Robb’s Angel’s had an AWESOME first day at the American Dietetic Association Annual Conference. We’ll have a post with all the details soon – but we want to let you see some of what’s going on here now! Here’s a look at day #1 from the Expo floor – ENJOY!
Stay tuned for the BIG post!!
Brook says
i cant believe these things were at a diabetic conference to begin with wth.
Diane @ Balanced Bites says
This is EPIC. I love how the faces of the innocent have been concealed to protect their identities. The HFCS booth is just amazing.
Alex says
A picture tells a thousand words….but I sense a storm brewing!!
Tom Nikkola says
Ugh. How can pictures be so humorous and so frustrating at the same time?
Christina says
This is awesome. I can’t wait for more!
The Bacon Diaries says
The picture of that woman in front of they Sweet’n Low counter is priceless.
Eric Anondson says
This could be perfect with a “provide your own caption” for each photo. The Sweet and Low photo is just a slow pitch right over the center of the plate . . . 😉
Amy Kubal says
Go For It!! Just add captions and post them in the comments!! 🙂 Great Idea!!
Jeremiah says
Oh hai there! Would you like to sample some of our delicious liver toxin?
Diane @ Balanced Bites says
“Sweet n Low” photo:
“Yes… I’m here to file a complaint. I’ve been using your product for YEARS and it’s not working. What gives?!”
Cain Credicott says
I can’t believe some of those pics. Lays? HFCS? What is the ADA doing even allowing companies like that in there? I don’t even know what to say…
Amy Kubal says
Try, “Show Me The Money”… Baby steps! We’re not fighting – just giving them the facts. Paleo sells itself – no fancy packaging!! 🙂
Dave Secondino says
This is an excellent illustration of why we need to be very careful when selecting health care professionals. For every truly knowledgeable and caring person, there are 5 folks with their hands out to the drug, food, and insurance companies. Thanks for posting this.
JMH says
And to be fair, there are three who do actually care and don’t even know that they’ve been (and are continuing to be) educated poorly.
That’s why Robb’s going straight to the doctors. Because most people are ignorant, but willful. You can fix ignorance.
JMH says
#overtired #badcavegirl
Jonathan says
That’s what makes me feel extremely grateful that I have been introduced to this concept and to great people like Robb. The world doesn’t need fancy packages, just more health professionals that care about the results of their clients than lining their pockets with dirty money. It WILL happen and I for one am on board!
Stephanie Greunke says
The best part is that we didn’t have any free samples (just information on the Paleo books that are out there and a FAQ we made) and we still had a pretty popular booth. People came and talked to us regardless of our lack of food samples because they wanted to know about Paleo. There were a lot of positives that came out of the conference.
C George says
WOW. . . We are in trouble
Mike says
The “support corn sugar” sign on the computer has me cracking up. Do the people running the ADA even know what Diabetes is?
Primal Toad says
I’ve never been more speechless in my life…..
Martin says
It does look scary.
Hans says
Nice pics!
Did you slap the hormone loaded cow when she tried to hug you? 🙂
Ed says
Pics of Robb’s booth?
Amy Kubal says
Stay tuned for the upcoming ‘EPIC post’!!
Chelo says
I want to see you guys roasting a pig or something ; )
skink531 says
Those are the easy ones. It’s pretty obvious those are just junk food. But I see the sign behind the cow for That’s the real enemy. It’s more of a challenge to convince people that those “healthy whole grains” are a big part of the problem.
Dave K says
I’d like to see if USDA and American Medical Association events are the same,
Mel says
They are. The AMA is worse in that you get to see all the docs who smoke.
Sandy says
Wow..oh wow! I can’t believe some of the photos..Lays potato wait..these are examples of what NOT to
Stephanie Greunke says
There were educational handouts about the chips being gluten free and info about gluten free labeling at the booth! There was a little education with the samples at least 🙂
Nobie says
This is the best post ever!
Fat people, HFCS, fried stuff….
Amada Cortez says
So, how much $$$ do these sponsors give to ADA, especially HFCS?
SnoopsNailgun says
I want a Support Corn Sugar t-shirt!
Karen Neely says
Way to represent your profession!! I can see from your bio that even though you are busy helping athletes and even “every day people”, you take time out of your day to carefully select pictures to best represent what registered dietitians and ADA are all about. Let me be the first to slap you on the back!!! I’m sure you were so super busy in your career as a “paleo” dietitian that you forgot to mention your volunteer work on a local or national level in your dietetic association. I mention that because I’m sure that you, a “paleo” dietitian, (please, don’t get a “paleo”dietitian confused with the rest of the evidence based, hard working registered dietitians out there) realizes all that it takes to put on these conferences and events, including, money. Perhaps we should be asking the local farmers to hire extra laborers in their place to work the farm, pay out of their pockets airfare, lodging and meals to have booths. Another option is to increase the registration fee until it’s high enough to cover all the expenses needed to make an educational event like this possible. That way they won’t have to have it at a large convention center, since only the people who can afford such a hefty fee would be allowed to participate. There are many ways to “spin” issues Ms. Kubal. Perhaps these companies are able to receive feedback regarding their products from a concentrated audience of front-line food and nutrition experts here? How about the hundreds of other booths at the expo exhibiting everything from better ways to farm to including nutrition education in the classroom, improved enteral feeding products and systems and enhanced techniques in preparing meals for people with dysphagia.
P.S. As a RD who works with eating disorder clients, the photograph of the sweet-n-low booth—class act on the photographer’s part. Betcha if you showed the lady in that picture you took, you could make her feel really great about herself, especially since its such a flattering angle (you know, the backside). Please, encourage a clever, snarky caption, maybe she can be identified and you can make her cry too.
Amy Kubal says
Thanks for your comments Karen and just to let you know we do work locally also. We, like the farmers, don’t have the resources or money to be a sponsor, but have spent our own dollars to get here and deliver our ‘real food’ message. It’s small steps that will get us to where we need and want to be. This is only the beginning! As far as the pictures go – it is what it is. We have not staged anything nor are we out to hurt anyone. Our message is to imply that ‘diet products’ are not the solution to the health and obesity problems that we are currently facing. Overall our experience has been extremely positive – we aren’t out to make enemies but to create allies in our fight to make others healthy. Stay tuned for our wrap-up EPIC post and please do not take offense to this post. It is just demonstrating where the money is currently at and that this is part of the problem. Engineering foods and changing their names is not going to fix anything. It’s time to get back to basics!!!
June says
Karen, in case you’re not aware, Amy Kubal is an RD. She is a registered and licensed dietician, with a Master’s degree in the field, just like so many other “evidence based, hard working registered dietitians out there.” She endorses the Paleo approach, an approach which is based on eating real food, rather than processed junk.
Sadly, many dieticians still tell diabetics to eat plenty of grains, along with starches and sugar and simply adjust insulin injections as needed. That’s some of the worst advice I’ve ever heard, yet many registered dieticians are giving out exactly that kind of advice. The American Diabetic Association gives out this kind of advice. The representatives noted in the photos at the conference would fit in perfectly with this kind of recommendation. They are selling junk, not real food, that is not designed to bring about good health. It’s designed to bring about good profit.
Mike P. says
“Sadly, many dieticians still tell diabetics to eat plenty of grains, along with starches and sugar and simply adjust insulin injections as needed”…i.e. let’s keep cutting ourselves with a knife and adjusting the size of the band-aid. Why not stop cutting yourself with a knife, you ask? Because then they can’t sell you the band-aid!
I am REALLY looking forward to this post!
Karen Neely says
Hi June,
I am aware that Ms. Kubal a registered dietitian. I read her bio. It’s nice that she has a masters. It’s cute that she puts “paleo” in front of dietitian. Really, it’s great. I must have it wrong. I’ll forward this link to my colleagues so we can see how Ms. Kubal is representing registered dietitians and our association. I’m sure they will be psyched, and, indeed, thankful that Ms, Kubal has showcased us and our profession so positively. There are many theories out there. Yours is one.
Robb Wolf says
No Karen, after you have Evolution via Natural selection as it applies to biology (nutrition and medicine included) there are no more “theories”, just bull-shit. That is the problem, and you obviously do not get it.
So, what is it Karen, does Evolution apply to humans or not?
Doug says
Maybe Karen is pissed because that’s her in the picture 🙂
Karen Neely says
Mr. Wolf, I pose your question back at you, it’s not “does Evolution apply to humans or not” but does civility? Please don’t flatter yourself to think you know me, and what I “get or do not get”. You meant to discredit and ridicule registered dietitians, unless they are your “hand picked” dietitians. Bravo. It always amazes me how brave and brazen people are behind their computer screen. Did you have a computer at your expo booth streaming your blog pictures? I honestly do not have time to keep writing on your blog. Smear away…it was your intent from the beginning. As for Doug’s comment below, it would be just golden for all of you if I was overweight, hanging out at some food additive sweetner booth-wouldn’t it? I love my job, I’m proud to be a registered dietitian and I am very passionate about health and well being of my patients and clients. End of story.
Robb Wolf says
Good for you Karen. If you mean that people who claim to practice science, yet have no steeping in Evolutionary biology need a wake-up, yes, that’s absolutely what i’m saying. Lives are at stake here, I take it seriously.
You side-steeped my question entirely, Does evolution apply to humans, yes or no. As a science based dietician what do you use to orient your thinking? That’s my questiona and the fact my question makes you uncomfortable is educational and also not my problem, it’s yours and unfortunately, also your clients.
How many people would attribute YOU with helping them reverse an autoimmune disease? It could be hundreds, perhaps thousands if you had a steeping in evolutionary medicine and the etiology of those diseases. Or, you are telling them the same tired line the ADA generally endorses which is effectively doing nothing for them. And if you think I’d be any different in person you are sourly mistaken. I’m a dick in both virtual and fer-real reality:
What I think has happend is my dietitians highlighted some serious problems inherent in the RD scene, and that has rankled you. I’d ask yourself why. I’d also spend some time figuring out why this Evolutionary Medicine concept scares you. If you want to have a discussion about the epistemology here, I’m game. I’d also point out, you were the one that made this personal with the “cute” reference to Amy, I did no such thing to you, then you launched in on all the “hiding on the internet” crap. And Karen, do you know why I’m even bothering to write this? Because if you can be brought to THINK about this it will save peoples lives. Unfortunately, passion does not equal efficacy.
So, if you want to have a conversation, I’ll insist that we kick it off with: does Evolution apply to humans, yes or no? If I’m not worth engaging on the topic, that’s fine too.
Jonathan says
While I understand your concerns for potentially exposing an individual and perpetrating a or exacerbating someone’s self esteem or dietary issues I have to say I completely disagree with your grasp on what it takes to put on an event such as this. The ADA does not need to sell its soul to the “devil” in order to affordably put on an event. What about national chains like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Metagenics or Standard Process? I’m sure companies such as those would be more than willing to put up money to be a part of something like this. I know first hand what goes into planning such events. As a chiropractor and former member of an Association that regularly put on seminars such as this to large groups of doctors, in big fancy hotels in very nice parts of the country I can say we never even thought to approach a company for sponsorship if it was not congruent with our message regardless of their pocketbooks. I think it is ridiculous that a national association who’s very existence is to help promote and incorporate healthy diets for all people would allow such atrocities to exist. ” ADA is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy.” That is a direct quote from the ADA…let’s be honest: this is neither food nor nutritional and it will not benefit the nation’s health. Additionally, I can say that while I embrace the paleo concept, I by no means believe it should be for everyone. That’s the great thing about Robb, his staff and others like Dr. Mat Lalonde: they embrace the idea that food, just like humans can evolve. It’s about science not prejudice. I see your passion, but feel some of your words are misguided.
Karen Neely says
I applaud you giving your time to aid on putting on an education event on a large scale. I’m not at the event, but I’ll get feedback from colleagues who are attending. Retailers such as Whole Foods, EarthFare, Trader Joe’s may be there, remember from over hundreds of booths and exhibits, they choose those pictures. I’m a firm believer in being part of the solution and putting forth ideas to improve the situation…and the whole story. Contact ADA, request a booklet on ALL the sponsors and presentation. I don’t have time to continue to post. Again, I’m sure your Association appreciated the positive efforts to help, I know we appreciated all the positive and helpful people helping us. Respectfully.
Jonathan says
True Karen they did only post a few pictures. But the post prior to those pictures makes it pretty clear that they are only showing highlighting some of what was there and that there would be more to come.
The bottom line to me is this: Having those companies represent an organization that promotes better nutrition from food is a mistake. It goes against the very foundation of the ADA’s principles and against the science of food, nutrition and the human body. Therefore, if the event chose to do business with these companies people like Robb and his staff should make no apologies for calling a spade a spade. I would expect the same criticisms on my end at the events I mentioned above. If in fact healthier options are present at the expo I certainly hope and look forward to seeing what is there.
It just seems a travesty to feel like we should somehow “forgive” an organization for having Lays potato chips present because there were also healthy alternatives there. We should want better if not for ourselves certainly for our children. I for one do not want my daughter growing up having to even put a thought into her head in choosing between real, healthy food or processed garbage.
Natalie says
My aunt is a registered dietician. She still thinks cholesterol causes heart disease and “healthy whole grains” are good. She’s also clearly overweight, which is ironic but helpful because I can bring it up every time she teaches me about the dangerous of eating a lot of meat. Needless to say, I have no respect for most of the registered dieticians (or most medicos, either).
Amy Kubal says
Natalie, we’re not all bad! There were many RD’s at the conference that were very open to the paleo lifestyle and some supported it fully! I think the tides will slowly turn – it’s just going to take some time! In the meantime, challenge your aunt to try paleo for a month – she can’t say it’s bad if she’s never tried it!!
Brian Kerley says
It’s like you went back in time when people didn’t know sh*t about nutrition. But it’s real!
Danna Seevers says
Can’t wait for next blog posts!
dave says
So, that gal was just there giving out lays? Doesn’t sound like a bad conference for those that partake.
Nathan Greaves says
Words cant say how hilarious/annoying these photos are. Ive always thought the most interesting part of the film “Supersize Me” was the part at the end which mentions how heads of companies like Coca Cola, McDonalds etc are the same people who head select the “perfect diet” for the everyday citizen. These images just prove what utter morons they are!!
thejerm says
sweet merciful meat!!! this needs to be sent to Mrs. Obama or some thing! some one high up needs to address this.
Trevor Frayne says
I remember being in school and seeing a bake sale to raise money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. I honestly couldn’t buy the goods because the food helps the problem not the solution. It’s like you want to help but you can’t because of how they are trying to solve it. This was almost a decade before going Paleo.
Robb Wolf says
This has bene my issue woth things like the RElay for Life and even Fight Gone BAd when the moeny went to prostate cancer research.
Rick says
I don’t exactly follow. What is wrong with the FGB money going to prostate cancer research? I absolutely love your work and support you 100%, but I work for the Foundation that FGB used to benefit. We support all types of research, including dietary approaches that include Paleo type diets.
Robb Wolf says
I’m…jaded a bit with the cancer research scene. Virtually nothing about prevention (other than avoid red meat of course). Keep in mind, I was in the maw of that best in the late 90’s, things may have changed in how things are run. At that time it was not good.
Rick says
Don’t get me wrong, most of the dietary research focuses on low fat/cholesterol with no real attention paid to carbohydrate intake (you can, however, be sure that healthy whole grains are a big part of it). But more and more we are seeing a SLIGHT trend toward a paleo type diet including fish oil and the like. I spoke to some researchers this weekend at a retreat that we had, and while their work doesn’t explore a paleo looking diet, they are hearing more about ancestral health and find the principles intriguing.
Robb Wolf says
It’s true, times are changing. And people are still dying due to the ignorance…so how complacent should we be?
Amy Kubal says
We had an extremely receptive audience!!! It was enlightening! There will be changes – it’s just going to take some time! We’re in it for the long haul though!
Patti Jeanne says
I hope no one at the conference is a carb addict with Type II diabetes. They’ll send their sugar levels thru the roof just walking thru the EXPO. I know money is king but really the ADA should have a little integrity with their sponsors.
Well now that I can find away to add fritos to my healthy diet I’m going to dvr Dr. Oz to figure out the rest of my ‘healthy’ lifestyle with 100 of the most important things to put in my grocery cart.
PS – I really must have hurt my kids nutrition when I didn’t include whole grains with their eggs and bacon. They had some strawberries for carbs – I must be hurting them.
Robb Wolf says
CPS is on it’s way. Fruit instead of grains…how COULD you?!
WesW says
Aww, that bumble bee in the second photo has insulin sensitivity issues. Her wings even fell off.
Trev says
Chelo says
oh yehhh.. the “proud to be an average american” pics
Ed says
What I really want to know is what “food” comes out of the spray cans with pistol grips in the sweet’n low pic?
becky yo says
Me too! I hope they got a sample! (I want to see all the swag they got!)
Tonja says
I THINK it is some form of pancake or waffle batter???
Rachael says
I guess its the lawyer in me, but when I see ADA, I think Americans with Disabilities Act. From the pictures, that thought might not be to far off the mark.
Robb Wolf says
Interesting overlap, no?
Christina says
I also think of American Diabetes Association. hmmmm
Thomas Wywrot says
I just don’t understand how corn can be a sweetener, an oil, and fuel our vehicles and still be something that everyone is up in arms about. It’s clear that pretty much all we need is corn.
Robb Wolf says
John Calhoun says
WOW! This totally reminds me of a CNN story I saw years ago. It was footage just outside an American Heart Association conference/ convention. Dozens of people stepping outside for a smoke break! It was awesome..but in a sad way.
liz says
was anyone injured during the sampling of evidence? how difficult it must be not to scream out and cause a scene.
props, angels.
Dean says
Funny and sad, I’m laughing at the ridiculousness of the photos, but I feel depressed when I think about what they really mean. Yous guys and angels keep up the good fight, I certainly appreciate it. PEACE!!!!!!!
Marcia says
This post should have come with a graphic image warning!
Andy Askren says
At least the red cow is paleo.
Robb Wolf says
HA! Red #5
Stephanie says
Yeah, the cow is promoting Paleo “Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food”. If it has to be qualified as “food” on the label, you know it has to be good!
Coop says
I can’t wait to see and read more, go Angel’s!
Stephanie Greunke says
Thanks!! Be on the lookout for it next week!
Ron says
Classic – you can’t make this sh_t up!
Lark says
Karen Neely, why would you assume the person in the 2nd pic is ashamed of her body? Not everyone is and her choice of clothing suggests that she’s fine with it, perhaps even proud of it. Also, you should be proud of Amy Kubal and the other Paleo Registered Dieticians. They are living proof that someone can be an RD and still be capable of critical thinking.
Tena says
It would be interesting to see these ADA attendee pictures juxtaposed with a healthier group, say, from the Ancestral Health Symposium…
Amy Kubal says
Next year Tena!! Great Idea!!!
Laurial says
I would have punched Mr. HFCS Smiley Man and eaten that cow.
Robb Wolf says
Agressive!! I like it.
Stephanie Greunke says
Daisy cottage cheese gave away “stress cows” (a squeezable toy shaped like a cow). Those helped us contain our composure… a free sample we can all enjoy.
Taylor says
Now, is it hard to understand why we are in the middle of an epidemic?