I wanted to let folks know about a new up-and-comer in the Paleo education scene, her name is Consuelo “Chelo” Werner and her site is Healthy Guts.
Chelo is Dave Werner’s daughter in law, she is a mother of 3, was born in Mexico, speaks 6 (that’s SIX) languages and she has an amazing story to share with a lot of people. Check out these videos for a little more about what Chelo is up to:
Healthyguts.net from Consuelo Werner on Vimeo.
Feeding your kids from Consuelo Werner on Vimeo.
It Starts with the Kids/Se Empieza con los Ninos
Earlier this afternoon I attended the Paleo Talk Seminar with Sarah Fragoso and Chrissy Gower (it was outstanding, I’ll do a more detailed write-up later). They are two more moms who have between them 5 kids and a ton of real world experience feeding their kids “paleo.”
Unfortunately, this topic of feeding the kids becomes incendiary under the best of circumstances.
Folks bring the baggage of their own childhoods: “Well, I ate this as a kid, so my kids should eat it…”
The medical community is confused: “Whole grains, dairy and juice are healthy foods for growing kids.”
And folks do not want to be the weird ones: “All the other kids eat Goldfish, I don’t want little Jimmy to be the odd one out.”
I could be insensitive and just push these concerns aside, but it would not serve folks well. And since I don’t yet have kids, I have no credibility amongst those folks with kids anyway, so this is why the work these gals are doing is so important. These women deal with these concerns, and many more, every day. But they deal, and they stick to their guns, largely based from the observations that feeding their kids this way is the healthiest way they can possibly feed their kids. As you read Chelo’s story above you notice that her kids were sick, in one case very sick. A simple transition to a paleo type diet solved a multitude of seemingly unrelated problems ranging from gastrointestinal issues, failure to thrive, cognitive/behavioral delay…nothing a parent wants to face. She took her families health into her hands and the benefits have been remarkable.
WOW! That’s a large demographic you have there.
The number of Spanish speaking folks in the US is growing at a remarkable rate. Unfortunately, the rates of diseases such as type 2 diabetes is growing amongst these folks faster than can be believed. Sodas heavy in fructose, traditional foods cooked in linoleic (n-6) rich corn oil, sedentism, and shocking vitamin D deficiencies are just a few of the problems. Who is advocating for these people? Who is recommending a path other than what mainstream medicine (let’s be vegan!) or the junk food selling media (Hey kids, fruity smacks taste even better in chocolate milk!). It’s kind of a rhetorical question, but the reality is not many people are advocating for the Spanish speaking population and you don’t need to think about it from a goody-two-shoe’s perspective. If we collectively do not fix this problem the price tag is going to be huge, and if folks have not noticed, we’ve been living on credit for a while already!
Onward and Upward
I feel like we have seen solid success getting this paleo/gluten free message out to the masses. The idea is out there and seems to have legs of it’s own. This is why I’ve shifted more of my emphasis towards the Liberty Garden project and developing infrastructure for supporting CSA’s and Farmers markets. Another piece that MUST be addressed is serving the non-English speaking population of the US (for starters). To this end the Paleo Solution has been translated into Spanish, we have a fledgling spanish language forum, and now we have Chelo who will be generating written and video support for the concepto paleolithico en Espanol.
Viva la Revolution Paleolithico!
Aitor says
Good to know about that! Cheers from Spain!
BTW: Viva la Revolution Paleolithico! should be “Viva la Revolución Paleolítica!” 😉
Robb Wolf says
My Spanish is rusty at best, and I need to tweak my keyboard to get my tildas back. Obrigado para su ayuda!
Diane @ Balanced Bites says
Thanks for continuing to not only support those of us who are out there spreading the good word with you, but for taking responsibility to put efforts into movements like the Liberty Garden project and encouraging the local/sustainable food movements. By creating messages for people to follow that are legitimate and founded in THEM DOING SOMETHING or taking action on behalf of their own health this message can spread without seeming like we’re all just trying to reach into people’s pockets, or that we need to, for anyone to live a better, healthier, happier life.
Selling education around what’s real and how to help ourselves to make choices and be responsible for our own health is what I think it’s all about. I’m proud to be a part of this community and honored to be able to travel the country teaching others this information as well.
Indeed… Viva la Revolution Paleolithico!
Much love.
Mark says
Buen hecho! Me alegro ver la expansion al espanol!
When/where do I find the Spanish translation? I’d love to share it with some of my friends in LatAm.
Robb Wolf says
It will be available soon, will get that link ASAP.
Consuelo Werner says
Estupendo trabajo Robb! … Mark! my site should be up next week in Spanish in my webpage you should see a link in the upper menu titled ESPANOL http://www.healthyguts.net/… por el momento puedes compartir mis videos en espanol aqui :http://vimeo.com/22562444/
y Arriba la Revolucion Paleolitica !!!
Consuelo Werner says
wrong video link sorry .. here is the real one http://vimeo.com/22566165
MountainDew says
If you’re on a PC you can just hold down the alt key and type 0241 to get the ñ. 🙂
Robb Wolf says
I’m on mac, any short cuts for that?
Consuelo Werner says
hold down the option key, then the N key. Release both keys then type lower case n : ) —ñ—
Robb Wolf says
txpaleo says
Here are some others,
option e=´ then type your letter é
option tilde = ` then type your letter à
option u = ¨ then type your letter ü
option c = ç (portuguese)
Robb Wolf says
This is for Mac? ¡Gracias!
Carlos says
Heh, you guys are so Neolithic. Don’t you guys take the evolutionary approach to computing? Go with Ubuntu Linux man! where typing international characters is easiest. Ok, no more trolling.
Robb Wolf says
I’m feeling like I’m in the Cuneiform stage right now :0(
Jeremy Priestner says
Some big issues to be tackled as regards informing the spanish speaking population in the United States about nutrition. It’s good to know Chelo is doing something about it!
Saul says
Hola Robb! Acabamos de abrir una página de preguntas y respuestas en español sobre Paleo: http://paleodudas.com.
Un saludo a todos!