A HEYUGE thank you to all the folks who attended this weekends CrossFit Nutrition Certification! I had a great time and I don’t think I put too many people to sleep! A big Thank You goes out to my awesome NorCal staff: Natalie, Katie and of course, my kick-ass-Wife, Nicki. The day would have been a cluster-phuck were it not for their help.
David Osorio says
We can’t wait for you and Nicki to come out to Brooklyn and tell us all to stop eating so much pizza and beer!
Can we find some gluten free beer and keep eating it!? It’s going to be a blast! Can not wait!
Anton Emery says
Cool stuff. Those Nutrition Certs seem to be taking off. You should talk to Scott about coming up to Crossfit Portland sometime. I am sure there would be some folks eager to attend.
Ashley says
I believe the thanks goes to you! Your seminar was a perfect balance of information and gloom and doom coated in humor to not turn our backs on our programmed genetic makeup. From now on every time I look at processed food I see it as it is, a drug that will rape my body and keep me from my fitness goals. Thanks for your great thoughts, research, insights, and most importantly giving me the tools to empower others to take control over their health and wellness.
Hey Ashley! Glad it was valuable to you…pretty graphic what refined foods to to us though! Wow! I thing you would be a great romance writer! Keep in touch and thank you again for attending the cert.
Ray B. says
Thanks for the awesome info at the cert! I always knew breads were bad for you but know I know why. Well worth the trip from SoCal!
Started Paleo today to clean up my nutrition and looking forward to the results. No More FrankenFoods for me!
“Grains Suck! CrossFit and Paleo/Zone Rocks!”
Thanks for affecting lives for the better.
Kudos for you and your staff for putting on a great day!
Gonna get all our clients on board with their nutrition…Can’t wait to see what it does for them.
Gabe Rinaldi says
Thanks for a fun seminar Robb! To those of you thinking about attending a future CrossFit Nutrition Certification with Robb…DO IT! It was a great mix of background info, practical application, scientific stuff, and casual banter…plus F-bombs build rapport and make serious stuff more fun! Time for me to go through my notes and investigate some of this stuff further.
thanks Gabe! Glad yoou could make it, really glad you enjoyed it.
Roelant says
Hey Robb,
you gonna come up north at some point, you know, like the montreal area? 🙂
Your site is a great wealth of information though, thanks for that.
We are shooting fro Edmonton in the spring…gota wait fro things to thaw out!
J Jones - Diablo CrossFit says
2 Diablo CrossFitters in the HOUSE!
Both of them have also emailed me great reviews. Hopefully we can get more of our people out there soon.
Stavros @ Diablo CrossFit says
Another solid cert by Robb I’m sure. Good to see Jorgy repping the DCF horns. I think that makes 4 of us from DCF that have been through your cert so far. Good times!
Joe Birch says
Hi Robb. After reading you article on 42 ways to skin the zone I was left with a much better understanding of the issues associated with the zone diet and it’s a brilliant resource for anyone looking to eat paleo/zone/paleo+zone.
Some of the advice i give to my fellow students on training and nutrition when they are having problems comes from this website, CFJ and PMJ so for that im very grateful! (hey, no one knows everything!) At one point you talked about cycling back down to your basic block zone every 5-7 days for gaining some lean mass. I was hoping you could explain this idea (nothing more frustrating than not understanding something before I try and use it properly my self!) or point me in the right direction of some reading about nutrient cycling.
Thanks very much for you time! Joe
Brody says
Hey Robb,
I have been zonin for a while now like a good little crossfitter, and today I whooped on the filthy fifty and set a nice PR. After the workout though, I started to get some blurry vision. I used to get this occasionally when I was younger and my mom always told me it was from low blood sugar. What I would usually do is scarf down something sugary like a candy bar or something because I thought this would get it back up, then lay down in a dark room with something over my eyes for a while until it all went away. Usually a brief headache would follow after my vision cleared up. I did the same thing today, and as usual it cleared up in about 20-25 minutes, but I was wondering if you could offer some more scientific insight into what’s actually going on and why, and what I should do if this happens again in the future. I don’t know if its maybe something wrong with what I have been eating, but I haven’t had this problem for years and I have been zoning for a few months. Also, I don’t know if maybe its just from the Filthy Fifty since its just such a beast of a workout. Thanks man, and I love your site! Thanks for all the time you put into helpin us all out!
I think you just had a bit of a bonk from a BIG workout. A standard Zone meal PWO whould be fine to get you going again…or shift more carbs to that meal to enhance recovery.
SB says
Sept 23rd has come and gone. Is that draft done yet?
Good luck!!
I know…failed on that. My wife picked the date so I’ll blame it on her! I have 3 chapters of 15 “done”. After I get back from the biosignature seminar, I’m back at that full time. I had to teach some trainer development classes that completely cock-blocked my writing efforts. The gym is growing, we have an inadequate number of qualified trainers to work…so I had to shift gears. Sorry about that folks.
Anthony Bainbridge - CrossFit Fredericton says
Robb, my bright lime green jerks & snatches tshirt is amongst my favorite CF shirts. But people notice if I wear it too often … so how do I buy a brown version like you got on!?!?
HA! We should have them on-line soon but your money is NO Good. Shoot me your address and desired size (one for Jodi too) and we will get those out to you.
Ian Carver - CrossFit Centurion says
Awesome cert! Rick and I had a great time and learned a ton, adding a tremendous amount to the knowledge base. The CF community is amazing in that there are folks like yourself out there with an incrdeible depth of knowledge and the willingness to share it. I already have been using the stuff in my Health & Wellness classes and with our clients. Thanks again. Take care! – Ian
Trish says
Robb – Just want to thank you for an awesome cert this past weekend! I learned so much and will definitely be spreading the knowledge to the crew in San Diego. By the way, I love your new digs…by far tops my list for awesome crossfit facilities.
Thanks Trish! Anytime you guys want to come up and stay, we’ve got a place for you!
Erich says
Hey Robb,
I’m 18 and attending Washington State University and I’m planning on trying to make it to one of your certs when I get the chance. I’m taking a nutrition class and recently confronted my teacher after class. During class she showed us a couple of slides outlining the differences in diet and disease over time. Like everyone knows infectious diseases were much more common compared to chronic diseases. As the flow chart showed over time medicine cured the infectious diseases and chronic diseases flourished, as they do today. She claimed that better nutrition is the reason. Personally I completely feel paleo and zone are the way to go(which is hard to do at college, but I try my best) so I decided to ask her some questions about this odd shift in disease types. First off, she had not even heard of the paleo diet, which some what surprised me; second, she felt the shift of disease type was due to activity level and portion sizes. Personally when I look around the lunch room people eat the same amount I do, possibly even less, but the difference is they eat like shit. Is there any justice to what she is saying or is she just ill informed?
roelant says
Hey Robb, I was wondering on what days do you fast? rest days? WOD days? both? does it matter? Is it better to eat all day on a rest day to promote recovery, or does recovery nutrition mainly count pwo, when one ingests most of the carbs for the day?
I’ve really not messed with IF for aver a year…just too much other stress. Someday I may tinker again. You just need to drop it in and see how you do with it. Performance, digestion body comp should improve, if not, ditch it!
Jodi Bainbridge - CrossFit Fredericton says
Robb!! Just wanted to send out a big THANK YOU for your nutrition advice. I feel a tonne better and am cranking out PRs left, right, and center! I wish I could get out to one of your certs…someday… 🙂
Thanks again! You’re a rock star!
Nicki says
Hey babe,
It’s your pesky wife reminding you to use spell check in your responses!
Buggar that!
Justin says
Great site and info. Thank you for all that you provide–free of charge!
Question: I’m finding that zoning is just a little too time and $$-consuming for me. Paleo + IF works a little bit better, even if I’m suffering a little bit of a dip in my WOD times. Trying to make up for the carbs by throwing a lot of em into my post-wod meal, but primarily I’m using fats as snacks and to hit the carb craving i will get from time to time.
Unfortunately, some times I don;t know when to say when, especially just before bed: half-jars of TJ Cashew Macadamia Nut Butter at a time. So, how much fat is too much at one sitting? Am I looking at a crazy insulin spike?
Thanks for whatever help you can offer,
Not typically an insulin spike, but you can end up with the trots from overwhelming your digestion and shitting yourself silly!
John Velandra says
Ya better bring a couple of those shirts to Cherry Point! LOL
Jordan says
Hey Robb,
I just found your website and think it is a terrific resource. I was just reading your three part series about feeding the machine and I was wondering if you might be able to give me some advice? I have been crossfitting for a year and change at Petranek Fitness, have tried the zone a few times but have never stuck with it for more than a month consistently. I am 23 years old and am 5’10”, 200lbs, and probably have a BMI between 20-30 (I haven’t checked recently). I have struggled with dieting and weight loss most of my life. I found that while I was zoning consistently, I had some good performance results as well as weight loss. I am (and was) currently doing 14 blocks, normal fat and am on a 3:1 CF schedule. I am on day two of my new Zone routine. My main focus right now is to loose weight and get myself down to a healthy weight and body comp. I have been reading a lot about your advocating shifting about 1/2 daily carbs to the PWO meal. Is this something I should consider doing if my main goal is weightloss? Should I just eliminate some of the carb blocks from my diet altogether? Wouldn’t that mess with the “zone” hormonal levels etc? Sorry to deviate from today’s topic but I couldn’t find an email address for you and figured this might be the best way to get in touch. Thanks in advance!
14 blocks is waaaay too low. Pop that up to at least 18. Tinker with the 1/2 carbs ala 42 ways to skin the Zone.
Erich says
Hey Robb,
I’m 18 and going to Washington State University, I love your site and want to come to a seminar when I get the time. I love crossfit and nutrition. I’m a true believer of the paleo/zone(which is hard in college). I am enrolled in a nutrition class and was given some interesting information. I was shown how chronice diseases has been on the rise, while infectous diseases have decreased over time. I confronted my teacher after class and asked her why? She claimed in class that life expectency had increased over time becuase of nutrition but for some reason these facts didn’t make sense. I asked her if she was familiar with the paleo diet; she was not. She said that the increase in chronice disease was not due to food types but rather portion size and activity level. Is there any justice to this? Or is she just ill informed about a good diet?
Hey Amigo! That…is just a heyuge topic. Check out http://www.thepaleodiet.com and look for the paper that deals with “common counter arguments”
good luck with that!
Anthony Bainbridge - CrossFit Fredericton says
Ha! Nice try – I’m paying for the shirts once they are up on the site. Appreciate the offer, though!
Xi Xia says
Hi Robb,
Hope the biosignature seminar went well for you and I can’t wait to discuss it all with Scott when he gets back into Portland.
I have hopefully a quick question for you. Ever since I’ve training others, I’ve been absorbing as many books on zone/paleo nutrition as I can. My favorite read so far is “Good Calories, Bad Calories”. I am looking forward to Paleo for Athletes next.
When I am reading these books, I realize I want to get a little deeper, into the basic research/foundation that they are summarizing or forming their arguments about.
what would you recommend as a solid general and/or exercise metabolism book or reference today? How is “Exercise Metabolism” by Mark Hargreaves? Thanks for your time and any leads you could provide on my search.
Hmmm…I really do not know. I suspect wikkipedia is good. I think there are a few text’s available for free via pubmed…sorry for the lack of help!
Simon Fellows says
Robb hiya….Seing this way as i need some info and need it ASAP.
Pal of mine has been diagnozed with pancreatic cancer.
Could you be a love and send me the interview with Tom Seyfried please ?
supachramp at yahoo dot com
Thanks lad and when are you coming up this way ?
Dave says
Oh snap!
I got schwag!
Nice. Thanks Robb.
christina says
Hey Robb,
The cert was awesome! Like others, I will never look at food the same. I stayed away from grains pretty much but relyed on those darn bars too often and artificial sweeteners.
My fellow CF trainer and I are doing a Paleo/Zone challenge for 30 days. In 1 week I can already see and feel the difference. I can’t wait to see what 30 days will do. I’m at 113 lbs 15.5 BF. Lost 1 pound last week. The thing that surprised me the most was my lack of cravings. I did cheat on Friday night and felt hungover from all the sugar Saturday. I also noticed that by sticking to the program on a totally fatigued day ( 5 hours of sleep ), that I didn’t crash and binge.
Thank you sooooo much. Fabulous cert.
John Velandra says
A couple of odd questions….
1. If you have a food allergy, would you have been prescribed an epi pen? Are food allergies “toxic” or more of an “irritant”? And at what point does an “irritant” become toxic? (I understand the seafood and nut issue) But the bigger question is, are there varying levels of allergies and toxicity?
2. When someone comes off of either a bout of food poisoning or a stomach “virus”… what should you break “fast” with?? I grew up with tomato soup and cheese sandwich (or crackers) to ease into it; but all that is is acidic food and inflammation loaded grains.
Thanks and see you in December!
Yep, there are levels to allergin response, insensitivities which are nto technically allergies…the response can range from gut irritation that produces diarhea to like you said, an anaphalactic response requiring an epi peen. These food allergies can also register as a low grade stress that keeps cortisol chronically irritated.
hmmm…I’d not do crackers as a recovery that’s for sure! Some kind of cultured food, soups etc are good to go. thigns that are easy to digest. 30-40g/day of glutamine for a few days cna help heal the gut also.
Jesse says
Awesome cert, I got what I wanted out of it, to be really scared, enough to do something about it and know how to do it. I have been Paleo Zoning since I left and though my numbers had dropped a bit I am feeling good and am dropping weight. I couldn’t believe it, I thought to my self ‘is that really how much I am supposed to eat?’ Clean food is so much more voluminous (carb wise) than grains and refined sugars!
It would have been really tough to be a fat paleolithic man! I am having trouble eating all my food and I really feel for you gaining man!
Ken says
Robb – I am 23 6’0″ 170 have been crossfitting for a year, I (mostly) eat paleo w/in zone ratios, and have recently started experimenting with intermittent fasting (18/6, 24-24). I’ve read so much about insulin sensitivity, hormonal responses to food types, etc., but it seems so removed from me personally. My only way to measure my health is the mirror, the scale, how i feel, and my power output. But what about all these other factors that diet and exercise are supposed to control, like insulin sensitivity, or cholesterol, etc. My question is, how do i measure those things empirically/scientifically, as in a clinical setting, where would i go to have that done, and what things should i be measuring? I just want to be as healthy as possible and find what works best for me as an individual, not what tests of a pool of subjects have concluded works for most people. Thanks!
I think how you look, feel and perform are your most valuable measures. There are some blood work peramaters to keep an eye on…I’ll have that up in the FAQ section before too long, keep an eye peeled for that.
Ben says
Hi Robb,
What’s the word on bee pollen? I had paleo foods using zone proportions with the only carbs coming from 2 cups of broccoli. I took a few spoonfuls tonight after my workout and I’m feeling a hit to my stomach. Does this mean I’m allergic or is it a high glycemic superfood? Thank you.
It is possible to be allergic to bee pollen…just have to go by feel on that, I’m no expert on the subject.