Hey everyone!
I’ll be participating in a Tweetchat with Prof. Art Devany on December 16th at 1pm (PST). We will discuss his forthcoming book the New Evolution Diet and anything else that seems fun or interesting. If you have Questions make sure to post a few here and to also check out the tweetchat. I’ll post another update on what hashtags to look for.
Great advice and I’m looking forward to following the chat.
One thing I see that I disagree with regarding the evolutionary perspective is the line “Our distant ancestors didn’t do it, so we don’t need to.” This is a dangerous stance. Just because our ancestors didn’t carb load doesn’t mean it couldn’t possibly help us. Maybe our ancestors survived and procreated in spite of not having carb loaded.
Evolutionary thinking lays a great groundwork for us, but science needs to study and confirm or disprove our thoughts.
Although there is certainly some flaws in the Paleo framework of simply relying on what our ancestors did, at the end of the day, this stuff works. For the average person thats all that matters. If I was an overweight diabetic I’d do anything to get the fuck off insulin & metformin, even if that meant following a flawed framework.
I do agree what everything you’re saying though Matt.More reliance should be put on the science at hand, and not looking for science to back up claims of “our ancerstors did this, so we should do it too.” I think the palmitic acid issue is just that.
Yep, totally agree.
I agree. This shit works and paleo is a good starting point, for sure. If we use both paleo principles and science in combination (like Robb and others are) we’ll all be a lot better off.
cool video 🙂 i’d like to know what he thinks about retinol (vitamin A) requirements in our diet. i’m especially referring to the notion of some, that pure carotenes alone can often not guarantee vitamin A sufficiency, especially if one has a “healthy” (=optimized) vitamin D level, which increases the requirement of vitamin A(?). does a otherwise healthy human being need to eat liver or supplement with retinol at all? and if yes, how much? thanks!
One question is why the focus on “lean” proteins.
The promo video seems to hint at it and I recently saw a criticism of Cordain’s new cookbook advocating things like “skinless chicken breast” and avoiding fatty cuts of meat like roasts and steaks. Not to play the “cavemen didn’t do xyz” card, but I thought it was pretty well known that paleo humans often went after the fat first, including marrow in favor of the lean protein.
Is this stance an effort to make the diet more palatable to the fat-phobic public, or is there some solid science (psuedo or otherwise) behind this?
If I’m not mistaken (I’m sure Robb will correct me if I’m wrong), it’s because most people are buying supermarket grade meats that are high in Omega 6’s. If you’re eating grass fed beef then you’re good to go because it’s rich in Omega 3’s.
Derek – I second the question. His new cookbook continues the “lean meats” nonsense along with the “don’t overdo” the egg consumption. Also along the same lines he stressed the use of Olive Oil in most of his recipes. I personally limit my use of Olive Oil for high heat cooking and I use it ONLY in salads or low heat cooking. “So Professor Cordain, aren’t Coconut Oil, Lard, or Tallow better options than ‘high-heat oxidized’ Olive Oil?”
Here is nice question since folks are feeling salty:
Why the hell are you cooking at high heat if you are concerned about health?
I’m on the same page as you guys, but you need to keep a perspective here of trying to reach the most peeps with the “best” info.
Devany is ok, I like him. But can someone please explain to me what Devany is supposed to be doing in the gym? Because it sure as shit ain’t training.
Well…I definitely like his older trainer better than the machine based stuff, but to each their own.
We get it, Berkhan. You’re better than DeVany and anyone else. Your posts on FreeTheAnimal and elsewhere make abundantly clear that you’re to be trusted exclusively. Trust me, we all get it.
There. You’re now validated. Will you please simmer down now?
ha ha, fletcher, you old dog. that was pretty funny.
He’s a 73 year old dude who does more athletic activities than most 25 year-old people I know.
The 2004 critique of the ACSM position stand in the JEP pretty much opens the flood gate to a whole bunch of different styles of training. Maybe he’s found what works for him and allows him to continue his activities outside the gym? After that, what does it matter?
i was eating Paleo before i knew what Paleo is with the exception of too much fat. i was eating fat but not too much. after switching to more fatty meats, coconut milk and those kind of stuff, i started gaining weight..i exercise almost 5-6 days just like the way i was before ; maybe a little more; some days intense – short , some day long fun stuff like rock climbing..what am i doing wrong ? i never had fat around my belly and now i have that i cannot get rid off.
Maybe because you’re eating too much ?
my 2 cents, and i’m far from being an expert but do you count your calorie intakes? Not knowing your diet composition, It could be that your fat intake as a percentage of total cal has now increased too much relative to your carb and protein. Further, you may be exercising too much as well…..
I have a question(s) for Art:
There seem to be two camps (big picture-wise) with regard to this Paleo way of eating and heart disease: 1. That the cholesterol/lipid theory stuff is all hogwash and a myth, and 2. That the Paleo way of eating creates favorable lipid profiles. Not surprisingly, all Paleo camps agree that this way of eating/life create favorable circumstances with regard to atherosclerosis/heart health.
Do you believe in the lipid hypothesis? Why? Within this context, in what ways does your Evolutionary Fitness lifestyle specifically address and favorably deal with the issue of heart health?
Thank you (and thank you, Robb).
I don’t need validation. But you needed to voice your concerns about me. They had nothing to do with what I said.
My point was that you don’t talk about fast-twitch fibers and then cut to a toning-workout with 5 lb dumbbells. You saw it, you know what I mean.
It doesn’t jive with what I have read about Devany’s weight training ideology in his articles. Which is, IIRC, heavy weights to failure (HIT style).
I’m a cynic and what I see is catering to the masses. Heaven forbid that they would show someone exert some effort in the gym. That might suggest that it ain’t as easy as 1-2-3 and then you have a good physique. People want nice and easy.
Haha, noticed that as well.
However he did pull his car so that kind of makes up for it.
Kind of.
I believe DeVany does not advocate eating carbs after a workout, unlike Martin Berkhan’s leangains approach. It would be nice to have some clarification as to why he believes so.
Read my many posts on PWO nutrition for some insight on this. I’ll certainly ask Art.
Salim….perhaps too much exercise or at too high an intensity if the nutrition and a few supps are in order (Vit D in grey months if you live somewhere thus, mag, eeeeeodeeeene, etc)
De Vany is about as much the ‘grandfather’ of the paleo movement as i am the Queen of Sheba (Queen..perhaps Sheba def not)
The thing which always put me off Art is his atrocious self-aggrandizing which seems at its worst to be like some kind of frat boy tripe which is cringingly funny at best and at worst boring and a huge watering-down of the self evident message that’d otherwise be apparent.
As everyone knows the ‘tribes’ job was to keep the best hunters in line by collectively ridiculing them when they got too big for their boots. America doesn’t do this as other cultures do this isobvious.
However given we are now a global community… !
Merry Chrimble to all and hope its filled with rest relaxation and connectedness to ones fellow species member.
Simon Fellows
Always good stuff from Sir Fellows!
Girly Rob Hola..few typo’s ..
The thing which always put me off Art is his atrocious self-aggrandizing which seems at its worst to be like some kind of frat boy tripe which is cringingly funny (at best) and at it’s best boring and a huge watering-down of the self evident message that’d otherwise be apparent and really quite super.
that was on my iphone, blasted thing.
Excellent video, thanks for posting!
it’s not just an American thing as you don’t seem to do it (genuinely either make out or believe or portray you are the greatest specimen known on gods earth) and have a wonderfully self-depracating (defecating ?) style..Mike Eades certainly doesnt do it,Senor Loren doesn’t do it, you don’t.
It shouts massively to me that one can adopt a lifestyle that most fits our genetic template and be deadly healthy for ones age and yet still seem like emotionally one is stuck around 18 years of age..which seems more sad than anything else.But like most 18 yr olds they do , the men that is, need some ice water metaphorically throwing oer them to chill their ridiculousness !
Can’t seem to figure out if it’s possible to pull a transcript of the chat. Possible?
Not sure, checking on that.