If you poke around online for information on the Keto diet you will find a LOT of differing opinions. One particular area of controversy is how to initially set things up. Some recommend a 4:1 fat to protein/carb ratio. Others insist that one must hit specific percentages like 75% fat, 5% carbs and 20% protein.… Continue Reading
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Recent ketogenic diet Posts
Are Exogenous Ketones Good For Weight Loss?
Exogenous ketones are a hot button topic in the keto world. Some are putting them up on a pedestal like the holy grail of ketosis and weight loss… But, as I’ve said before, there is no magic pill (or oil) you can take for instant health or weight loss. Ketone esters, ketone salts, MCT oil…what… Continue Reading
Testimonial: Keto Success: Get Your Mind Right
Robb, Let me first say thanks. Of all the info I consume regarding diet & health, yours is by far the best communicated. When you write or talk, it feels like having a conversation in person with you. (yikes, hope that’s not creepy). I’ve been Keto’ing for the last year, but still bought your Keto… Continue Reading
How much do you value your time?
Disclaimer: This post is without doubt self-serving as I am deconstructing some common arguments about buying material that can, arguably, be found for “free.” I’m going to make a case that many folks are not thinking this process through…and then I’ll hit you at the end with a pitch to buy my (and other folks)… Continue Reading
Keto Constipation Hacks: How to De-Bloat & Improve Poo on a High Fat Diet
Guest post by: Dr. Lauryn Lax Check out Part 1 Here. Keto constipation is a common phenomenon experienced by people who transition to a low carb, high fat diet. Keto diets are often low in fiber, the essential ingredient for helping us “do the doo,” found in carbohydrates, especially green things and other veggies. Even… Continue Reading
Keto Constipation: Why it Happens & What to Do
Guest post by: Dr. Lauryn Lax Keto constipation is real. Despite the hype about low carb ketogenic diets being good for everything from brain health to metabolic boost, there is a dark side no one is really talking about: Constipation. Constipation is defined as “difficulty relieving the bowels.” Although chronic constipation technically happens when… Continue Reading
Testimonial: with the Keto Masterclass my body is changing and getting stronger with every passing day.
Hello Mr. Wolf, I wanted to write and say Thank You!! Admittedly this is going to be a long thank you, so don’t feel obligated to read the entire thing. I’ve completed the first 45 days and am now into the 10th day of the second round. I was going to wait and write a… Continue Reading
Cholesterol and Keto
How does eating a ketogenic diet affect cholesterol levels? Are high LDL and HDL numbers always a red flag? Should you be on statins? Spoiler alert: it depends! Click above to take a listen to Nicki and I chat by the woodpile about cholesterol and keto. And if you’re interested in the Cholesterol and Keto… Continue Reading
How to Keto if you don’t Dairy
Hey folks! A common question we receive relates to the use of dairy and ketogenic diets. Dairy is a handy, tasty fat (and protein) source that can add a decent amount of variety to a keto diet…but, dairy is not a great fit for everyone. Some of the challenges of dairy: 1- Lactose intolerance. For… Continue Reading
Testimonial: I Will Not Stray From Low Carb And Real Food Eating
Testimonial written by: Karen S. If I started at the beginning of my quest for health, I would need to say it started with a walking routine when I retired. I decided to quit yo-yo dieting and just take long walks and whatever happened would be good enough. In 2003, I started walking a distance… Continue Reading