Hey folks. I’d like you to watch a movie trailer and then we can reconvene lower on the page. Here it is:
Pretty cool, no? I’ve mentioned the movie, In Search of the Perfect Human Diet before and I know a number of you have contributed to this project and for that I and many people thank you…but we are not there yet. Filming is done, post production and editing are underway and we need your help to complete the project.
It’s tough to describe how important this movie is without getting pushy or sounding preachy. I hate that stuff, but it’s REALLY important. You will learn about the cutting edge research emerging from places such as the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Biology. I know, shady place, right? This movie is not about a preference for flatware and whether we should enjoy forks more than knives, this is an exploration into what it means to be human and what our history tells us about optimized health and wellness. If you have benefitted from the Paleo concept please consider a donation and for sure please pass around this trailer and the link to donate.
What, they couldn’t afford apostrophes or other punctuation?
Heh, I was going to say the same thing, but they did manage to spring for a quotation mark.
Haha, I know. The movie looks pretty awesome, but seriously: use grown-up writing in all on-screen text. And here’s another vote for just-put-it-on-kickstarter-already.
I completely agree – inaccurate grammar screams of zero credibility. Get it together people!
I completely agree – inaccurate grammar screams of zero credibility. Get it together people!
I noticed the same thing immediately. I think it’s very important to make something like this look as legitimate as possible, since so many people want to throw points of view like this into the “fringe” bucket. So, that means, fix the typos before you widely send a promo around, and also (in my opinion) ditch things like “With CJ Hunt reporting” (it’s a movie! Movies don’t use that language) and the temporary title card with “CJ Hunt” on it about 7 or 8 times (go with “Produced, Written and Directed by” instead, I’d say)…and “music by iTunes”? Not to nitpick, but any hint of amateurishness and people will dismiss this, unfortunately.
Hi Robb,
Good to hear from you, and thanks for the ongoing support. Nicely enough, since you shared the current “promo trailer” last Thursday, it has helped raise over $11,000.00 in just 5-days via the Paleo Diet/Paleo Solution network, all from individuals concerned with helping complete the documentary’s post-production (even though the missing apostrophes stirred things up a bit).
Regarding those pesky apostrophes, I had included them, but in the end it was an legibility decision based on the limitations of the Apple template I was able to use at this time. I have no doubt that when a ‘real’ theatrical trailer is produced as part of the films post-production there will be no missing apostrophes, and fewer upset Paleo folks… at least about apostrophes 😉
Thanks again to all of your readers and supporters – Because of you it’s getting closer to completion everyday.
PS Greg might feel better if he understood it’s an investigative documentary inspired by the work of Peter Jennings former ABC News Anchor, and that (at least according to my resume) I really am a Broadcast Journalist/Reporter.
Hehe- nice little jab at ‘Forks over Knives’, which, incidentally, made me want to stab my eyes out with forks OR knives… whichever was more readily available…
Hey Rob, Have you thought about doing this through Kickstarter? Seems like a lot of worthwhile projects are getting funding there now…
Put the project on Kickstarter.
Haven’t had open eyes for long but the more I get into paleo/primal eating the more I have to read and watch about it. I’m on episode 7 of the podcast and it just keeps getting better. I’ll be dontating for sure, please, please keep at it.
Wonderful trailer!
Honored to see that a German research institute is playing a central role (I’m German).
Sorry for nitpicking, but there are a few apostrophes missing in the text that need to be fixed (“mans” should be “man’s”, “weve” should be “we’ve”).
Very much looking forward to seeing (and help promoting) the final result!
Cool, it’s a crowd-funded film! Just donated $100, everyone else should, too :).
the Germans were also at the forefront of obesity research in the 30’s and were advancing the hormonal theory of weight gain. Imagine how far ahead nutrition research would have been if history had turned out differently.
If you believe in the many worlds theory of alternate timelines, I guess that places us in a weird reality of paleo being considered pseudo science.
Yea, we are in bizzaro world. Sweet.
Imagine how far ahead nutrition research would have been if history had turned out differently.
-Yeah, all the Aryans would be thinner now.
Yeah, but the gains in nutrition research would be offset by gains in Nazism.
“one mans quest for answers”… he should also be searching for an apostrophe!
BTW, just blogged about it on my German Paleo Blog: http://paleosophie.de/blog/2011/05/filmtrailer-search-perfect-human-diet
Thanks for letting us know, looking forward to watching the movie!
that is a limitation of the current software.
Yeah, whatever, folks. Apostrophes are sooooo neolitic.
Looking forward for this film!
Robb, with all due respect, I can’t forward this trailer with typos. The crowd I’ve been pumping this stuff out to wouldn’t even consider it professional or worthy of listening if there are grammatical errors. If the current software doesn’t support, change to something that does.
I know, apparently it’s a limitation in the software. We’ll get it fixed.
Hey Robb, I recognized the software as being Apple iMovie ’11 (version 9) – I’m happy to see it’s being made on a Mac! Now I tried to add apostrophes on my version at home (which is fully updated to 9.0.2) and it works without any issues. Look into this, it may be as simple as a free system Software Update. Let me know if I can help out in any way. Thanks for spreading and promoting a worthwhile project.
George! Ping CJ about this, he is the filmmaker!
iMovie has no issue with apostrophes, but some fonts do not include all the punctuation. So try a different font (I’d recommend a more readable one anyway).
People! paleolithic man did not use apostrophes.
Good intro, but I think the background music could be more grand. Im thinking like theme from battlestar galactica or ride of the valkyries.
Something like the music from the “Four Hour Body” Trailer.
(tongue planted firmly in cheek)
or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_67sErtlumg&feature=related
also good to listen to when attempting deadlift PR 🙂
Will the software be updated so that the trailer can be grammatically correct to pass on? For those who already perceive this information as being on the fringe, having proper English and copy writing would certainly make it seem more legitimate.
This is great! Given that software limitation, maybe you can just change the wording so that the sentence doesn’t need an apostrophe?
If there was a “like” button, I’d be clicking it on this suggestion.
Thanks, Cindy 🙂 I would click “like” and “agree” buttons for the statement that you made above, as well.
Lets Social Media the hell out of this people!!! What “Social Media” as a verb, yes it’s i thing! And Greg is probably shaking his head at the triple exclamation, but oh well…
Greg doesn’t know how to pronounce the word “whilst,” so I wouldn’t worry too much about his opinion regarding grammar.
“let’s” – there must be a big black hole for apostrophes!
Thanks so much for your ongoing support Robb… and to the many folks that are contributing – it’s a huge help in completing post-production, believe me. John I’ll certainly check out Kickstarter.. thank you for the tip.
omg. i got all tingly. that looks awesome!! i agree – try kickstarter 🙂
Well, Robb, what do you expect from a well-fed, non-brain-fogged crowd… we write well and enjoy good writing skills! 😉
Also, I have to say you guys get a little feisty sometimes when you gang up in paleo podcasts… sometimes you laugh at people’s questions… let your audience be feisty too!
True enough.
I was gonna suggest kickstarter as well. My handle is also in need of an apostrophe. Oh, and yeah I’ll kick in some dough for this flick!!!
Jimmy Moore had a nice interview with C. J. Hunt last summer about the documentary. Here is a link.
I am so glad that I just got a raise and could donate a second time to such a worthy documentary!
Yes! Everyone else has their propaganda film with suspenseful music, it is only right that paleo has its version.
I hope this is classy. I think that the agricultural revolution evidence with the simple introduction of grain-based eating and its effects is a lot more classy and compelling than “China used to all be completely vegan and then they added meat (and seed oils, sugar, wheat, pollution, etc) and now they’re DYING! Eat a “plant-based” diet or your face will become cancerous”.
I would have donated but I’m cheap. I did buy Robb’s book instead of stealing it, though. *gold star*
Indeed, double gold star.
Cool trailer, but the intro “logo” reminds me too much of Paramount’s logo. Not that I don’t like it, just that it seems at little less original. Silly thing to comment on, I know, but a lot of people think about this kind of thing. Looking forward to the movie premiering in the US!
This looks great. But, yeah, I have to agree, y’all need your apostrophes. Can’t wait to see this flick. And, I tenth the kickstarter idea.
It looks promising indeed. Are there any more trailers available with some more content?
Also, on the PHD website one can sign up for DVD release notifications. It would be great if we could also buy it online and download the video file (e.g. MP4)(I buy movies from bigupproductions.com this way) – it saves time and packaging and shipping efforts and costs.
Alright Robb, I’m taking your word on this one. Your word is gold to me. I donated $100.
Thanks Harvey!
Done, thank you for all the work you have done to help so many people!
my $25 is in
I will be ordering this sucker as soon as it’s available. Maybe this will help convince my parents and my in law.
just donated $100. looking forward to it!
whats the ebst diet for a mma fighter trying to cut down to 170 lb, and what needs to be done diet wise?
What do you weigh now? What type of fight do you being?
Purely Primal has donated. Looking forward to the end result. Will pass along on the blog too.
Thank you!
Thing is, it looks more like a film about Robb than about the diet, or human evolution. Are there any frames without you in it? (not that I wouldn’t like a film about Robb – just maybe with a different title 😉
I’m interviewed but be heartened! I’m likely in there less than 2minutes.
Hey Robb – a neighborhood friend showed me a cookbook last night from some author claiming research shows that females who are red meat eaters have a 52% increase in breast cancer. I can’t imagine that a study actually showed this. And my response to her was that possibly the rest of these meat eaters diets weren’t taken into consideration and were loaded with processed crap…OR that the meat wasn’t grass fed, etc.
What are your thoughts? Have you ever heard of this claim?
We only hear this claim every time we interact with a vegan/vegetarian. Sat’d fat, red meat…in the words of Mark Twain it’s “lies, Damn lies and statistics”. These are all epidemiology, the occasional mechanistic study like what the China Study claims is feeding casein (milk protein) to mice…and they lump ALL animal proteins into this! One study that got a ton of initial airplay was shown to include the total contents of a pepperoni pizza as “meat” when assessing various disease risks.
Is grass fed meat better than grain fed. yes. Will either of them give you cancer? No.
I am glad to see that there is a film coming out that will illustrate the healthy benefits of following an ancestral type of diet. We definitely need a dose truth out there, especially to combat the vegan propaganda film “Forks over Knives”. Great job and I will definitely be donating.
Um… What’s actually *in* this movie? After a minute of watching a guy walking around, some bones lying on a table, and some guy in a lab coat pointing to a splotch on a screen, I still have no idea.
Some cool sound bites — instead of music laid over images of people saying we-don’t-know-what — and some more interesting images would go a long way to making this trailer watchable.
This movie is available on iTunes now and I’m going to watch it tonight. Really looking forward to it.