I can lose weight. I am master at losing weight. Since the age of 15, I’ve battled to lose the
same 40-90 pounds over and over again. I’ve tried every diet out there, including a liquid diet,
and had success, but whenever I’d return to a so called healthy diet, I’d start packing on weight.
I was always mystified how quickly my body could put on weight despite my activity level and
how I never felt sated no matter how much I ate. Due to orthopedic concerns, I have always
been a swimmer and average about 15 miles per week swimming with a team. I also weight
train. I had started to add extra cardio training to burn more calories. I am lucky that I have a
stable job with a pretty low stress level (at least for a legal job) and I’d say my biggest stress was
internally created about my weight and failure to control it or make progress in lowering it.
Before contacting Amy, I had worked with 3 other nutritionists in the past 2 years. The first
recommended many healthy whole grains to support my swimming. The second made me go
through expensive food sensitivity testing and a very restrictive healthy grain heavy elimination
diet. I did not have success with either of these nutritionists. The third told me in my first
and only visit that she just wanted to talk about my feelings about food rather than give any
recommendations. I left these appointments feeling judged a failure.
When I first found paleo, was I really psyched and was hopeful that it would finally help me
lose weight and more importantly maintain a healthy weight. I bought The Paleo Solution, a
bunch of expensive supplements to heal my sick body, and gave up grains, dairy, sugar and
legumes. After 3 weeks, I hadn’t lost a pound. It was then, I had a very discouraging exchange
with a “paleo expert” while particularly emotionally vulnerable about not losing. He told me I
was fighting for a reason to fail when I questioned his stance on birth control being a “cheat” that
would prevent one from losing weight and being “paleo compliant.” I gave up. I went on a full
blown eat anything and everything I want binge for 2 weeks. I felt horrible.
Out of everything I had tried in the past, paleo still seemed like it could work for me if I
had a little direction. Amy had been kind enough to answer some of my forum posts on
RobbWolf.com, so I contacted her about a consultation. I told her my goals of leaning out while
still having enough “performance” to get through my swim workouts. I didn’t want to rely on
supplements and high doses of fish oil gave me insomnia. I told her I took birth control pills
and did not plan to stop. I told her about the challenges of my schedule with early morning
workouts. I asked if she thought she could help me, her response, “I can help you!!!”
When I received my meal plan and instructions, I was overwhelmed. It’s amazing, in hindsight,
how scary the prospect of eating fresh real food was to me. I had lots of questions and concerns
about how I would make the plan work for me. Amy is quite possibly the most patient positive
person I’ve met (even if just online). For every question or concern, she has had an answer or
a workable solution. She has shown me that eating paleo doesn’t have to be difficult. She has
been a constant positive force encouraging me to continue.
On day one, I weighed just shy of 190 pounds (I’m 5’6”). With Amy’s expert advice; eating
lots of vegetables; lean grass fed meats; healthy fat; some post-workout sweet potatoes; giving
up the extra cardio; and prioritizing my sleep, 11 weeks later, I am now 25 pounds lighter. I
feel awesome! And unlike any other time I’ve lost weight, I have not been hungry nor have I
felt deprived. I’ve even been able to have an occasional glass of wine or Norcal margarita while
out with friends and still lose. The IBS that I’d dealt with since college is gone. My friends and
coworkers tell me that my mood is much improved. I feel in touch with my body in a way that I
never have before.
I’m even seeing gains in the pool. I recently participated in a 6,000 yard swim event for time.
My coach had given me a goal time of 1 hour 30 minutes. This meant that I had to maintain
a 1:30 pace/100 yards to finish. For me, that’s a mighty hard pace. This was my first paleo
swim event. Of course, I asked Amy how I should fuel myself, as my days of a pre-race pasta
dinner are over, and, as always, her suggestions were perfect. About 45 minutes in to my swim,
I started to feel really good. I didn’t feel tired. In fact, I felt like I could keep going forever.
I was able to swim stronger. With each stroke, I just started thinking, “I am a fat burning
machine!” I finished in 1:29:51!
I am not at my goal yet, but I have no doubt that I will get there and this time, I believe I’ll be
able to maintain it.
Thank you Amy!
Crunchy Pickle says
Great story! I am so happy that you have found what works!!
Jordano says
What were the key differences between your first failed 3 week paleo attempt and your success with Amy?
Rachael says
During my first attempt, I was not weighing or measuring any of my food, but I think that I was likely getting too much fat and not enough vegetables. I also was not allowing myself post workout carbohydrates.
Amy gave me a very precise, but easy, plan with respect to fat intake, protein, and vegetables. I weigh and measure my protein, fat and post workout carbs. I make big batches of food and portion before freezing, so weighing isn’t huge deal. I try to eat as many veggies as I can with my main meals and snacks. We had to tinker with my post-workout carb amount a little.
Amy Kubal says
While I don’t stress weighing and measuring – sometimes it’s helpful to do it a couple of times just to gauge how much you are actually consuming. It really helps in some cases!! Rachael and I have worked together to figure out what strategies and techniques work best for her. And most importantly she is honest, lets me know when she is struggling, how she feels and what she needs. I am here to provide the tools and support that she uses daily to make it all work!! We’re a team!! 🙂
Trevor says
Great story Rachael.
I totally agree with the weighing and measuring once in a while Amy. I just did a calorie check on my daily routine to dial down why my weight loss had stalled. Somehow I’ve been consuming over 4000 calories on good paleo food a day. I still don’t know how I done it, but now I am back on track.
Appreciate your increased post frequency on this site Amy.
Amy Kubal says
It’s crazy how “Paleo friendly” foods add up so quickly isn’t it? We all need to do a self-check every once and a while for sure! Thanks for reading my posts Trevor!! It’s nice to know I have at least one fan! 🙂
Mel says
Wow! That is wonderful; way to go! 🙂
stone temple paleo says
At one point I too noticed I was eating to much fat and noticed that it resulted in small wieght gain, but Ive adjusted. Its like with anything new it usually takes patience.
Tanya says
Wow, Racheal! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I know exactly what you went through! It makes me mad to hear what that other “expert” said. After years of low-fat, calorie counting, vegetarian, soup, bars and shake diets, as well as medically supervised starvation diets, I finally found Robb and his Paleo diet. I have always been 40-100 pounds overweight, and going strict paleo has been the only thing that makes me lose weight while still feeling healthy and strong. I can relate to wanting to being able to still workout while on your diet. Even the Dr.’s I worked with never got that. It can be frustrating being a fit overweight person, we shouldn’t exist according to modern medicine. Anyway, kudos to you and Amy. Please keep sharing your successes and challenges!
P.S. I’ve lost 30 pounds and don’t feel deprived or hungry. PALEO ROCKS!
Amy Kubal says
Keep up the AWESOME work Tanya!! 🙂
Rachael says
Wow Tanya! Way to go! Isn’t it awesome to be able to eat and well and still lose!?! Paleo does indeed Rock!
Tom says
That’s unreal Amy, this sounds like so many people I talk to. I think it’s a matter of how you convey the msg about food not so much just telling people what they are doing is wrong. I have only recently learnt this myself trying to help people around me. Awesome story!!!
Amy Kubal says
Thanks Tom!!
Rachael says
Tom, Amy is Awesome!
Amy Kubal says
And Rachael is even Awesomer!!! 🙂
Chuck says
Great read! Amy, are you able to incorporate athletic goals as well?
Amy Kubal says
Chuck! YES!!! That’s exactly what I do!! 🙂 Let me know if I can help you reach your goals!!
mike karmire says
We want photos!
Rachael says
Ha! Maybe once I reach my goal. 😉