Move beyond one-size-fits-all dietary dogma and into the world of Personalized Nutrition. @robbwolf #WiredToEat
What constitutes the “normal” or optimal feeding state for any given person varies. @robbwolf #WiredToEat
Hyperpalatable foods bypass our “off switch” causing us to eat more than we otherwise would. @robbwolf #WiredToEat
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“What constitutes the “normal” or optimal feeding state for any given person varies. It depends on their genetics, stress levels, sleep status, exercise, gut health and of course, their food, both in terms of amount and type.” – Robb Wolf #WiredToEat
“You now have the opportunity to go beyond general guidelines and find which foods, including which carbs, work best for you, regardless of your age, weight, or health status.” – Robb Wolf #WiredToEat
“It’s not a personal failing to find modern foods, and habits irresistible. We are genetically wired to eat more and move less – the exact opposite of what we are frequently told. It’s not our fault we are in this situation, but we do need to do something different if we want a different outcome.” – Robb Wolf #WiredToEat