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Short Book Description
Wired To Eat explains how more willpower and better discipline are not the missing pieces to health and fat loss. Our genetics are working against us in the modern world of super tasty foods. In this new book you will learn about neuroregulation of appetite and how hyperpalatable foods can bypass our built in “off switch”, causing us to eat far more than we otherwise would. The genes that made our ancestors successful are setting us up for troubles today. You will learn how sleep, gut health, stress, exercise and community can work with or against our goals of health and leanness.
With Wired To Eat you’ll embark on a program to rewire your appetite and regain your health. We will start with a 30 Day Reset that will normalize the neuroregulation of appetite and help us not only to eat the right amount, but also begin to appreciate simple but delicious meals. After the 30 Day Reset we will use the 7 Day Carb Test to map what specific carbohydrate foods we do best (and worst) with. This will move us beyond one-size-fits-all dietary dogma and into the modern world of Personalized Nutrition.
Wired To Eat includes over 60 whole-food recipes and includes meal plans for the 30 Day Reset as well as for autoimmune and ketogenic diets.
Long Book Description
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Talking Points & Questions
- What have you been up to since releasing The Paleo Solution in 2010?
- I’m sure folks will be curious to know how Wired To Eat differs from The Paleo Solution, can you talk about that?
- In reading Wired To Eat you talked at length about Personalized Nutrition, what is that and why is it important?
- Most of the mainstream media and medical establishment tells us we need a “healthy relationship with food” but you take a different angle to this in Wired To Eat, can you talk about that?
- Ok, clearly a hot topic for you Robb, but can you talk a about the notion of “cheating” and what role it plays in healthy (or unhealthy) eating?
- Is Wired To Eat just a weight loss book? Who is it for?
- How does the Paleo Diet fit into the framework of Wired To Eat?
- How long is the program in the book and how is it presented?
- The high carb/low fat vs high fat/low carb battle seems to go on and on. What are your thoughts on that and how do you tackle this in Wired To Eat?
- Ketosis and fasting are hot topics of late, you have a chapter devoted to this topic in Wred To Eat, can you talk to folks about the benefits and potential pitfalls of ketosis and fasting?
- Why are the topics of sleep, exercise and community such significant features of Wired To Eat? Isn’t it all just about food?
- Robb, you have an interesting take on the word “hypochondria” can you talk about that?
Robb Wolf Bio
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist, health expert, and author of the New York Times bestseller The Paleo Solution and the eagerly anticipated Wired To Eat. He has been a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and Journal of Evolutionary Health; serves on the board of directors of Specialty Health medical clinic in Reno, Nevada; and is a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resilience Program. Wolf is also a former California State powerlifting champion and holds the rank of black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He lives in Reno, Nevada with his wife Nicki, and daughters Zoe and Sagan.