Congratulations to Lillie McPherson being the winner of 12 Inches of Cast Iron from Lodge!
She’s also bringing home an autographed copy of Robb’s new book- Wired to Eat along with an autographed copy of our newest cookbook- Weeknight Paleo!
Lillie posted a comment on the blog about her favorite recipe our Paleo Sloppy Joes being one of her favorite recipes of ours. Thanks Lillie for your immense support and continued success in health and the kitchen! Throw a few pictures up on the blog or social media when you get everything in the mail.
Here are a few comments from Lillie upon hearing she was our lucky winner:
I turned to Paleo when I was steadily gaining weight with no explanation. Soon after I found out I had hypothyroidism. Since then I’ve been extremely interested in how diet can heal conditions like this. I think I’ll make Nom Nom Paleo Michelle Tam’s new recipe for wonton meatballs. Besides her InstantPot, I see her cast iron skillet the most!
Congrats again to Lillie and to our boy Robb Wolf on the official release of his book today.
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