary at Crossfit Rockwall sent you my stats or not but I wanted to put my 2 cents in here since I have lab results to back up what you are saying as being true. I’m a 36 year old male, 6’3” tall and during the first week of June 2009, I weighed 263 lbs. I was on 1000mg of Metformin and my last HgA1c was 6.4. I was having liver pain due to an enlarged fatty liver and basically I was a big fat mess and was sick and tired all the time. I started working out with Mike and Mary at CrossFit Rockwall June 8th. I attended their nutrition seminar and read your blog at their suggestion. I started off using the Zone diet but it was more Paelo than zone even though I wasn’t totally Paleo (I used splenda, had beans once a week and ate one cup of cooked oatmeal with my morning eggs, had an occasional cheat meal (maybe once a week) and didn’t cut out salt) I have had awesome results and have changed my life completely.
I went for my yearly physical on August 5th, 2009, and the news was astounding. I had been on Metformin for my diabetes type 2 since 2003. In the course of sixty days of healthy eating and a total of forty Crossfit workouts, I’ve lost over 30 pounds and four inches on my waist and I’ve had big gains in strength and outputs on my WODs. I went from being on 1000mg of Metformin a day, to being medication free! My Hemoglobin A1c dropped from 6.4 to 5.4, well within the range of a normal, healthy adult. My blood pressure is normal (but my Doc won’t take me off the meds (Lisinipril) because he says that it is protecting my kidneys and slightly enlarged heart). My heartburn is gone and I am now Prilosec free. My liver no longer hurts and my liver enzymes went from an AST of 57 and an ALT of 110 to an AST of 33 and an ALT of 54, both within the range of a normal, healthy adult, something that hasn’t happened in years. My Triglycerides dropped from 185 to 49. My LDL went from 100 to 87. My HDL went from 28 to 36. He still has me on Lovastatin and Niaspan but I’m hoping he will let me get off them at some point. I take 9 fish oil softgels a day (three each meal) that are 1290mg each and have 900mg of omega-3. I take one flaxseed oil softgel with breakfast. I also take one Emergen-C before bed as you suggested to control cortisol levels. My doctor wants me to continue to take a low dosage aspirin every day but I haven’t, what is your opinion on that?
I feel better than I have in more than a decade and I am deeply grateful to Mary, Mike and everyone at CrossFit Rockwall for possibly saving my life. I also wanted to thank you for the FREE service you provide with your blog. For those naysayers out there, lab results don’t lie. CrossFit Rockwall started a nutrition challenge yesterday so we are all eating pure Paleo for the next 37 days. I plan on extending that until my next blood tests, which will be on November 6th of this year. I’ll let you know of the results. Thanks again!
robbwolf says
Mike!! That’s amazing. I’ve done a few blog posts under the title “this Shit Works!” and yours needs to go in there!
I honestly do not see a need for the asprin…you could bump your fish oil up slightly and affect the same change with none of the downsides. If your doc is looking for a blood thinning effect perhaps ask for a coag-panel to see where your clotting is. Sounds like you would be fine.
Eddie says
I sure can Robb, I work with her and read your blog, so I thought I’d weigh in.
robbwolf says
Well Eddie, you “two” certainly speak as of one mind. And I still do not see an alternative approach you guys would like to see worked through….if it actually matters and you are NOT a troll, let’s see something.
BJ says
I’m a 26-year old who’s had type 1 diabetes since I was 3. I started doing crossfit about 5 months ago. I’d always been pretty involved in sports, but was never an exceptional performer, so most of my intense competition ended after college/intramurals. I think that’s one reason I bought into crossfit so much.
But pretty quickly after starting, I definitely noticed my blood sugar levels bouncing all over the place. I talked to my endocrinologist about it and he suggested a couple of books that might help me out (Chris, one I’d suggest is The Diabetic Athlete’s Handbook- it has a good discussion on how/why different activities cause blood sugars to spike or drop). I also tried searching for discussions about crossfit and diabetes without a whole lot of luck. Fortunately, I stumbled across your first post on the subject a few weeks back. It definitely gave a new perspective on things. Unfortunately, like you expected, giving up the WODs/bball games/runs isn’t something I could handle, but I have started keeping better records in hopes of spotting the trends of how different activities affect me. Doing that, plus what I learned from the books I read, has certainly made a big difference. I probably ought to browse through those books again to see if your paleo-zone recommendations fall in line at all with their nutritional recommendations.
In the meantime, I’ve pretty well bought into the concept of a paleo/zone diet, but man is it hard. I’m a dude who loves my chips and salsa and quick bowl of cereal in the morning. I’m gonna keep trying though. The biggest question I have about this type of diet for diabetics is the concern that less carbs and higher fat/protein can be taxing on the kidneys. Just curious if you can provide any insight there (I apologize if you’ve addressed that elsewhere).
Thanks for the info you give, and don’t get too wrapped up with the trolls. I’d be willing to bet that it’s mostly people who don’t like the idea that they might not be doing the right things, or at the very least are doing the right things, but not nearly as well as many others out there. It’s actually how I kind of reacted before starting crossfit and really trying to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
robbwolf says
check this out:
The protein-kidney connection is bullocks unless pre-existing kidney disease is present. Keep me posted on how your mapping goes…really interesting stuff.
bmack says
*snap*! So was this a hoax? Damn it?!?!
Aaron Blaisdell says
I also have porphyria (EPP which is short for Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, to be specific). EPP is an autosomal dominant point mutation (located on Chromosome I think). Thus, it is technically not an autoimmune disease, but a metabolic disease (leaving those with EPP 50% deficient in production of ferrochelatase (sp?), one of the precursor steps to the production of Heme).
However, since going primal (I still drink raw milk, eat cheese and other fermented dairy and thus am not technically paleo), and supplementing with 4-6k vitamin D3 daily, and taking fermented high-vitamin cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil (a la recommendations of Dr. Price himself), my EPP is basically in remission. I used to be sensitive to the sun and had to avoid it for the most part. Now I can go out for more than an hour at noon and not get any reaction at all. I actually have to be careful not to sunburn! I’ve never had to worry about sunburn because worrying about EPP never allowed that to happen. I have to train my self now as a 40 year old to not get sunburned! So, even non-autoimmune genetic disorders can be modulated by the environment.
By the way, you said you’ve seen people put porphyria into remission. Can you point me to your information on those sources?
robbwolf says
I want to tackle this on the front page. The person I’ve mentioned is one of our clients, if you’d like to talk to her I can arrange that.